Surely the following phrases about recycling motivate students, citizens or employees to have a more responsible behavior with nature. Sometimes a simple phrase can change a person's behavior for the better.
You may also be interested in these phrases about the environment or these of nature.
-If you want adults to recycle, just talk to children about the importance of recycling and they will.-Bill Nye.
-If you are not buying recycled products, you are not really recycling.-Ed Begley Jr.
-All the animal and human manure that the world discards, if it is returned to the earth instead of being thrown into the sea, it would be enough to feed the world.-Victor Hugo.
-Do not ruin it; good planets are hard to find.-Time.
-Recycling turns things into other things, which is almost magic.
-Recycling is excellent in many ways, although the ultimate goal is to get people to avoid waste in the first place.-Mckenzie Jones.
-You can tell how advanced a society is by the amount of garbage it recycles.-Dhyani Ywahoo.
-If we want the human species to survive more than 500 years, recycling should be required by law.-Anonymous.
-How to recycle well should be a compulsory subject in all schools.-Anonymous.
-If you don't recycle, you are not only hurting the earth, but also your children and the rest of the descendants of your family.-Anonymous.
-Recycling is the most important action if we want our precious planet to survive.-Anonymous.
-We live in a disposable society. It's easier to throw things out than to fix them. We even give it a name; We call it recycling.-Neil LaBute.
-We can teach our families and communities about the importance of recycling for the environment and how each of us can make a difference to have a new world.-Robert Alan Silverstein.
-There is enough in the world for human need but not for human greed.-Mohandas K. Gandhi.
-Modern technology owes ecology an apology.-Alan M. Eddison.
-I only feel pissed off when I see trash. When I see people throwing things that we could use.-Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
-There is something fundamentally wrong in treating the earth as if it were a business in liquidation.-Herman Daly.
-Each one of us can make changes in the way we live and be part of the solution to climate change.-Al Gore.
-Water and air, the two essential fluids on which life depends, have become global garbage cans.-Jacques Cousteau.
-Recycle in the present, save the future.
-Our waste problems are not only the fault of the producers. It is the fault of an economy that is wasteful from top to bottom; A symbiosis of unlimited greed at the top and lazy, passive and self-indulgent consumers at the bottom.-Wendell Berry.
-There seems to be a deep habit in our culture of throwing things away that can be reused. Mother Nature doesn't throw things away. Dead trees, birds, beetles and elephants are quickly recycled by the system.-William Booth.
-We must use the interlude of the present to develop a new technology that is based on a flow of materials, such that man's only sources of supplies are his own waste.-Kenneth E. Boulding.
-The worst threat to our planet is the belief that someone will save it.-Robert Swan.
-If we want to move towards a sustainable and low-polluting society, we need consumers to think about their purchases.-David Suzuki.
-The supreme reality of our time is the vulnerability of our planet.-John F. Kennedy.
-If you violate the laws of nature, you are your own prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner.-Luther Burbank.
-The only thing you can not recycle is wasted time.-Anonymous.
-We live on this planet as if we had another to go.-Terri Swearingen.
-Nature provides free food, but only if we control our appetite.-William Ruckelshaus.
-It is horrible that we have to fight against our government to save the environment.-Ansel Adams.
-By using the intelligence of natural systems, we can create industry, buildings, even regional plans that see nature and commerce as coexisting.-Brad Pitt.
-If you really believe that the environment is less important than the economy, try to hold your breath while you count your money.-Dr. Guy McPherson.
-Listen couch potatoes: each recycled beer can save enough to turn on a television for three hours.-Denis Hayes.
-Recycling aluminum can save enough aluminum to turn your television on for three hours.-Reynolds Metal Company.
-He who buys what he does not need steals from himself.-Swiss proverb.
-We do not inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.-Native American proverb.
-We abuse the land because we consider that it belongs to us. When we see it as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.-Aldo Leopold.
-Nature does not do anything useless.-Aristotle.
-Death is the way of nature to recycle human beings.-Anonymous.
-I feel more confident than ever that the power to save the planet resides in the individual consumer.-Denis Hayes.
-Don't waste even the smallest thing created, because grains of sand make mountains and atoms make infinity.-E. Knight.
-We believe that by recycling we solve the whole problem. However, it is also necessary to become aware of not consuming more than necessary, that is, to become responsible consumers.