- The most typical fruits of the Ecuadorian sierra
- 1- Sweet cucumber
- 2- Tree tomato
- 3- Monte papaya
- 4- Cherimoya
- 5- Toronche
- 6- Lulo
- 7- Orange
- 8- Grapefruit
- 9- Apple
- 10- Capulí
- 11- Pineapple
- 12- Tuna
- 13- Strawberries
- 14- Tangerine
- 15- Lemon
- 16- Lima
- 17- Openers
- 18- Taxo
- 19- Lucuma
- 20- Passion fruit
- 21- Granadilla
- 22- Guaba
- 23- Babaco
- 24- Plum Claudia
- 25- Avocado
- 26- Pitahaya
- 27- Uvilla
- 28- Kiwi
- 29- Coco Cumbi
- 30- Mora
- References
The most common fruits of the Ecuadorian mountains are sweet cucumber, tree tomato, grapefruit and apple, among many others. The diversity of ecosystems in the highlands of Ecuador, from areas of tropical humid forests to mountainous moorlands, is home to a great variety of typical fruits of the area and of sustainable production.
Ecuadorian society has a cultural philosophy of connection with its environment as it recognizes the value of the country's ecosystems. It promotes the production of typical fruits in the Andean areas as an economic activity, thus avoiding damaging the environment by cutting down trees to make room for planting corn or grass for cattle.
Papaya is one of the most typical fruits of the Ecuadorian mountains.
For this reason, it is quite common to see communities protect endemic fruit species in plantings, gardens and orchards, which play an important role with the colorful landscapes of the mountains.
Likewise, they promote the distribution and sale of their typical fruits in local markets and their use in the Ecuadorian diet and cuisine.
It is an effort to rescue their roots and traditional flavors considered lost in the life of modernity, educating the younger and urban generations about the natural heritage that surrounds them. You may also be interested in seeing 30 animals of the Ecuadorian sierra and their characteristics.
The most typical fruits of the Ecuadorian sierra
1- Sweet cucumber
Source: Rob Hille via Wikimedia Commons
Andean species of cucumber that has been domesticated since pre-Hispanic times but today it is only known as a species in crops. Due to its sweet taste, it can be eaten ripe as a refreshing fruit to replenish itself after physical effort.
Its light yellow color, speckles, longitudinal lines and purple color when ripe makes the fruit attractive to the eye. Its nutritional value is low but it is recognized for its diuretic properties due to the high concentration of water (90%).
2- Tree tomato
Native species of the Andes that its domestication and established cultivation took place before the arrival of the discovery of America. The fruit is attributed medicinal properties to alleviate respiratory discomfort and combat anemia.
It can be consumed raw when ripening, preferably without a bitter taste shell. It can also be found cooked in various traditional dishes that include sweet sauces or stews.
3- Monte papaya
A related fruit of papaya from more tropical areas that can grow higher in thicker and more robust trees, which means greater production and greater size. It is usually found in decorating gardens of family homes due to the color of the plant and the consistency of the fruit.
4- Cherimoya
Native fruit of the inter-Andean valley of Ecuador that has been successfully distributed and cultivated in Anglo-Saxon countries since the 19th century. Its shape is conical or hunch and the inner flesh, which surrounds the seeds, is sweet and juicy. It grows quite fast in temperate and subtropical zones, but can tolerate moderate cold.
5- Toronche
Source: Michael Hermann via Wikimedia Commons
The toronche in Ecuador has about 22 different species in the south of the mountain range, but despite this it has not been cultivated on large scales. It is yellow in color when ready for consumption. It is used to make juices and desserts.
6- Lulo
Also known as naranjilla, it grows well at heights of 2300 meters above sea level. It is quite common in juices, ice creams, and jams but can be consumed raw as fresh fruit. It is usually sown under the shade of larger plants such as coffee or soursop.
7- Orange
Citrus fruit larger than lemon and sweeter. It is very common to make juices or combine its flavor in special dishes. With special care can be given throughout the year.
8- Grapefruit
Also called grapefruit, it is a nutrient-rich citrus fruit similar to orange or lemon, but with fewer calories. Therefore, it is used as a supplement in weight reduction diets, both in the form of pulp and in juice.
9- Apple
Fruit that was introduced in the Americas after the time of the conquests. Ecuador has an apple production area in the center of the mountains, where there are 6 different varieties. It is commonly consumed fresh, but it is also used for sweets, salads, and liqueurs.
10- Capulí
Source: John PC via Wikimedia Commons
Small fruit with a very sweet and pleasant dark color. It can be consumed directly or prepared in juices, jams, desserts and artisan preserves. The tree begins to produce its fruits after four years of growth and has a longevity of up to 80 years in the mountainous forests of the sierra.
11- Pineapple
Better known as pineapple, it is a fruit from tropical or sub-tropical environments that can tolerate short exposures to cold above -2 ° C. Quite well known and demanded for its semi-sweet acid flavor and abundant meat rich in water concentration.
12- Tuna
It is a fruity species of cactus-like plants that sprouts between the spiny arms of the plant. It grows wild in the driest areas of the Sierra Valley. It is sweet and juicy and is believed to help with digestion problems.
13- Strawberries
Also commonly known as strawberry, it is produced permanently in the south of the country for its profitability and famous appeal. It is cultivated most efficiently in greenhouses, both in local home gardens and in large private crops.
14- Tangerine
Citrus fruit rich in vitamins and minerals, widely produced and consumed within Ecuador. Originally from China, now it adorns patios and gardens both on the coast and in the mountains. Used for direct consumption as well as in jams and sweets.
15- Lemon
A fairly common citrus fruit with a sour taste used to flavor foods. Despite having a warm climate, it is highly produced in Ecuador, especially in the lower areas of the inter-Andean valley.
16- Lima
Citrus fruit similar to the lemon that is also grown in parallel to it and serves as a complement in dishes as seasoning or in juices.
17- Openers
Better known as peach or peach, it is a sweet, juicy fruit with a very pleasant aroma. This fruit, after its introduction in colonial times, adapted better in the areas closest to the Amazon.
You can also get your crops in the Andean valley areas between 1600 and 3300 meters above sea level.
18- Taxo
Source: user Fibonacci via Wikimedia Commons
It is used in juices, many desserts and to accompany typical dishes. It emits a very pleasant aroma when ripe. Its yellowish or orange pulp is firm and fleshy, full of small black seeds.
19- Lucuma
Fruit native to the Andean areas that grows wild in the areas of the mountain range. It is oblong green in color that tends to be conical at its apex. It turns darker when ripe, its pulp is between orange and yellow and has a very sweet flavor. It is used mainly in the preparation of desserts and ice cream.
20- Passion fruit
Also known as passion fruit or passion fruit, it is a sub tropical species but it has adapted to colder climates above -5 ° C without suffering damage. The plant is a climber and can become entangled up to 4 meters.
21- Granadilla
Called by its common name of pomegranate, it is easily produced in Ecuador due to favorable climatic and soil conditions. It is famous for having many seeds inside, each surrounded by juicy pulp.
22- Guaba
Long Andean fruit shaped like a machete and with a hard green rind. The pulp of the white specks inside is very sweet.
23- Babaco
Fruit of the same species as papaya, it can grow in cold climates without the presence of ice frost, but always in the sun. Babaco meat is very juicy, slightly acidic and low in sugar.
24- Plum Claudia
They are plums with firm flesh, characteristic for their sweet or sour taste with abundant juiciness. They ripen quite quickly so it is recommended to keep refrigerated.
25- Avocado
Commonly known as avocado, it is a creamy fruit well known for its nutritional values and fat properties that do not affect cholesterol in a negative way. It has many uses in dishes around the world, which makes it in high demand.
26- Pitahaya
It is a very aromatic, colorful and sweet fruit with many nutritional values and medicinal properties. The leaves are used for infusions against headaches and insomnia. It is also known by the name of dragon fruit.
27- Uvilla
An almost wild fruit that has been distributed throughout the mountains. Its production is very traditional, especially under greenhouse. The temperate Ecuadorian climate offers the most favorable conditions for planting and cultivation
28- Kiwi
Species introduced to the American continent at the beginning of the century from China. The Ecuadorian variety has adapted to the temperate climate, although it needs a long season without much cold to grow. Once ripe, it better tolerates low temperatures.
29- Coco Cumbi
Also known by the name of mountain coconut, it is a fruit with a hard cover that is produced by a species of palm tree typical of the highlands.
30- Mora
Also known as blackberry of Castile, they are fruits whose berries adhere grouped in small clusters that darken as they mature, from green to red and purple.
It is easily produced between 1500 and 3100 meters above sea level, close to higher subtropical climates in the mountains.
- Sánchez Vega. Andean Fruits. NewCrop Resource Online Program. Purdue University - Center for new crops & plants products. Recovered from hort.purdue.edu.
- California Rare Fruit Growers Inc. Fruit Facts. Recovered from crfg.org.
- Nature and Culture International. Sustainable Production of Native Andean Fruits. natureandculture.org.
- Definitions-of (2016) Flora and Fauna of the Andes mountain range. Dictionary of ALEGSA - Argentina. definitions-of.com.
- Hacienda Verde - Permaculture & Abdean dry Forest at Zero Latitude. List of Fruits in Ecuatorial Andes. zerolatitudetours.com.
- Verón Lucy (2012). List of fruits of the Ecuadorian Andes. lucyveron.wordpress.com.
- El Comercio newspaper. Different entries about fruits from Ecuador. elcomercio.com.