- Importance of standards in schools
- 1. Excellent attendance and punctuality
- 2. Students cannot bring electronic games
- 3. Raise your hand before speaking
- 4. “Bullying” is prohibited
- 5. Addictive / intoxicating substances are prohibited
- 6. Develop two large and ambitious projects each year
- 7. Use polite language
- 8. Ask for help if you need it
- 9. Keep the school clean
- 10. Students must be properly equipped for each class
- 11. Basic hygiene
- 12. Respect for the teacher / teacher
- Recommended Movies
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- References
The rules of school coexistence are important to maintain order within the student space. These rules are intended to always maintain respect within the classroom, both for the teacher, who takes the role of class leader, and for the other students.
The norms or rules are a set of opinions that command or prohibit certain practices that are harmful to a group or to the person himself. In turn, these rules may be designed to encourage certain behaviors.
An adequate choice of standards for a classroom, or educational institution, manages to encourage good practices in students, which in the future can become better people and better professionals.
Importance of standards in schools
Simple things like encouraging punctuality within students, create improvements in them for which they will be valued in their professional lives. Thus, values that many take practically for granted, are those that are increasingly scarce in workers.
On the other hand, always maintaining a climate of respect, promoting things as simple as listening silently to the opinion of another colleague, can create individuals who are capable of respecting their colleagues.
Another facet that students and future professionals must embrace is the ability to overcome frustration. In this sense, it is important to create a climate of respect in the face of adversity.
Respect and knowing how to treat an authority figure is also fundamental for the training of future professionals, since in most jobs they will interact with bosses or people with a higher hierarchical position.
We invite you to know 10 basic rules of school coexistence, to promote companionship relationships and even the performance of students and the teacher:
1. Excellent attendance and punctuality
As regulated by the New York State Department of Education, punctuality and constant attendance to classes create a habit of responsibility in people.
It is important that students attend as many classes as possible as truancy is only acceptable in most schools due to illness, family bereavement, approved medical or dental appointments, or an emergency.
In the event that students who are absent from daily classes, and do not have any special permission, they will face disciplinary action.
2. Students cannot bring electronic games
In most opportunities, these items can cause students to lose focus in class, making the learning process difficult.
This rule also protects the school against any loss or theft that valuables may have in students' objects, making it clear that these events are not the responsibility of the institution.
3. Raise your hand before speaking
Raising your hand to ask to speak is one of the main rules of educational institutions in the United States, as it encourages order in how opinion is delivered, listening to all voices.
This code is made to promote respect in students, as listening is important for students of all ages.
Including this in your class rules gives you a chance to point out both a good example of respectful listening and the right problems.
4. “Bullying” is prohibited
Every year we know more cases of bullying in the media and the damage that it can generate in the lives of affected students and also their families are known. There have even been reports of suicide by boys and girls who have suffered from these practices in their school.
This is why, as mentioned by the Juan Bosco congregation of schools, harassment between students is completely prohibited, and the maximum possible infraction must be applied in the event of these attacks.
Juan Bosco's text also explains that for the school "there is never justification for harassment, intimidation, assault and sexual harassment of any individual".
Bullying can take many forms, the clearest example of which is making fun of another student, something practically all children do as a prank.
This classroom rule is a great way to make students realize how painful a small action can be.
In the same way, students should be encouraged not to break this classroom rule, through examples where good treatment towards their classmates is clear, leaving aside any type of violence.
5. Addictive / intoxicating substances are prohibited
All types of drugs are completely prohibited within the school. The institutions even penalize their consumption on the way to and from school, or while the student participates in any activity related to their course, classmates or school
6. Develop two large and ambitious projects each year
This rule is created so that students can commit to their ideas, and thus they can move them forward. As teacher expert Ann Michaels explains on her blog, teachers "want robust projects that squeeze their brains, that make them think outside the box."
This rule is directly associated with the creativity that students must have and with the ability to undertake projects and find viable solutions to carry them out, with the resilience that students must have.
The quality of resilience will also be very useful in your life as a future worker.
7. Use polite language
Teaching children and youth to avoid treating their teachers by name, profanity, and derogatory terms is a critical aspect of teaching today.
For teachers this aspect must be very careful, since they must make it clear to their students that hateful or rude language will not be tolerated in their classroom, and that all communication that takes place within the classroom must be based on respect..
The volume of the voice with which children express themselves should also be an aspect to consider, since sometimes young people can raise their tone in the company of their comrades when witnessing something emotional.
Generally, a simple reminder is all a child needs to lower the volume and maintain a calm environment.
8. Ask for help if you need it
Many students have ingrained the concept that if you ask for help you are admitting that you are stupid. This classroom rule removes this belief, opening the door for students to get the help they need.
Another paradigm that also promotes this rule is the camaraderie among students, since on many occasions it is the students themselves who provide help to their colleagues, also making their own knowledge grow.
Resistance and tolerance for failure are also exercised if students dare to follow this rule, since it is a fact that students can make mistakes and for this very reason, they must accept help and overcome their fears.
9. Keep the school clean
This basic coexistence rule is made to empower students and give them a sense of responsibility and belonging to their school. This is at least promoted by the New Zealand Westlake Boys High School, which states that "it is the responsibility of each student in the school to ensure that the school is free of litter."
This concept is further supported by the fact that students are also encouraged to take responsibility for the garbage in their immediate neighborhood and to place any garbage in the many containers placed around the school.
Students need to learn that damaging the property of others is prohibited. Making and enforcing rules against taking, using, or damaging personal or school property will help students learn respect and boundaries - it provides them with essential skills for school life and later adult life.
10. Students must be properly equipped for each class
This regulation is delivered so that students can receive knowledge of their classes in the best possible way, since if all students have the necessary material the class will not delay. This will avoid wasting time such as borrowing a pencil or book.
In some educational establishments, especially those where students do not have access to the necessary school supplies, or if family situations make it difficult to arrive prepared.
This rule may be changed to include visits to a room supply cabinet at the beginning of the school day where all students can receive the materials they need to develop better within the classroom.
11. Basic hygiene
Although hygiene is more dependent on parental education, certain rules of personal hygiene can also be encouraged at school. Some of them are bathing, using deodorant (especially for pre and teenagers), washing hands or wearing clean clothes.
12. Respect for the teacher / teacher
This is a fundamental rule, so obvious that it can be overlooked. Teachers or teachers should be seen as authority figures, who must be obeyed, listened to and respected.
Recommended Movies
One of the most emotional and entertaining ways to see the importance of standards in schools is with movies. Here is a list that you can use as a professional to reflect or to show in class:
Wonder (2017) - film to reflect on bullying.
The club of dead poets - is about the importance of the teacher to awaken motivation in his students.
Boys Choir - also discusses the importance of the teacher to inspire and teach.
Street diaries - deals with the great importance that a teacher can have in the lives of their students.
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- General School Rules. Retrieved from schools.nyc.gov.
- The top tens. Recovered from thetoptens.com/common-rules-school.
- Kildysart Community College. Recovered at kildysartcc.com.
- Connected Teaching and Learning. Recovered at annmichaelsen.com.
- Top 10 Classroom Rules. Recovered at: catalogs.com.
- School Rules and Regulations. Recovered at westlake.school.nz.
- School Rules and Expectations. Recovered at hornby.school.nz.