I leave you the best quotes about the dreams of great historical figures such as Walt Disney, Gabriel Garcia Márquez, Paulo Coelho, Vincent van Gogh, Aristotle, Malcolm Forbes, Oscar Wilde, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Eleanor Roosevelt and many more.
You may also be interested in these phrases of hope or these of inspiration.
35-A dream does not magically come true: it takes sweat, determination and hard work.-Colin Powell.
-All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.-Walt Disney.
-The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.-Eleanor Roosevelt.
-Dare to dream the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.
-The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But most of all, the world needs dreamers who do.-Sarah Ban Breathnach.
-At first, dreams seem impossible, then improbable and eventually inevitable.-Christopher Reeve.
-We must never stop dreaming. Dreams provide nutrition for the soul, just like a meal does for the body.-Paulo Coelho.
-Don't give up on your dreams or your dreams will give up on you.-John Wooden.
-Too many of us do not live our dreams because we live our fears.-Les Brown.
-The greatest adventure you can go through is living the life of your dreams.-Oprah Winfrey.
-A dream is a wish that your heart makes.-Walt Disney.
-Every great dream begins with a great dreamer. Always remember: you have within you the strength, patience and passion to reach for the stars and change the world.-Harriet Tubman.
-You have to dream before your dreams come true.-APJ Abdul Kalam.
-It is not true that people stop pursuing their dreams because they are older, they get older because they stop pursuing their dreams.-Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
-Reality is wrong. Dreams are real.-Tupac Shakur.
-Don't dream little dreams, because they don't have the power to move the hearts of men.-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
-They never give you a dream without also granting you the power to make it real.-Richard Bach.
-To achieve great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe.-Anatole France.
-When you have a dream you have to catch it and never let it go.-Carol Burnett.
-We all have dreams. But to make dreams come true, it takes a great deal of determination, dedication, self-discipline and effort.-Jesse Owens.
-A dreamer is the one who can only find his way with the light of the Moon and his punishment is that he sees the sunrise before the rest of the world.-Oscar Wilde.
-There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.-Paulo Coelho.
-Go for it now. The future is not promised to anyone.-Wayne W. Dyer.
-Dreams are necessary for life.-Anais Nin.
-Dream as if you were going to live forever. Live as if you were going to die today.-James Dean.
-You have to have a dream to be able to get up in the morning.-Billy Wilder.
-When we are motivated by goals that have a deep meaning, by dreams that need to be completed, by pure love that needs to be expressed, then we truly live life.-Greg Anderson.
-Dreams must be heard and accepted, because many of them come true.-Paracelsus.
-Aim high, because the stars are hidden in your soul. Dream deeply, because each dream precedes the goal.-Pamela Vaull Starr.
-I have discovered that there are ways to get almost anywhere you want to go, if you really want to.-Langston Hughes.
-Any dream that is worth dreaming, is worth the effort to make it come true.-Evan Gourley.
-Do everything you can to make your dreams come true.-Joel Osteen.
-For those who dare to dream, there is a whole world to win.-Dhirubhai Ambani.
-Dreams and passions stored in our hearts are the most important keys that can unlock our potential.-John C. Maxwell.
-If dreaming little is dangerous, the cure is not to dream less, but to dream more, dream all the time.-Marcel Proust.
-Dreams, if they are something good, are always a little crazy.-Ray Charles.
-When you stop dreaming, you stop living.-Malcolm Forbes.
3Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions.-Edgar Cayce.
-I dream my painting and I paint my dream.-Vincent van Gogh.
-It may be that those who do more, dream more.-Stephen Butler Leacock.
-A journey of a thousand kilometers must begin with a single step.-Lao Tzu.
42-If one confidently advances in the direction of his dreams and strives to live the life he has imagined, he will meet unexpected success.-Henry David Thoreau.
-Yesterday is the memory of today and tomorrow is the dream of today.-Khalil Gibran.
-I've had dreams and I've had nightmares. I get over nightmares because I have dreams.-Jonas Salk.
-The more you can dream, the more you can do.-Michael Korda.
-The one who looks outside dreams, the one who looks inside wakes up.-Carl Jung.
-The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.-Paul Valery.
-Hold on to your dreams, because if they die, life is a bird with broken wings that cannot fly.-Lanston Hughes.
-The essential step to get the things you want in life is this: decide what you want.-Ben Stein.
-Hope is a waking dream.-Aristotle.
-Don't let yourself be paralyzed by fear; It is what prevents so many people from living their dreams.-Mark Fisher.
-Don't follow the path, go instead where there is no path and leave a mark.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.
- Be ready to be uncomfortable. Get comfortable being uncomfortable. It may be hard, but it is a small price to pay for a dream lived.-Peter McWilliams.
-In dreams responsibility begins.-William Butler Yeats.
-Never set limits, go after your dreams, do not be afraid to push your limits.-Paula Radcliffe.
-Let's make our future now, let's make our dreams of tomorrow come true.-Malala Yousafzai.
-You have to keep pushing towards those dreams, no matter the setbacks that happen.-Anthony Hamilton.
-Sometimes, the only realists are the dreamers.-Paul Wellstone.
-Big dreams create the magic that guide people's souls to greatness.-Bill McCartney.
-We do not dare because things are difficult, they are difficult because we do not dare.-Seneca.
-If you can imagine it, you can get it. If you can dream it, you can be it.-William Arthur Ward.
-The future you see is the future you get.-Robert G Allen.
-Only in our dreams we are free. The rest of the time we need salaries.-Terry Pratchett.
-A positive attitude can make dreams come true.-David Bailey.
-Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths.-Joseph Campbell.
-Dreams only have one owner at a time. That's why dreamers are alone.-Erma Bombeck.
-Our life is more real when we are in waking dreams.-Henry David Thoreau.
-All successful people are great dreamers. They imagine what their ideal future could be like in all aspects, and they work every day for that vision, goal or purpose.-Brian Tracy.
-Not fulfilling your dreams will be a loss for the world, because the world needs the gift of everyone.-Barbara Sher.
-Caress your vision and dreams, since they are the children of your soul, the traces of your achievements.-Napoleon Hill.
-Commitment leads to action. Action brings you closer to your dreams.-Marcia Wieder.
-A man is not old until repentance takes the place of his dreams.-John Barrymore.
-You must go after your wishes. As soon as you start chasing a dream, your life wakes up and everything has meaning.-Barbara Sher.
-Be a dreamer. If you do not know how to dream, you are dead.-Jim Valvano.
-It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else.-Erma Bombeck.
-Help others to achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.-Les Brown.
-Have the courage to pursue your dreams. It is the first step to reach your destination.-Nikita Koloff.
-I prefer the dreams of the future than the history of the past.-Patrick Henry.
-Lose your dreams and you could lose your head.-Mick Jagger.
-Those who dream during the day are aware of many more things that escape those who only dream at night.-Edgar Allan Poe.
-The most pathetic person in the world is the one who has sight but no vision.-Hellen Keller.
-When we can not dream anymore, we die.-Emma Goldman.
-Dreams grow if you grow.-Zig Ziglar.
-There is a lot of blood, sweat and courage behind the dreams achieved and successes.-Paul Bryant.
-Within our dreams and aspirations we find our opportunities.-Sugar Ray Leonard.
-Trust in dreams, because in them they hide the door to eternity.-Kahil Gibran.
-The individual from whom much is expected can rise above the height of events and make a dream come true.-Elbert Hubbard.
-Nothing happens unless you first have a dream.-Carl Sandburg.
-There is nothing like a dream to create the future.-Victor Hugo.
-Be true to the dreams of your youth.-Friedrich Schiller.
-The man is a genius when he is dreaming.-Akira Kurosawa.
-The desire is transformed into impulse when the dream creates a passion to act.-Dr. Robert Anthony.
-There is always a realistic way to realize any dream. There has never been a dream that you can not have.-Barbara Sher.
-You can plant a dream.-Anne Campbell.
-What is the purpose of living if you do not go after your dreams? -Samson Reiny.
-Dreams do not die, people give up.-Tyler Perry.
-We are going to have to have a dream if we have to make a dream come true.-Denis Waitley.
-All men of action are dreamers.-James Huneker.
-Keep your dreams alive. To achieve anything you need faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. -Gail Devers.
-Stay true to yourself, always be open to learn. Work hard, and never give up on your dreams, even when no one else thinks they can come true. -Phikkip Sweet.
-Dreaming is the consolation of hardships for those who suffer them awake. -Miguel de Cervantes.
-You know you are in love when you can fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. -Dr Seuss.
-You can say that I am a dreamer but I am not the only one. I hope that one day you will join us. And the world will live as one. -John Lennon.
-Everything we see or everything we seem is simply a dream within a dream. -Edgar Allan Poe.
-Hold on to dreams. Because if dreams die, life is similar to a bird with broken wings and cannot fly. -Langston Hughes.
-I believe in everything until it is refuted. So I believe in fairies, myths, dragons. Everything exists, even if it is in your mind. Who can say that dreams and nightmares are not as real as the here and now? -John Lennon.
-People think that dreams are not real simply because they are not made of matter, of particles. Dreams are real. But they are made of points of view, images, memories… and lost hopes. -Neil Gaiman.
-I think we dream so we don't have to be apart for so long. If we are in each other's dreams, we can be together all the time. -AA Milne.
-Dream. Sometimes I think it's the only right thing to do. -Haruki Murakami.
-The possibility of making a dream come true is what makes life interesting. -Paulo Coelho.
-A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream that you dream of someone else is a reality. -John Lennon.
-We are the creators of music and we are the dreamers of dreams. -Arthur O'Shaughnessy.
-Dreams are the touchstones of our character. -Henry David Thoreau.
-Don't be intimidated by the fears in your mind. Let yourself be carried away by the dreams in your heart. -Roy T. Bennett.
-He who remains a long time observing dreams, ends up being similar to a shadow. -André Malraux.
-Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and purpose rather than the expectations and opinions of others. -Roy T. Bennett.
-If you want your dreams to come true, you must wake up. -Ambrose Bierce.
-Usually I thought while watching Hollywood night "there must be thousands of girls sitting alone like me, dreaming of becoming a movie star." But I didn't worry about it. I'm dreaming more -Marilyn Monroe.
-Always dream higher than you know you can reach. -William Faulkner.
-Sometimes the dreams that come true are the dreams that you didn't even know you had. -Alice Sebold.
-A book is a dream that you hold in your hands. -Neil Gaiman.
-I had a dream in my life, I dreamed that they stayed with me forever. -Emily Bronte.
-I will let you be in my dreams if I can be in your dreams. -Bob Dylan.
-Did you hear about a rose that grew from a crack in the ground? Proving that the laws of nature were wrong… Funny, it seems he kept his dreams; learned to breathe fresh air. Long live the rose that grew… when no one else cared. -Tupac Shakur.
-Dreaming is supposed to live a little, but to live dreaming is simply to cease to exist. -Jean Paul Sartre.
-All men dream but not alike. Those who dream at night wake up during the day and discover that it was vanity, but day dreamers are dangerous men, because they can make their dreams come true with their eyes open. -TE Lawrence.
-When our dreams come true is when we understand the richness of our imagination and the poverty of our reality. -Ninon de Lenclos.
-A man must dream for a long time to act great. -Jean Genet.
-Be careful what you water in your dreams. Water them with worry and fear, and you will produce weeds that will choke the life of your dreams. Water them with optimism and solutions, and you will cultivate success. -Lao Tsu.
-Always stay tuned for ways to nurture your dreams. -Lao Tsu.
-Let's not forget our dreams due to lack of time. If you really want to, you can. -Paulo Coelho.
-You see things and questions, why? But I dream things that have never been and I say: Why not? -George Bernard Shaw.
-Take care of your dreams, they are the siren of souls. They sing, they call us, we follow them and we never return. -Gustave Flaubert.
-I like dreams about the future more than the history of the past. -Thomas Jefferson.
-Stay focused, pursue your dreams and keep moving towards your goals. -LL Cool J.
-Dream and give yourself permission to visualize a you that you must choose. -Joy Page.
-Dreams are excursions to the limbo of things, they are an outlet for the human prison. -Henri Amiel.
-Follow your heart and your dreams will come true.-Unknown author.
-No dreamer is too small, no dream is too big.-Unknown author.
-Only big dreams inspire, reasonable dreams don't inspire anyone. Cast your heart out and have a strategy, not an ideal one, but one that executes. Act small, little by little and that each step you take in your life will lead you to your dream. The result is that little by little you will become who you really want and you will have the experience of living fully.-Mario Alonso Puig.
-I dream that one day in the red hills of Georgia, the children of former slaves and the children of slave owners will be able to sit together at the brotherhood table. -Martin Luther King.
-I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live the true meaning of its creed: "That all men were created equal." -Martin Luther King.
-Believe in your dreams. They were given to you for a reason.-Katina Mayer.