I leave you the best phrases to animate the day of great characters in history such as Confucius, Thomas Edison, Marcus Aurelius, Audrey Hepburn, Hellen Keller, John Lennon and many more.
You may also be interested in these phrases to lift your spirits or you are of self-esteem.
-When you choose hope, everything is possible.-Christopher Reeve.
-The best way to encourage yourself is to try to encourage someone else.-Mark Twain.
-The winners know that Rome was not built in a day and they accept each day as it is.-Alexander Stone.
-Don't get too excited when things go well and do not get too upset when things go wrong.-Bjorn Johnson.
-Take the first step with faith. You don't have to see the entire staircase, you just have to take the first step.-Martin Luther King, Jr.
-Don't judge every day by the harvest you harvest, but by the seeds you plant.-Robert Louis Stevenson.
-Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy. There will be stress in life, but it is your decision to leave whether it affects you or not.-Valerie Bertinelli.
-I can not change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust the sails to reach my destination.-Jimmy Dean.
-Everything you have always wanted is on the other side of fear.-George Addair.
-If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always a second chance. What we call failure is not falling down, but not getting up.-Mary Pickford.
-In three words I can summarize everything I have learned about life. Continue forward.-Robert Frost.
-Thank you for what you have; you will end up having more. If you focus on what you do not have, you will never have enough.-Oprah Winfrey.
-The wisest person is not the one who has the least failures, but the one who knows how to turn their failures into the best stories.-Richard R. Grant.
-The only time you fail is when you fall and do not get up.-Stephen Richards.
- Cheer up. Even if life is not easy now, in the end it will be worth it. Everything gets better with time.-Unknown author.
-Every minute that you are pissed you lose sixty seconds of happiness.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.
-Most of our happiness or misfortune depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances.-Martha Washington.
-I am not discouraged, because each failed attempt is a step forward.-Thomas Edison.
-Have good cheer. Don't think about the failures of today, but about the success that will come tomorrow. You have set difficult tasks, but you will be successful if you persevere and you will find pleasure in overcoming obstacles.-Hellen Keller.
-After every storm there is a smile; For every problem there is a solution and the inalienable duty of the soul is to be of good cheer.-William R. Alger.
-Hard times always show true friends.-Unknown author.
-Are you bored with life? Then start in some work in which you believe with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find the happiness that you never believed could be yours.-Audrey Hepburn.
-You can not be happy unless you are unhappy sometimes.-Lauren Oliver.
-Good things happen every day. We just have to realize them.-Anne Wilson Schaef.
-Most of our happiness or misfortune depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances.-Martha Washington.
-Count your age by your friends, not by the years. Count your life for your smiles, not for your tears.-John Lennon.
- Cheer up! Adversity breaks some men; others break records from her.-William A. Ward.
-Adversity is a fact of life. It cannot be controlled. What we control is how we react to it.-Unknown author.
-Today I have nothing to do except smile.-Paul Simon.
-There are no failures, only experiences and reactions to them.-Tom Krause.
-You become a champion by fighting one more round. When things are tough, you fight one more round.-James Corbett.
-If there is no fight, there is no progress.-Frederick Douglass.
-If you do not climb the mountain you will never be able to enjoy the landscape.-Pablo Neruda.
35-Obstacles are the frightening things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.-Henry Ford.
35-Difficult things take a long time, impossible things a little more.-André A. Jackson.
58-We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.-Martin Luther King, Jr.
-If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always a second chance. What we call failure is not falling down, but not getting up.-Mary Pickford.
-Stop wasting time thinking about your problems and work on finding solutions.-Celestine Chua.
-The moment you doubt if you can fly, you cease to be able to do it forever.-JM Barrie.
-The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can not.-Walter Bagehot.
-Think big but savor the little pleasures.-H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
-You don't develop the courage to be happy in your personal relationships. You develop it by surviving difficult times and adversity.-Epicurus.
-People often say that motivation does not last long. That is why it is recommended to renew it.-Zig Ziglar.
-One of the healthiest, safest and most generous pleasures in life comes from being happy for the good fortune of others.-Robert Heinlein.
-Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I will show you someone who has overcome adversity.-Lou Holtz.
-Never give up, you sit and lament. Find another way.-Satchel Paige.
-In the midst of chaos there is also opportunity.-Sun Tzu.
-Success builds character, failure reveals it.-Unknown author.
-Life is not about finding yourself. Life tries to create yourself.-George Bernard Shaw.
-Being happy does not mean that you are perfect. It means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections.-KB Indiana.
-The bravest vision in the world is to see a great man fight against adversity.-Seneca.
25-Hold on to a place within you where there is joy, and joy will incinerate pain.-Joseph Campbell.
-Try and fail but do not fail to try.-Unknown author.
-All exit is an entrance to somewhere.-Tom Stoppard.
-The generous effort to encourage others will be the beginning of a happier life for ourselves.-Helen Keller.
-Hope is the power to cheer up in the circumstances in which we usually despair.-GK Chesterton.
-Good people are good because they have come to wisdom from failure.-Unknown author.
-Better to have loved and lost a love than never to have loved.-Alfred Lord Tennyson.
-Most people fail because they focus on things in life without importance.-Anthony Robbins.
-Meditate on the beauty of life. Look at the stars and see yourself running with them.-Marco Aurelio.
-Cheer up when night comes, because the morning always gives you a new opportunity.-Unknown author.
-Happiness is an attitude. We make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.-Francesca Reigler.
-The true measure of success is how many times you can recover from failure.-Stephen Richards.
-Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in getting up every time we fail.-Confucius.
-No one is in control of happiness, except yourself. Therefore, you have the power to change anything in your life that you want to change.-Barbara de Angelis.
-The man who moved the mountain began by carrying a simple stone.-Confucius.
-Sometimes our light turns off but turns on again thanks to an encounter with another human being.-Albert Schweitzer.
-I have accepted the feeling of not knowing where I am going and I have trained myself to love it. When we are in the middle of nowhere, with no land on which we can land, that's when we make our wings unfold and fly.-C. JoyBell C.
-The more reasons we have to be grateful, the happier we will be.-Douglas Wood.
-Hope is important because it makes the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, then we can bear the difficulties of today.-Thich Nhat Hanh.
-Instead of insisting on the faults of a person, remind him of his virtues.-Eleanor H. Porter.
-I will not stop striving to achieve success. I will not stop being who I am.-Alexander Stone.
-We do not give thanks because we are happy, we are happy because we give thanks.-Douglas Wood.
-If you push the truth off a cliff, it will fly. You can submerge the truth in water, but it won't drown. You can burn it, but it will survive. You can bury it underground, but it will rise up. The truth always prevails.-Amaka Imani Nkosazana.
-Close your eyes and put your face in front of the wind. Feel your skin sweep into an invisible ocean of exaltation. Suddenly, you realize that you are alive.-Vera Nazarian.
-If it's not exactly how you expected it to be, you think it's a failure. But what about the colored spectra in between? -Sara Evans.
-Compared to trying and winning, the next best thing that can happen to you is to try and fail.-LM Montgomery.
-The winners do not whine, they roar.-Alexander Stone.
-The love that is given voluntarily cannot be taken away, it never goes away.-Cameron Dokey.
-Everyone has challenges and difficulties in life. It is part of our moral test. The reason these challenges cannot be understood without faith and hope is because they are part of a larger purpose that we do not understand.-James E. Faust.
-The more we are grateful, the more reasons we will find to be grateful.-Douglas Wood.
-The winners see what they did wrong and, instead of complaining, they look for ways to do it better.-Alexander Stone.
-You can wake up every day waiting for a new adventure.-Julie B. Beck.
-Peace comes from hope.-James E. Faust.
-What men and women need is to be encouraged.-Eleanor H. Porter.
-If you always relate positive emotions with the things you want and never relate negative emotions with the things you do not want, then your wishes will be fulfilled in one way or another.-Matt D. Miller.
-The winners have setbacks but they learn to adjust their belts and move on.-Alexander Stone.
-In the darkest moment we discover the true force of the light that is within us, which can never, never be extinguished.-Doe Zantamata.
-I always find a way and the way always finds me.-Charles F. Glassman.
-The heart that gives thanks is a happy heart, because we cannot feel grateful and unhappy at the same time.-Douglas Wood.
-I am a winner. Winning is an attitude. You take the good and the bad and keep moving forward. Sometimes it is difficult, you get tired and wear yourself out but you keep moving forward anyway, because you can.-Alexander Stone.
-If you fill your mind with positive thoughts, you can endure any situation.-Lailah Gifty Akita.
- "Unreasonable", "unrealistic" and "impractical" are expressions used to marginalize a person to an idea that does not conform to conventional standards.-Chris Guillebeau.
-Life is not about breathing but about the moments that take your breath away.-George Strait.
-Today was a difficult day, tomorrow will be better.-Kevin Henkes.
-Sadness, disappointment and particularly difficult challenges are events in life, not life. Don't minimize how difficult they can be. They can last a long time, but they cannot be the center of who you are.-Richard G. Scott.
-May you find the courage to rise above the circumstances.-Lailah Gifty Akita.
-The Lord gives us the spirit of hope and the feeling of comfort and confidence so that we can overcome the obstacles we face. It shows us the way to strength when we are fighting.-L. Lionel Kendrick.
-Let's do everything in our power.-Joseph Smith Jr.
-Kindness is a magical spell made by beings of light, which seeks to enchant hearts and lift sad souls so that they can fly.-Richelle E. Goodrich.
-Each beginner has the potential to become an expert in their area.-Lailah Gifty Akita.
-I hope that whoever you are, wherever you are and no matter how you feel, you always have a reason to smile.-Sabober Khan.
-Dance daily makes the soul ascend to the spiritual realms.-Lailah Gifty Akita.
-You look like a shipwreck but, through your eyes, we see the treasure under the ocean that shines within you.-Curtis Tyrone Jones.
-Never let the feeling that you are made to do great things end up being a lie.-Gillian Duce.
-Work with what you have. Look good, feel good.-Claire Betita de Guzman.
-Sometimes life is strangely glorious. Just as it can be cruel and merciless, it can be a world of mysterious wonders, unexpected joy and chance encounters.-CE Clayton.
-The goal is achievable.-Lailah Gifty Akita.
-There are millions of words that can describe us and we can choose the ones that are most important to us.-Jennifer E. Smith.
-Everything is in your capacity and your capacity is in you.-Janice Tratchman.
-Listen, I wish I could tell you that everything improves. But it does not improve. It is you who improves.-Joan Rivers.
-Don't let your happiness be controlled by the thoughts of others.-Amaka Imani Nkosazana.
-You're a superhero. Accept it.-Teresa Toten.
-Open the box of blessings and grab something that makes you smile.-Anonymous.
-Accept each other. Love each other even if it's a mess. Live without regrets. Remember that diversity is our strength.-Johnny Corn.
-Passion lights a fire in all souls.-Lailah Gifty Akita.