I leave you the best emotional intelligence quotes for children and adults from great authors such as Daniel Goleman, Carl R. Rogers, Peter Salovey, William James, Stephen R. Covey and many more.
Did you know that 70-80% of success in adulthood comes from emotional intelligence? This is stated by expert psychologists such as Daniel Goleman and J. Freedman.
A simple definition of emotional intelligence is "the ability to identify, evaluate and control our own emotions and those of others."
This term was first introduced by Wayne Payne and later developed by psychologists Peter Salovey and John D. in the 1990s. However, it was popularized from Daniel Golleman's best-seller Emotional Intelligence.
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Emotional intelligence quotes from Goleman and other authors
-We have two minds; One that thinks and another that feels.-Daniel Goleman.
-When I say controlling emotions, I mean really stressful and disabling emotions. Feeling emotions is what makes our life rich.-Daniel Goleman.
-At least 80% of success in adulthood comes from emotional intelligence.-Daniel Goleman.
-The more social intelligence you have, the happier and stronger you will be, and the better personal relationships you will have.-Daniel Goleman.
48-A prerequisite for empathy is simply paying attention to the emotions of others.-Daniel Goleman.
-Your intellect can be confused, but your emotions will never lie to you.-Roger Ebert.
-Take care of your own emotions and never underestimate them.-Robert Henri.
-An emotion does not cause pain. The resistance or suppression of an emotion causes pain.-Frederick Dodson.
-The emotions are a critical source of information to learn.-Joseph LeDoux.
-When you listen with empathy to another person, you give that person psychological air.-Stephen R. Covey.
-Anyone capable of enraging you becomes your captain.-Epithet.
-Empathy and social skills are social intelligence, the interpersonal part of emotional intelligence. That's why they look alike.-Daniel Goleman.
-The emotional brain responds to an event more quickly than the thinking brain.-Daniel Goleman.
-The social brain is in its natural habitat when we are talking to someone face to face.-Daniel Goleman.
-True compassion does not mean only feeling the pain of another person, but being motivated to eliminate it.-Daniel Goleman. William James. Stephen R. Covey.
-The great discovery of my generation is that human beings can change their lives by changing their mental attitudes.-William James. Stephen R. Covey.
-All learning has an emotional basis.-Plato.
-People tend to be more emotionally intelligent as they grow and mature.-Daniel Goleman.
-Mindfulness meditation has been shown to promote the ability to inhibit emotional impulses.-Daniel Goleman.
-The nervous system and the hormonal responses of hostile people are a path to disease and death.-Redford Williams.
-People in a good mood are better at inductive reasoning and creative problem solving.-Peter Salovey.
-The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the same that heals it.-Nicholas Sparks.
-There is no separation of mind and emotions; emotions, thoughts and learning are related.-Eric Jensen.
-The emotionally intelligent person has skills in four areas: identify emotions, use emotions, understand emotions and regulate emotions.-John Mayer.
-Let's not forget that small emotions are the great captains of our lives and we obey them without realizing it.-Vincent Van Gogh.
-What really matters for success, character, happiness and vital achievements is a defined set of social skills, not just cognitive skills that are measured by conventional IQ tests.-Daniel Goleman.
-There is zero correlation between IQ and emotional empathy. They are controlled by different parts of the brain.-Daniel Goleman.
-One way to foster our willpower and focus is to control our distractions instead of letting them control us.-Daniel Goleman.
-Be aware that at this moment you are creating. You are creating your next moment based on what you feel and think. That's what is real.-Doc Childre.
-There are emotions that are biologically oriented and there are complex emotions that are saturated with thoughts and cognition.-Jack Mayer.
-When consciousness is brought to emotion, power is brought into your life.-Tara Meyer Robson.
-We are dangerous when we are not aware of our responsibility for how we behave, think and feel.-Marshall B. Rosenberg.
-Use pain as a stone in your path, not as a camping area.-Alan Cohen.
-The essential difference between emotions and reason is that emotion leads to action while reason leads to conclusions.-Donald Calne.
-It is very important to understand that emotional intelligence is not the opposite of intelligence, it is not the triumph of the heart over the head, it is the intersection of both.-David Caruso.
-We plant seeds that flourish in our lives, therefore, eliminate those of hatred, greed, envy and doubt.-Dorothy Day.
-Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper and self-esteem.-Robert Frost.
-The first and simplest of the emotions that we discover in the human mind is curiosity.-Edmund Burke.
-You can conquer almost any fear if you make the decision to do it. Remember: fear does not exist anywhere except in the mind.-Dale Carnegie.
-Our feelings are our most genuine paths to knowledge.-Audre Lorde.
-Emotional self-awareness is the cornerstone of emotional intelligence.-Daniel Goleman.
-Never react emotionally to criticism. Analyze yourself to see if those criticisms are justified. If so, learn from them. If not, go about your business.-Norman Vincent Peale.
-The change occurs in the boiler room of our emotions, so find out how to light their fires.-Jeff Dewar.
-Emotional intelligence grows through perception. Look around you, at your present situation and observe it through the level of your feelings.- Deepak Chopra.
-CEOs are hired for their intellect and business experience - and fired for lack of emotional intelligence.-Daniel Goleman.
-To increase your effectiveness, make your emotions subordinate to your commitments.-Brian Koslow.
-IQ and technical skills are important, but emotional intelligence is the sine qua non of leadership.-Daniel Goleman.
-When emotional intelligence merges with spiritual intelligence, human nature is transformed.-Deepak Chopra.
-The strength of character and the emotional intelligence to face mistakes and learn from them are the key to success.-Robert Kiyosaki.
24-Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution.-Kahlil Gibran.
-Remember that failure is an event, not a person. -Zig Ziglar.
-Emotions can leave you on the road or leave you on the road.-Mavis Mazhura.
42-It takes more than intelligence to act intelligently.-Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
-But the rational mind usually does not decide what emotions we "should" have! -Daniel Goleman.
28-Emotional self-control delays gratification and stifles impulsivity, it is the true reason for fulfillment in all vital areas.-Daniel Goleman.
-Fear has a special importance in evolution: perhaps more than any other emotion, it is crucial for survival.-Daniel Goleman.
-A large part of intellectual intelligence depends on emotional intelligence.-Michael Gurian.
19-Out-of-control emotions can transform intelligent people into stupid.-Daniel Goleman.
-A leader is a distributor of hope.-Napoleon Bonaparte.
-Intellectual Intelligence + Emotional Intelligence + Spiritual Intelligence = Extraordinary Intelligence.-Matshona Dhliwayo.
-What humans are good at is emotional intelligence and it is not something secondary. That is the frontier of human intelligence.-Ray Kurzweil.
-Wisdom tends to grow in proportion to the awareness of one's own ignorance.-Anthony de Mello.
-People whose eyes shine are happy to be alive. Her eyes shine with the brilliance of emotional intelligence.-Jelena Pantić.
-The curious paradox is that when I accept myself as I am, then I can change.-Carl R. Rogers.
-If we cannot laugh at ourselves, do we have the right to laugh at others? -CH Hamel
-Anyone can get angry, that's easy. But getting angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right reason and in the right way, that is not easy.-Aristotle.
-Rarely do people express their emotions in words. In general, they express them through other means.-Daniel Goleman.
-Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel.-Horace Walpole.
-Benjamin Franklin said it very correctly: anger never comes without a reason, but this is rarely adequate.-Daniel Goleman.
-Leadership is not dominating. It is the art of persuading people to achieve a common goal.-Daniel Goleman.
-Probably, there is no more fundamental psychological ability than to resist an impulse.-Daniel Goleman.
-Helping people to control annoying emotions, such as anger, anxiety, depression, pessimism and loneliness, is a way to prevent diseases.-Daniel Goleman.
-People with well-developed emotional abilities have a greater chance of being cheerful and efficient in life, and they will be able to cultivate mental habits that improve their productivity.-Daniel Goleman.
-What people think of their abilities influences those abilities. Ability is not a fixed property.-Daniel Goleman.
-Sensitive people are often seen as weak. Feeling strong emotions is not a symbol of weakness, it is the mark of people who are truly alive and who have compassion.-Anthon St. Maarten.
-The more artificial intelligence, the more emotional intelligence should lead.-Amit Ray.
-The more we train the conscience, the faster we will understand the dynamics of the self and of the others.-Amit Ray.
-When you come to the conclusion that your world is being destroyed, you realize that it is a perception of your mind and that it is probably not true.-Jacent Mary Mpalyenkana.
-So what if you're not funny by nature? Do not be discouraged. Research, look for ideas and find your grace.-Susan C. Young.
-When the people we know show us that their presence is valuable and important, we tend to be more open, we trust their reasons and we commit ourselves more.-Susan C. Young.
-The statistics show that, when they are chronic, the toxicity of emotions such as anger is comparable to smoking cigarettes.-Daniel Goleman.
-Instead of criticizing yourself for not being able to acquire or stop certain habits, you can explore your motivations. Become your own teacher instead of looking for a wiser teacher.-Vironika Tugaleva.
-Find ways to laugh. This will not only make you have material to make a good first impression, but it will also generate personal satisfaction thanks to laughter.-Susan C. Young.
-Making another person smile is one of the best gifts you can give.-Susan C. Young.
-It is not that the empathic person is damaged, it is that society became dysfunctional and emotionally unable to function.-Anthon St. Maarten.
-Laughter is the best of medicines. Not only do you enjoy, you but the people around you will enjoy the entertainment.-Susan C. Young.
-People who are not able to control their emotional life fight internal battles that sabotage the ability to focus on work and have an orderly mind.-Daniel Goleman.
-The key to intuiting the feelings of others is the ability to read non-verbal channels, such as tone of voice, gestures, facial expression, among others.-Daniel Goleman.
-The body is capable of showing emotional problems that are difficult to process consciously.-Charlette Mikulka.
-Helping people to control these emotions properly can give results as important as making a regular smoker quit cigarettes.-Daniel Goleman.
-When you deal with people, remember that you are not dealing with creatures of logic but with emotional creatures.-Dale Carneige.
-The only way to change someone's mind is to connect with them from the heart.-Rasheed Ogunlaru.
-No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.-Theodore Roosevelt.
-There is within the human heart a quality of intelligence that is known to exceed that attributed to the human mind.-Aberjhani.
-I feel therefore I exist.-Amit Abraham.
-Before being a leader, success consists of growing personally. When you become a leader, success is about making others grow.-Jack Welch
-Explode at the right time to avoid exploding at the wrong time and place.-Oli Anderson.
-In a group of people with high IQ, details such as discipline, self-control and empathy, make the difference between those who sink and those who stand out.-Daniel Goleman.
-We should question the definitions we assign to our emotions. Just because others call emotions in a certain way does not mean that we should follow this pattern.-Jacinta Mpalyenkana.
-Instead of labeling your emotions as problems that you must solve, you can see them as signals that you must interpret. Instead of judging your desires as shameful aberrations, you can learn to please them in healthy ways.-Vironika Tugaleva.
-One way to increase willpower and the ability to concentrate is to manage distractions instead of letting them manage us.-Daniel Goleman
-It is the combination between talent and the ability to persevere in the face of failures that leads to success.-Daniel Goleman.
-Our emotions have a mind of their own, a mind whose conclusions may be completely different from those held by our rational mind-Daniel Goleman.
-Anxiety so hinders the functioning of the intellect that it is an almost certain predictor of failure in training or the performance of a complex, intellectually demanding and tense task.-Daniel Goleman.
-Emotional health is more important than a fit body. Unknowingly, most of us focus on the latter, hence the lack of inner happiness, peace, love and fulfillment.-Maddy Malhotra.
-Emotional intelligence does not simply mean "be nice." A strategic moment may require not "being nice", but, for example, confronting someone with an uncomfortable truth that they have been avoiding.-Daniel Goleman.
-When our emotional health is in poor condition, so is our level of self-esteem. We have to slow down and deal with what worries us, so that we can enjoy the simple joy of being happy and being at peace with ourselves.-Jess C. Scott.
-Although a high IQ is no guarantee of prosperity, prestige or happiness, our schools and culture obsess over academic skills, ignoring emotional intelligence, which is also immensely important to our personal destiny. - Daniel Goleman.
-What I have realized is that emotional intelligence, which I define as strength, was the only way I knew how to lead, and it is, in my opinion, the only way to inspire a real change.-Kevin Allen.
-Emotional intelligence is a way of recognizing, understanding and choosing how we think, feel and act. It shapes our interactions with other people and our own understanding. Define how and why we learn; allows us to set priorities; determines most of our daily actions. Research suggests that it determines at least 80% of the success in our lives.-J. Freedman.
-I believe that the next decade we will see well-conducted research showing that emotional skills and competencies predict positive outcomes at home, at school, and at work. The real challenge is to show that emotional intelligence matters more than psychological constructs that have been measured for decades such as personality or IQ.-Peter Salovey.
-Women, in general, tend to be more aware of their emotions, show more empathy and are more skilled interpersonally. Men, on the other hand, have more self-esteem and are more optimistic, adapt more easily and control stress better.-Daniel Goleman.
-In the last decade, science has discovered the role that emotions play in our lives. Researchers have found that even more than IQ, emotional awareness and abilities to control feelings, our success and happiness will determine our success and happiness in all areas of life, including family relationships.-John Gottman.
-When we feel stressed, it is a sign that our brain is secreting stress hormones. If this is sustained for months or years, those hormones can worsen our health and make us a nervous wreck-Daniel Goleman.
-Emotional intelligence emerges as a much stronger predictor of who will be more successful, because how we control ourselves in our personal relationships determines how well we do when we get work.-Daniel Goleman.
-If you do not control your emotional abilities, if you are not self-aware, if you are not able to control your stressful emotions, if you cannot have empathy and effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far. -Daniel Goleman.
-As human beings, we all want to be happy and free from misfortune, we have all learned that the key to happiness is inner peace. The biggest obstacles to inner peace are disturbing emotions such as hatred, attachment, fear and suspicion, while love and compassion are the sources of peace and happiness.-Dalai Lama.
-Emotions are contagious. We all know him from experience. After a good coffee with a friend, you feel good. When you get a bad-mannered receptionist in a store, you leave feeling bad.-Daniel Goleman.
-Emotional intelligence begins to develop in the early years. All the social exchanges that children have with their parents, teachers and with each other, carry emotional messages.-Daniel Goleman.
-Cognitive skills such as general thinking and long-term vision are particularly important. But when I have calculated the relationship between technical skills, IQ and emotional intelligence, emotional intelligence has proven to be twice as important.-Daniel Goleman.
-Emotional intelligence is defined as the subset of social intelligence that implies the ability to control feelings and emotions of others and their own, to discriminate between them and use this information to guide our thinking and actions.-Peter Salovey.
-If we lack emotional intelligence, every time stress arises, the human brain switches to automatic pilot and has a tendency to do more of the same, only in a more complicated way. Which, is precisely the wrong approach in today's world.-Robert K. Cooper.
-There is no weakness in the capacity to love fully. You have to have courage, tenacity and an emotional intelligence that most people are incapable of.-Alafia Stewart.