I leave you the best quotes of courage from great historical figures such as Muhammad Ali, Winston Churchill, Napoleon Bonaparte, Vincent Van Gogh, Walt Disney, John F. Kennedy and many more.
Courage is the mental or spiritual quality that enables people to cope with difficulties, barriers, pain, or misfortunes. It is considered a mental energy that arises when something is difficult to overcome or when you are afraid of a situation.
This quality is essential not only to overcome difficulties, but to begin to achieve a goal. When you start something, you don't know if you are going to achieve it or not, and you need courage to do so. It therefore allows you to act in spite of fear and start things that you have not tried before.
Is courage more important than self-confidence and self-esteem? Probably yes, because confidence and self-esteem are achieved by acting and are gained with experience. But to act and have experience you will need courage.
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