- Hydrophobic characteristics
- How can you determine if you have hydrophobia?
- 1- Excessive
- 2- Irrational
- 3- Uncontrollable
- 4- It leads to avoidance
- 5- Persistent
- Symptoms
- 1- Physical plane
- 2- Cognitive plane
- 3- Behavioral plane
- Causes
- 1- Classic conditioning
- 2- Vicarious conditioning
- 3- Verbal conditioning
- Treatments
- References
The hydrophobicity or water phobia is a psychological disorder that is characterized by an irrational, excessive and unjustified fear into the water. Typically, this type of phobia is usually related to fear of beaches or swimming pools, due to the large amount of water that is present in those places.
However, hydrophobia is not limited to fear of inserting yourself into the water, swimming or bathing. A person with this alteration may fear any situation in which they come into contact with water, including the one that comes out of the tap, the one from the shower, etc.
Water is one of the most essential elements for the life of living beings, so not coming into contact with it on a regular basis is complex. For this reason, hydrophobia can seriously affect a person's life since they can react with intense fear on a recurring basis in their daily lives.
The objective of this article is to review the current literature on this disorder. Discuss the characteristics of hydrophobia and explain what its causes and treatments may be.
Hydrophobic characteristics
Hydrophobia is classified according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-V) as an anxiety disorder. Specifically, it refers to one of the many types of specific phobia that have been described today.
Specific phobias are alterations that are characterized by presenting an irrational and excessive fear (a phobic fear) towards a specific element.
In the case of hydrophobia, the feared element is water. So the person with this alteration will experience high feelings of fear when exposed to these elements.
Hydrophobia is considered an anxiety disorder due to the response caused in the person by coming into contact with their feared stimulus. In this alteration, when the individual is exposed to water, they present a marked anxiety response.
Likewise, hydrophobia is characterized by avoidance and escape behaviors. The subject with this psychopathology will constantly try to avoid contact with water.
This fact can be reflected in specific situations. For example, a person with hydrophobia will never go to the beach on a hot summer day or go near a river when hiking in the mountains.
However, the avoidance of hydrophobia may not stop there and further aggravate the disorder. A subject with this alteration can avoid contact with water in normal and everyday situations such as using the wash water, opening the shower tap or using a hose to water the plants.
How can you determine if you have hydrophobia?
In general, humans, like many other animals, have a good predisposition for water.
This element does not usually present harmful and dangerous attributions for people in a direct way. Likewise, it is considered a vital substance for the life of the planet and the beings inhabit it.
However, not all people have the same liking for water. There are those who can adore it and fully enjoy spaces such as beaches, rivers, lakes, swimming pools or showers. But there are also those who may present a certain dislike towards these situations.
For example, a person who cannot swim may be slightly fearful of situations where water is very abundant. You can even get slightly nervous when entering a beach or deep pool.
This fact by itself does not dictate the presence of hydrophobicity. That is, hydrophobia does not consist in presenting a certain rejection or dislike of water, it goes much further.
Thus, in order to determine whether or not one suffers from hydrophobia, it is essential to analyze the type of fear that the person presents towards water. In general, the phobic fear of hydrophobia is characterized by being:
1- Excessive
The fear of water related to hydrophobia is highly excessive considering the demands of the situation.
For example, an individual with this disorder may present extremely high fear in seemingly safe situations such as being in a hot tub or taking a shower.
In this way, the presence of hydrophobia in those people who have a justified and reasonable fear of water is ruled out.
For example, a person who cannot swim may have a truly adaptive (and not phobic) fear of water when in situations where knowing how to swim may be necessary at some point.
2- Irrational
The exaggerated intensity of fear of water related to hydrophobia is accompanied by a high irrational component.
That is, the person who suffers from hydrophobia is not able to justify in a reasoned way why they fear water. Nor does she manage to expose what are the elements that make her experience such heightened feelings of fear.
The individual with hydrophobia is extremely afraid of water, without being able to reason and explain the reasons for their fear.
3- Uncontrollable
On the other hand, the subject with hydrophobia is totally unable to control his sensations and experiences of fear.
When these appear, they totally take over their thinking and behavior, without the person being able to modulate their fear of water.
In this way, the individual experiences fear in an irrational way but is unable to avoid the appearance of fear.
4- It leads to avoidance
The fear of water related to hydrophobia is so high that it causes a marked avoidance behavior in the person.
The individual with this alteration will try to avoid exposure to water by all means. Despite the fact that this behavior can negatively affect you or decrease your quality of life.
For the person with hydrophobia, the most important thing is to avoid the distressing sensations that they experience when they come into contact with water.
5- Persistent
Hydrophobia is a persistent disorder. That is, the fear of water does not appear in specific stages or at specific times.
People with this disorder invariably experience fear of water whenever they come into contact with it. Likewise, if it is not treated properly, it will present the alteration throughout its life.
Hydrophobia is an anxiety disorder, so the main symptoms of psychopathology are anxious manifestations.
The anxiety disorder caused by the phobic fear of water is serious. Affecting both the physical plane and the cognitive and behavioral plane of the person. However, it rarely leads to an anxiety attack.
1- Physical plane
When the person with hydrophobia comes into contact with his feared element, he presents a series of physical symptoms.
These manifestations are characterized by modifications in the functioning of the organism. Specifically, the activity of the central nervous system is increased in response to fear of water.
The physical symptoms that hydrophobia can cause can vary significantly in each case. However, the group of manifestations that can occur are currently well described.
Specifically, a person with hydrophobia will present some of the following physical symptoms whenever they come in contact with water.
- Increased heart rate.
- Increased respiratory rate.
- Hyperventilation or feelings of suffocation.
- Generalized muscle tension.
- Excessive sweating all over the body and / or cold sweats.
- Stomach and / or headaches.
- Feeling of unreality or depersonalization.
- Pupillary dilation.
- Dizziness, nausea, and vomiting
2- Cognitive plane
The physical symptoms that appear when the person with hydrophobia comes into contact with water are not temporary or isolated. This fact is explained mainly because they do not appear alone.
That is, the physical manifestations are accompanied by a series of cognitive alterations. In this sense, the symptoms referring to the cognitive plane refer to all the thoughts that the person develops about water.
The cognitions of fear and fear of water can be very varied. All of them are characterized by making catastrophic forecasts about what can happen when one comes into contact with this element.
Likewise, a series of thoughts appear about personal inabilities to cope with the feared stimulus.
These cognitions are fed back with physical sensations in a directional way. The physical symptoms increase negative thoughts towards water, and these increase the bodily manifestations of anxiety.
3- Behavioral plane
Finally, as specified in the definition of phobic fear of water, hydrophobia significantly affects the behavior of the person.
The two main behaviors that fear of water causes are avoidance and escape from the feared stimulus.
Avoidance refers to all the behaviors that the person develops in their day to day to avoid contact with water. These can be serious and significantly affect the functionality of the individual.
The escape on the other hand is the behavior that appears whenever a person with hydrophobia is not able to avoid their feared situation. On these occasions, the individual will try to escape from contact with the water as soon as possible.
These elements have a direct relationship with the intensity of fear. The high sensations of discomfort caused by exposure to water make the individual try to avoid it whenever possible.
On the other hand, the fact of avoiding contact with water contributes to an increase in fear towards it, resulting in a behavior that prevents the overcoming of fear and disorder.
The causes of specific phobias are well studied and documented today. Thus, there is a high scientific consensus in stating that there is no single factor that can cause hydrophobia.
Specifically, it has been shown that the element that gives rise to this alteration is the combination and feedback of different factors.
In each case, one or the other can play a more relevant role. Likewise, not all of them appear or are easily identifiable in all subjects with hydrophobia.
The factors that have been most related to the disorder are:
1- Classic conditioning
Classical conditioning is the main method by which people develop their feelings of fear and fear.
Thus, having experienced traumatic, dangerous or unpleasant situations with water can be an important factor that contributes to the development of hydrophobia.
2- Vicarious conditioning
Not only through direct experience can fears develop. These can also be learned by viewing specific images and situations.
In this sense, having seen negative events related to water, such as the death of someone by drowning, images of a tsunami or any other situation in which water causes significant damage, can contribute to the acquisition of the disorder.
3- Verbal conditioning
Finally, the other way of acquiring information that people have refers to verbal processes.
Having received educational styles in which special emphasis is placed on the danger of water, or hearing opinions of fear towards this element repeatedly can condition the experiences of fear.
The best news about this psychological disorder is that it currently has truly effective interventions and treatments.
The life of a person with hydrophobia can be markedly limited by their fear of water. However, you can overcome them if you put yourself in the hands of professionals and perform the proper treatments.
In this sense, the intervention that has shown the greatest efficacy is psychotherapy. Specifically, cognitive behavioral treatment has remarkably high recovery rates and is considered today as the best intervention to treat hydrophobia.
This treatment is based on the subject's exposure to its feared elements. The person with hydrophobia is exposed to water in a gradual and controlled way, with the aim of getting used to it and realizing that it is not a dangerous element to fear.
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