- The 5 main representatives of the flora of Quintana Roo
- 1- Mangle
- 2- Cedar
- 3- Pochote
- 4- Tint stick
- 5- Achiote
- The 5 main representatives of the fauna of Quintana Roo
- 1- Hawksbill turtle
- 2- Cayman
- 3- Coati
- 4- Tamandua
- 5- Boa
- References
The flora and fauna of Quintana Roo is a reflection of its tropical climate. This Mexican state presents a good amount of rain during a considerable part of the year. This, together with the geographical position, makes Quintana Roo an area of great plant and animal wealth.
The proximity of the coast facilitates the presence of a large number of fish and aquatic mammals.
The flora and fauna of the state have a positive impact on tourist activity, due to the striking range of options for visitors. Quintana Roo has several protected areas.
The 5 main representatives of the flora of Quintana Roo
1- Mangle
It is a large shrub typical of the swamps and coastal areas of the American tropics. They are generally between 3 to 5 meters tall.
They grow in salty waters and soils. Together these bushes form mangroves. Wood is appreciated in carpentry for being highly resistant to the action of the weather.
2- Cedar
The cedar is a typical tree of the tropical regions of America. It can reach up to 40 meters in height. When it reaches maturity, it produces flowers and fruits in abundance.
Its wood is appreciated for its hardness and for the quality of withstanding the effects of termites.
3- Pochote
Pochote is one of the names by which the ceiba tree is designated in Mexico. It is typical of the tropical areas of America and can measure between 60 and 70 meters in height.
It has an outstanding importance in the Mayan culture. It is used in carpentry for its good wood, and in natural medicine, due to its healing properties.
4- Tint stick
It is a tree native to Mexico, known for being used in the creation of dyes. It can grow to about six meters tall.
It produces fruits once it reaches maturity. Its flowers have properties that are used by natural medicine.
5- Achiote
Achiote is a plant typical of the American tropics. Its fruit allows the production of colorants and seasonings. It is also known by the name of acotillo or onoto.
The shrub where it grows is 4 to 6 meters high. There is a large number of medicinal uses that are given to the fruits of this plant.
The 5 main representatives of the fauna of Quintana Roo
1- Hawksbill turtle
It is a typical turtle found in lagoons and coral reefs in the Atlantic Ocean. They are between 60 and 90 centimeters long and can weigh an average of 60 kilograms.
It is omnivorous, although its main food is sea sponges. It is in danger of extinction.
2- Cayman
It is a common crocodile of Central and South America. It can measure up to about two meters.
It is a species considered protected because it has been hunted for the use of its leather in the leather industry.
3- Coati
The coati is one of the names by which the nasua, an omnivorous mammal typical of the American continent, is designated.
Although its distribution is mainly in South America, there are specimens on the beaches of Quintana Roo. They measure between 40 and 140 centimeters and are hairy all over their body. They live in herds.
4- Tamandua
It is a hairy mammal from the Central American jungles. It is a medium-sized insectivorous animal: it is almost a meter in length.
Although it is basically an anteater, it lives in the trees in a solitary way. It has a life expectancy of almost 8 years.
5- Boa
The boa constrictor is a snake native to the American continent. It lives both in arid areas and in humid forests.
In Mexico it is usually known as limacoa. It grows to between 3 and 4 meters and feeds on small rodents, usually at night.
1- Mangrove. (2017, November 9). Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved on November 25, 2017 from wikipedia.org
2- Tísoc, ER (2017). Mundo Maya, Quintana Roo. University Press of Florida. doi: 10.5744 / florida / 9780813062792.003.0011
3- Meet 4 protected natural areas in Quintana Roo. (2015, August 19). Retrieved on November 25, 2017 from aquaworld.com.mx
4- Quintana Roo. (sf). Retrieved on November 25, 2017 from ecured.cu
5- Cedrela odorata. (2017, October 13). Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved on November 25, 2017 from wikipedia.org
6- Bixa orellana. (sf). Retrieved on November 25, 2017 from tropicos.org
7- Caiman. (2017, November 25). Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved on November 25, 2017 from wikipedia.org
8- Nasua. (2017, October 12). Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved on November 25, 2017 from wikipedia.org
9- Tamandua or Lesser Anteater. (sf). Retrieved on November 25, 2017 from animals.sandiegozoo.org
10- Marine turtles. (sf). Retrieved on November 25, 2017 from wwf.panda.org.
11- Boa constrictor. (2017, November 29). Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved on November 25, 2017 from wikipedia.org