- Flora
- 1- Ceibo
- 2- Lapacho
- 3- Irupé
- 4- Ajicillo, red canary or red justice
- 5- Drunk stick
- Fauna
- 1- Hornero
- 2- Black heron
- 3- Yaguareté
- 4- Tatú carreta
- 5- Southern right whale
- References
The flora and fauna of Argentina have a great diversity. This is generated by the variety of biomes and biotypes it has. Argentina, in its extensive territory, has all climates.
Argentina has the desert of the Puna de Atacama, the Chaco tropical forest and the Patagonian steppes.
It also has coniferous forests scattered throughout the territory, and the humid pampas, which earned the nickname "barn of the world."
The Andean and pre-Andean region of Cuyo stands out for its vine crops. Argentina also has the Patagonian mountain range, several growing glaciers, and the Antarctic region.
All these areas have their own biome with their native flora and fauna.
1- Ceibo
The ceibo is a native tree of South America. It is the national flower of Argentina and also of Uruguay.
In its mature stage it can reach a meter in diameter and a height of 20 meters. It has red cluster flowers. Its chalice is in the shape of a thimble and the tubular petals emerge from it.
2- Lapacho
It is a native tree of America. It grows from Argentina to the Mexican Caribbean. The lapacho is the national tree of several countries such as Venezuela and Paraguay.
When it blooms it takes on a really striking appearance because the entire glass takes on the color of its flower.
There are lapachos with pink, yellow, gold or white flowers. It is a representative tree of the northwest and center of the country.
3- Irupé
The irupé is an endemic aquatic plant of the Paraná and Paraguay rivers. It has huge circular leaves that populate the calm waters.
They are part of a rich ecosystem in the swamps of the Iberá estuaries. Its flowers are very showy. They measure up to 30 centimeters in diameter and are white in color.
They go out at night and close at dawn. During the second night, its more than one hundred petals turn pink.
At dawn on the third day the flower closes and sinks. The fruit, which is a berry, will ripen submerged.
4- Ajicillo, red canary or red justice
It is an ornamental plant native to Argentina. The flower has five red petals. It is distributed throughout the temperate zone of the country.
5- Drunk stick
It is a native tree of South America, and depending on the area, its name varies. It has five-petal flowers, white in the center and pink on the outside.
Pink tones vary their shades. There are also some with only white flowers.
1- Hornero
The hornero is the most representative bird of Argentina. It is named for the way they build their nests: with mud and small branches.
It also lives in Uruguay and in southern Brazil. Since 1928 it was declared the national bird of Argentina.
2- Black heron
It is the largest of the herons in the country and reaches 75 centimeters in height. It lives in the eastern part of Argentina, especially in the lakes of Neuquén, Río Negro and Chubut.
3- Yaguareté
It is one of the ten species of felines that inhabit Argentina. They are located in the province of Misiones.
It is the largest feline in the American continent. It is in danger of extinction due to the advance of man on its natural habitat.
4- Tatú carreta
This native giant armadillo is in severe danger of extinction. They can weigh up to 60 kilos and measure 1.60 meters from head to tail.
It is nocturnal. Its carapace is made up of plates arranged in transverse rows, which even cover its tail.
5- Southern right whale
This cetacean is typical of the southern hemisphere. Males can measure up to 15 meters and females 16.
Every year, from winter to spring, they will breed on the Valdés peninsula.
This peninsula is one of the nine sites in Argentina declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
- "Fauna of Argentina" in Wikipedia. Retrieved in November 2017 from Wikipedia at: wikipedia.org
- "Flora and fauna of Argentina Geography Argentina" in History and Biographies. Recovered in November 2017 from History and Biographies at: historiaybiografias.com
- "The fauna and flora in Argentina" in Voyages (June 2017). Recovered in November 2017 from Voyages at: voyagesphotosmanu.com
- "Argentine flora and fauna" in the Argentine flora and fauna Foundation. Recovered in November 2017 from the Argentine flora and fauna Foundation at: florayfaunaargentina.org
- "Flora and Fauna" at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Retrieved in November 2017 from the Universidad Nacional del Litoral at: unl.edu.ar
- "Some native trees" in Biology. Recovered in November 2017 from Folklore del Norte at: folkloredelnorte.com.ar
- "Flora and fauna of Patagonia" in Patagonia Argentina. Recovered in November 2017 from Patagonia Argentina at: patagonia-argentina.com
- "The provinces proudly display their flowers" in Carlos Felice (February 2014). Recovered in November 2017 from Carlos Felice in: carlosfelice.com.ar