- Origin of the term "Extremophiles"
- RD Macelroy
- Characteristics of extreme environments
- Types of Extremophiles on the Zoological Scale
- Unicellular organisms
- Multicellular organisms
- Poly-Extremophiles
- Most common types of extreme environments
- Extreme cold environments
- Extreme heat environments
- Extreme pressure environments
- Extreme acid and alkaline environments
- Hypersaline and anoxic environments
- High radiation environments
- Phaeocystis pouchetii
- Deinococcus radiodurans
- Astyanax hubbsi
- Anthropogenic extremes
- Transitions and ecotones
- Animals and plants with various stages or phases
- Plants
- Animals
- References
The extremophiles are organisms that live in extreme environments, ie those that deviate from the conditions in which they live most known organisms by humans.
The terms "extreme" and "extremophile" are relatively anthropocentric, because we humans evaluate habitats and their inhabitants, based on what would be considered extreme for our own existence.
Figure 1. Tardigrades, a Phylum known for its ability to survive in very rough environments. Source: Willow Gabriel, Goldstein Lab, via Wikimedia Commons
Due to the aforementioned, what characterizes an extreme environment is that it presents intolerable conditions for human beings regarding its temperature, humidity, salinity, light, pH, oxygen availability, toxicity levels, among others.
From a non-anthropocentric perspective, human beings could be extremophiles, depending on the organism that evaluated them. For example, from the point of view of a strict anaerobic organism, for which oxygen is toxic, aerobic beings (like humans) would be extremophiles. For the human being, on the contrary, anaerobic organisms, are extremophiles.
Origin of the term "Extremophiles"
We currently define as "extreme" numerous environments on and off planet Earth and constantly discover organisms capable not only of surviving, but also of widely thriving in many of them.
RD Macelroy
In 1974, RD Macelroy proposed the term "Extremophiles" to define these organisms that exhibit optimal growth and development under extreme conditions, as opposed to mesophilic organisms, which grow in environments with intermediate conditions.
According to Macelroy:
"Extremophile is a descriptive for organisms capable of populating environments hostile to mesophiles, or organisms that only grow in intermediate environments."
There are two basic degrees of extremism in organisms: those that can tolerate an extreme environmental condition and become dominant over others; and those that grow and develop optimally under extreme conditions.
Characteristics of extreme environments
The name of an environment as "extreme" responds to an anthropogenic construction, based on the consideration of the distant extremes of the baseline of a certain environmental condition (temperature, salinity, radiation, among others), which allows human survival.
However, this name must be based on certain characteristics of an environment, from the perspective of the organism that inhabits it (rather than the human perspective).
These characteristics include: biomass, productivity, biodiversity (number of species and representation of higher taxa), diversity of processes in ecosystems and specific adaptations to the environment of the organism in question.
The sum total of all these characteristics denotes the extreme condition of an environment. For example, an extreme environment is one that generally presents:
- Low biomass and productivity
- Predominance of archaic life forms
- Absence of higher life forms
- Absence of photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation but dependence on other metabolic pathways and specific physiological, metabolic, morphological and / or life cycle adaptations.
Types of Extremophiles on the Zoological Scale
Unicellular organisms
The term Extremophilic frequently refers to prokaryotes, such as bacteria, and is sometimes used interchangeably with Archaea.
However, there is a wide variety of Extremophilic organisms and our knowledge of phylogenetic diversity in extreme habitats is increasing almost daily.
We know, for example, that all hyperthermophiles (heat lovers) are members of Archaea and Bacteria. Eukaryotes are common among psychrophiles (lovers of cold), acidophiles (lovers of low pH), alkalophiles (lovers of high pH), xerophiles (lovers of dry environments) and halophiles (lovers of salt).
Figure 2. Hot spring in Yellowstone National Park in the US, the bright colors that these springs acquire are related to the proliferation of thermophilic bacteria. Source: Jim Peaco, National Park Service, via Wikimedia Commons
Multicellular organisms
Multicellular organisms, such as invertebrate and vertebrate animals, can also be extremophiles.
For example, some psychrophiles include a small number of frogs, turtles and a snake, which during the winter avoid intracellular freezing in their tissues, accumulating osmolytes in the cell cytoplasm and allowing the freezing only of extracellular water (external to cells).
Another example is the case of the Antarctic nematode Panagrolaimus davidi, which can survive intracellular freezing (freezing of the water within its cells), being able to grow and reproduce after thawing.
Also the fish of the Channichthyidae family, inhabitants of the cold waters of Antarctica and the south of the American continent, use antifreeze proteins to protect their cells against their complete freezing.
Poly-Extremophiles are organisms that can survive more than one extreme condition at the same time, thus being common in all extreme environments.
For example, desert plants that survive extreme heat as well as limited water availability, and often high salinity.
Another example would be the animals that inhabit the seabed, which are capable of withstanding very high pressures, such as lack of light and lack of nutrients, among others.
Most common types of extreme environments
Environmental extremes are traditionally defined based on abiotic factors, such as:
- Temperature.
- Water availability.
- Pressure.
- pH.
- Salinity.
- Oxygen concentration.
- Radiation levels.
Extremophiles are similarly described on the basis of the extreme conditions they endure.
The most important extreme environments that we can recognize according to their abiotic conditions are:
Extreme cold environments
Extremely cold environments are those that persist or fall frequently for periods (short or long) of temperatures below 5 ° C. These include the Earth's poles, mountainous regions, and some deep ocean habitats. Even some very hot deserts during the day have very low temperatures at night.
There are other organisms that live in the cryosphere (where water is in a solid state). For example, organisms that live in ice matrices, permafrost, under permanent or periodic snow covers, must tolerate multiple extremes, including cold, desiccation, and high levels of radiation.
Extreme heat environments
Extremely hot habitats are those that remain or periodically reach temperatures above 40 ° C. For example, hot deserts, geothermal sites, and deep-sea hydrothermal vents.
They are often associated with extreme high temperatures, environments where available water is very limited (persistently or for regular periods of time), such as hot and cold deserts, and some endolithic habitats (found within rocks).
Extreme pressure environments
Other environments are subject to high hydrostatic pressure, such as the benthic zones of oceans and deep lakes. At these depths, its inhabitants must withstand pressures greater than 1000 atmospheres.
Alternatively, there are hypobaric extremes (of low atmospheric pressure), in mountains and in other elevated regions of the world.
Figure 3. Marine fumaroles or hydrothermal vents. Example of an extreme environment inhabited by a whole community of organisms, in which there is high pressure and temperature, as well as sulfurous discharges. Source: NOAA, via Wikimedia Commons
Extreme acid and alkaline environments
In general, extremely acidic environments are those that maintain or regularly reach values below pH 5.
Low pH, in particular, increases the “extreme” condition of an environment, since it increases the solubility of the metals present and the organisms that live in them must be adapted to face multiple abiotic extremes.
Conversely, extremely alkaline environments are those that remain or regularly register pH values above 9.
Examples of extreme pH environments include lakes, groundwater, and highly acidic or alkaline soils.
Figure 4. The dwarf lobster (Munidopsis polymorpha), a cave dweller and endemic to the island of Lanzarote, Canary Islands. Among the typical adaptations to this type of extreme cave environments are: reduction in size, paleness and blindness. Source: flickr.com/photos//5582888539
Hypersaline and anoxic environments
Hypersaline environments are defined as those with salt concentrations greater than those of seawater, which has 35 parts per thousand. These environments include hypersaline and saline lakes.
With "saline" we do not refer only to salinity due to sodium chloride, as there may be saline environments where the predominant salt is something else.
Figure 5. Pink coloration of the water in Salina Las Cumaraguas, Falcón state in Venezuela. The pink coloration is the product of an alga called Dunaliella salina, capable of resisting high concentrations of sodium chloride present in saline. Source: HumbRios, from Wikimedia Commons
Habitats with limited free oxygen (hypoxic) or no oxygen present (anoxic), either persistently or at regular intervals, are also considered extreme. For example, environments with these characteristics would be the anoxic basins in oceans and lakes, and the deeper sediment strata.
Figure 6. Artemia monica, a crustacean that lives in Mono Lake, in California (USA), a saline environment (sodium bicarbonate) and high pH. Source: photolib.noaa.gov
High radiation environments
Ultraviolet (UV) or infrared (IR) radiation can also impose extreme conditions on organisms. Extreme radiation environments are those exposed to abnormally high radiation or radiation outside the normal range. For example, polar and high altitude environments (terrestrial and aquatic).
Phaeocystis pouchetii
Some species show evasive mechanisms of high UV or IR radiation. For example, the Antarctic seaweed Phaeocystis pouchetii produces water-soluble "sunscreens" that strongly absorb UV-B wavelengths (280-320nm) and protect its cells from extremely high levels of UV-B within 10 m. upper water column (after sea ice break).
Deinococcus radiodurans
Other organisms are very tolerant of ionizing radiation. For example, the bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans can preserve its genetic integrity by compensating for extensive DNA damage after exposure to ionizing radiation.
This bacterium uses intercellular mechanisms to limit degradation and restrict the diffusion of DNA fragments. In addition, it has highly efficient DNA repair proteins.
Astyanax hubbsi
Even in environments with apparently low or no radiation, Extremophilic organisms are adapted to respond to changes in radiation levels.
For example, Astyanax hubbsi, a Mexican cave-dwelling blindfish, has no superficially perceptible ocular structures, yet can distinguish small differences in ambient light. They use extraocular photoreceptors to detect and respond to moving visual stimuli.
Figure 7. Blind fish of the genus Astyanax, cave dweller. Source: Shizhao, from Wikimedia Commons
Anthropogenic extremes
We currently live in an environment where extreme environmental conditions are imposed, artificially generated as an effect of human activities.
The so-called anthropogenic impact environments are extremely varied, global in scope, and can no longer be ignored when defining certain extreme environments.
For example, environments affected by pollution (atmospheric, water and soil) -such as climate change and acid rain-, extraction of natural resources, physical disturbance and overexploitation.
Transitions and ecotones
In addition to the extreme environments mentioned above, terrestrial ecologists have always been aware of the special nature of transition zones between two or more diverse communities or environments, such as the tree line in mountains or the boundary between forests and grasslands.. These are called tension belts or ecotones.
Ecotones also exist in the marine environment, for example, the transition between ice and water represented by the edge of the sea ice. These transition zones typically exhibit greater species diversity and biomass density than the flanking communities, largely because the organisms that live in them can take advantage of the resources of the adjacent environments, which can give them an advantage.
However, ecotones are continuously changing and dynamic regions, often showing a wider range of variation in abiotic and biotic conditions over an annual period than adjacent environments.
This could reasonably be considered "extreme" because it requires organisms to continually adapt their behavior, phenology (seasonal weather), and interactions with other species.
Species that live on both sides of the ecotone are often more tolerant of dynamics, while species whose range is limited to one side experience the other side as extreme.
In general, these transition zones are also often the first to be affected by changes in climate and / or disturbances, both natural and anthropogenic.
Animals and plants with various stages or phases
Not only are environments dynamic, and may or may not be extreme, but organisms are also dynamic and have life cycles with different stages, adapted to particular environmental conditions.
It may happen that the environment that supports one of the stages of the life cycle of an organism is extreme for another of the stages.
For example, the coconut (Cocos nucifera) has a seed adapted for transport by sea, but the mature tree grows on land.
In vascular spore-bearing plants, such as ferns and different types of mosses, the gametophyte can be devoid of photosynthetic pigments, have no roots and depend on environmental humidity.
While sporophytes have rhizomes, roots and shoots that withstand hot and dry conditions in full sunlight. The difference between sporophytes and gametophytes is in the same order as the differences between taxa.
A very close example is the juvenile stages of many species, which are generally intolerant of the environment that usually surrounds the adult, so they usually require protection and care during the period during which they acquire the skills and strengths that they need. allow to deal with these environments.
- Kohshima, S. (1984). A novel cold-tolerant insect found in a Himalayan glacier. Nature 310, 225-227.
- Macelroy, RD (1974). Some comments on the evolution of extremephiles. Biosystems, 6 (1), 74–75. doi: 10.1016 / 0303-2647 (74) 90026-4
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