- What is the natural environment?
- What is the social environment?
- The 3 main aspects of the environment that satisfy human needs
- 1- Environmental
- 2- Scientific-technological
- 3- Humans
- Challenges for humans and their environment
- References
The natural and social environment in the satisfaction of human needs is currently a subject of debate, because it involves the way in which man relates to the environment and to his fellow men.
There are environmental and natural, scientific-technical and human aspects that must be analyzed when studying the way in which human needs are satisfied.
According to the psychologist Abraham Maslow there are five types of needs: physiological, security, affiliation, recognition and self-realization.
The development of humanity was possible thanks to the way in which man related to the environment and his social environment.
From these he obtained everything he needed to survive: food, shelter, affection, recreation, protection and security.
What is the natural environment?
The natural environment is the environment or nature, made up of living beings and also non-living beings, such as water, light, wind, mountains, soils, among others. Although man acts on the environment, this is not the result of his creation.
What is the social environment?
The social environment is the space in which human beings are born, grow and develop.
It includes the social environment, the people in the environment, the economy, education, culture, customs and traditions, the type of community or society, among other elements.
The 3 main aspects of the environment that satisfy human needs
1- Environmental
Seen from an environmental perspective, there are several aspects of the natural environment that influence the satisfaction of human needs, which are currently being degraded or misused.
Nature provides the water and air necessary to live; however, due to pollution from factories, motor vehicles, and drainage systems, the air in cities is becoming alarmingly polluted.
The same goes for freshwater reservoirs. The natural environment is being destroyed as a consequence of the way human needs are being met in today's world.
As society has evolved, the relationship with the natural environment has ceased to be harmonious and sustainable.
For example, oil that is extracted from the ground through the hydrocarbon industry provides humans with a vital source of energy. It is used to meet the needs of electricity and human mobilization.
However, car emissions from fuel are poisoning the atmosphere. Something similar happens with atomic energy.
Renewable natural resources are plants and animals, as they are a source of food, shelter, healing and recreation. But its overexploitation has caused the destruction or extinction of plant and animal species.
While non-renewable natural resources such as oil, metals, minerals or water reservoirs, also essential for life, are being depleted due to the incessant increase in their trade and consumption.
2- Scientific-technological
Through scientific and technical advances, contemporary human beings have seen their living conditions improve from every point of view.
Life expectancy has increased thanks to advances in medicine, and many daily tasks have been simplified in the home and industry.
It has also increased the capacity for mobilization and transformation, as well as the production of food and goods necessary for humans and animals.
But there are latent dangers in the development of science and technology due to the construction of lethal weapons, the emergence of new viruses and, in general, the unethical use of science.
Science and technology are not in themselves responsible factors for damage to human beings or the planet, since they depend on the use that man gives them.
Its use in the exploitation of the environment has caused serious ecological imbalances, endangering human, animal and plant life.
3- Humans
This is another aspect to take into account in today's society. Through the social environment the man completed the satisfaction of his needs for affiliation and affection in the family, the group and the community.
Greater security is generated by acting in a group, recognition is felt by climbing the social pyramid and self-realization is achieved by achieving its goals in society.
Man's relationship with his social environment has become more complex. The interaction with this environment, accompanied by scientific-technological development, has led man to a very high degree of human development that is not the same in all societies.
There is growing discontent due to social inequality; the gap between rich and poor countries continues to widen.
Even within countries with high levels of economic development, there is inequality, due, among other factors, to the lack of opportunities.
The way in which the different dominant human groups in society satisfy their needs for fun, food, clothing, recreation, fun, and self-fulfillment raises equally serious questions.
Challenges for humans and their environment
The social and natural environments need to be harmonious and equitable for all. Thus human beings will have opportunities for personal, intellectual and social growth; and the habitat of the millions of species that live in the environment can be respected
The way of relating and living in the family, the social group and the community is changing. This poses a challenge for today's society.
The abandonment of ethics and morals as basic rules in the family, the social and natural environment, puts civilization itself at risk.
It is very important that a climate of tolerance, coexistence, respect and solidarity prevail in personal and social relationships.
The current climate of violence, insecurity and intolerance that humanity suffers from is the product of disrespect for human rights, selfishness and vanity.
- Human needs (PDF). Recovered from webserver.dmt.upm.es
- Human needs and development. Recovered from pdfs.semanticscholar.org
- Social environment. Consulted of definicionabc.com
- What is a natural environment. Consulted of fundacionphi.org
- The individual and his natural and social environment. Consulted from prezi.com
- Fundamental human needs. Consulted of en.wikipedia.org
- Natural and social environment in the satisfaction of human needs. Consulted from estudioraprender.com