- Gene or genetic drift
- Examples of gene drift
- When does the founder effect occur?
- Founder effect in the laboratory
- Example in human populations
- Migrations to small islands
- The amish
- References
The founder effect, in biology, is a phenomenon that involves the isolation of a small group of individuals from a larger population. When the number of individuals increases, the gene pool may not be an exact reflection of the population that gave rise to them.
The variation in the gene pool compared to the initial population and the decrease in variability in the population leads - in some cases - to an increase in the frequency of recessive spelled alleles.
Source: By Founder_effect.png: User: Qz10derivative work: Zerodamage (This file was derived from: Founder effect.png:), via Wikimedia Commons
For this reason, the medical literature contains the best examples of the founder effect, where small human populations colonized new environments.
When these populations increased in size, their gene pool is different from the population and also, the proportion of deleterious alleles is significantly higher. The best known example is the Amish.
Gene or genetic drift
Gene drift is a concept that is closely related to the founder effect.
Among the mechanisms that give rise to evolutionary change, we have natural selection and genetic drift. The latter causes changes in the frequencies of alleles in the population through chance events.
Gene drift occurs in all populations, but has a more marked effect and acts more rapidly in small populations. In large populations, events that occur by chance do not significantly affect the gene pool.
Thus, there are two causes or examples of gene drift: the population bottleneck effect and the founder effect. Some authors consider the founder effect as a special case of the bottleneck.
Examples of gene drift
This event occurs because of “the sampling error”. Suppose we have a bag with 200 beans: 100 white and 100 black. If I do the extraction of 10 beans, maybe, by pure chance, I get 6 white and 4 black, and not the expected proportion: 5 and 5. This is how drift works.
Now, we can extrapolate this example to the animal kingdom. Suppose we have a population of mammals with individuals with white fur and others with black fur.
By sheer chance, only the black-haired ones reproduce - some chance event prevented the reproduction of the white-furred limbs. This stochastic change in allelic frequencies is gene drift.
In nature, it can occur due to an environmental catastrophe: an avalanche wiped out most of the white-furred mammals.
When does the founder effect occur?
The founder effect occurs when few individuals isolate themselves from the "mother" or initial population and form a new population among themselves. The new colonizers can be made up of a single pair, or a single inseminated female - as in the case of insects, which can store sperm.
The populations of different animals that today live on islands are descendants of a few colonizers who came to these territories by a random dispersal.
If the new population grows rapidly and reaches a significant size, the frequency of the alleles will probably not be highly altered from that population that originated them, although some rare alleles (for example, causing some disease or deleterious condition) have been carried by the founders.
If the colony remains small, the gene drift works by altering the allele frequencies. The small size of the colonizing population can translate, in some cases, into a loss of genetic variation and heterozygosity.
In addition, it must be taken into account that in small populations the probability that two relatives will mate is greater, thus increasing the levels of consanguinity.
Founder effect in the laboratory
In the mid-1950s, two researchers, Dobzhansky and Pavlovsky, experimentally demonstrated the founder effect. The design consisted of starting controlled populations of the dipteran Drosophila pseudoobscura.
The genus Drosophila is the protagonist of a wide range of experiments in biology laboratories, thanks to its easy cultivation and its short time between generations.
This population was started from another that carried a certain chromosomal rearrangement of the third chromosome, with a frequency of 50%. Thus, there were two types of populations: some large started with 5,000 individuals and others with only 20.
After about 18 generations (approximately one and a half years), the average frequency for chromosome rearrangement was 0.3 in both populations. However, the range of variation was much greater in small populations.
In other words, initially the populations with a low number of founders originated a considerable variation between the populations in terms of the frequencies of the rearrangement studied.
Source: By Bbski, from Wikimedia Commons
Example in human populations
The founder effect is a phenomenon that can be applied to human populations. In fact, this colonization event explains the high frequency of inherited disorders in small isolated populations.
Migrations to small islands
At the beginning of the 19th century, a little more than a dozen individuals from England moved to an island located in the Atlantic Ocean. This group of people began their life on the island, where they reproduced and created a new population.
It is speculated that one of the initial "founders" carried the recessive allele for a condition that affects vision, called pigmentary rhytinitis.
In 1960, when the population had already reached a much larger number of members - 240 descendants - four of these suffered from the aforementioned condition. This proportion is about 10 times greater than the population that gave rise to the founders.
The amish
The Amish are a religious group that, in addition to being known for their simple lifestyle and away from modern comforts, are distinguished by a high proportion of recessive deleterious alleles. In the 18th century, a small group of individuals migrated from Germany to Switzerland and from there to the United States of America.
Among the very common homozygous pathologies in the Amish, dwarfism and polydactyly stand out - a condition where individuals are born with more than five fingers.
It is estimated that 13% of the population are carriers of the recessive allele that causes this deleterious condition. Extremely high frequencies, if we compare them with the human population that gave rise to them.
Source: By Gadjoboy from flickr.com - https://www.flickr.com/photos/gadjoboy/, via Wikimedia Commons
- Audesirk, T., Audesirk, G., & Byers, BE (2004). Biology: science and nature. Pearson Education.
- Curtis, H., & Schnek, A. (2006). Invitation to Biology. Panamerican Medical Ed.
- Freeman, S., & Herron, JC (2002). Evolutionary analysis. Prentice Hall.
- Futuyma, DJ (2005). Evolution. Sinauer.
- Hickman, CP, Roberts, LS, Larson, A., Ober, WC, & Garrison, C. (2001). Integrated principles of zoology (Vol. 15). New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Mayr, E. (1997). Evolution and the diversity of life: Selected essays. Harvard University Press.
- Rice, S. (2007). Encyclopedia of Evolution. Facts on File.
- Russell, P., Hertz, P., & McMillan, B. (2013). Biology: The Dynamic Science. Nelson Education.
- Soler, M. (2002). Evolution: the basis of Biology. South Project.