- The 5 most outstanding difficulties for the consolidation of a nation project
- The plurality of cultures
- Religious conflicts
- Geographic boundaries
- Linguistic differences
- Migration policies
- References
The difficulties for the consolidation of a nation project the mishaps that the inhabitants of a territory have to face in order to build the identity of their countries and their citizens. Among the most important are religious conflicts, linguistic differences and migration policies, among others.
It can be said that these difficulties are more present in places like the Latin American continent, and their origin may be related to the instabilities that occurred after obtaining independence from other powers. In fact, the less developed a country is, the more difficulties it tends to have internally, although this is not always the case.
The geographical limits and the plurality of cultures can be difficulties to consolidate a nation project. Source: pixabay.com
For example, Latin American nations are very recent republics, for which they have had to deal with a series of identity and social conflicts that are mainly the product of the consequences of miscegenation, colonization and the plurality of cultures that converged (and continue converging) on the continent.
Consequently, it can be established that a nation project consists of a set of actions and principles that must be executed by government institutions in order to create situations that satisfy the community. Furthermore, national projects generally appeal to the roots and patriotic feelings shared by the inhabitants of a territory.
The 5 most outstanding difficulties for the consolidation of a nation project
National projects are initiatives that seek to be applied throughout a territory, generally in an entire country; therefore, they must ensure that the needs and interests of all the inhabitants are met. This is a difficult task, especially in the case of nations that are not very homogenized.
Below are some of those conflicts or mishaps that nations must deal with when establishing a nation project.
The plurality of cultures
Although inhabiting a heterogeneous nation can be positive due to the equal opportunities that exist for different groups or ethnic groups, this characteristic can also cause conflicts when establishing a national project.
This is mainly because the more cultures converge in a country, the more differences there will be between the goals of a community.
Nation projects seek to unify societies in order to build a sense of belonging and a national roots. In this sense, the more different some communities are from each other, the more complex it will be to create that collective identity.
Some totalitarian governments prefer to denigrate those groups that represent minorities rather than support the differences that exist among their citizens. For example, this could be seen in the Nazi party, which discriminated against a group of people for their beliefs and traditions.
As for Latin America, certain inconveniences have arisen when introducing minority ethnic groups into the nation project.
On many occasions, indigenous communities have been marginalized due to their small population or because of their old traditions, which are not framed within the new globalizing proposals.
Religious conflicts
In many countries religion holds a strong weight. This can be seen mainly in the nations of the Middle East, where many clashes occur between the civilian population due to differences in their religious beliefs.
These conflicts have wreaked great havoc on the goals of national projects, since social and economic development cannot be promoted when citizens fail to coexist harmoniously.
Within the Latin American continent, religious conflicts have been minor. During the Conquest, the indigenous culture and other ethnic groups assimilated most of the Catholic customs of the Peninsula.
Although there are certain variations in their approach to religion, Latin America maintains a more homogeneous structure in this case.
Some countries have succeeded in achieving national project goals despite religious differences. For example, the United States has a migratory culture, since it is made up of numerous societies that made life in those American territories; therefore, it is possible to find Buddhists living with Jews.
Geographic boundaries
The larger a territory, the more difficult it will be to build a national project. This occurs because the vast lands encompass a greater number of cultures and communities.
Within the same country you can find different traditions that are very different from each other. For example, in the United States each state has its own laws; This can lead to disagreements between the inhabitants of the same nationality.
On the other hand, in Latin America there have been several differences between the inhabitants of the coastal areas and the rest of the population, since the maritime areas have a greater number of migrants and this causes the assimilation of other traditions.
Linguistic differences
One of the conflicts that national projects face has to do with linguistic differences because these tend to create distances between the inhabitants of a region.
In many cases, national projects have been focused on citizens who speak the majority language, leaving aside the populations that speak less used dialects.
Using the same language creates bonds between individuals. In fact, many psychologists claim that language is frequently associated with the home. For this reason, when people go on a trip they feel more comfortable communicating with someone in their native language.
Consequently, language is one of the fundamental pillars at the time of building national projects. In this scenario, less used dialects may be marginalized, making it difficult to achieve the common goals proposed by the projects.
In Latin America, most people have a common language, Spanish. However, at the time of colonization many tribes maintained their original dialects.
Over the decades these indigenous languages have become more unknown to other inhabitants, causing a distance between Spanish-speaking citizens and other communities.
Migration policies
Many countries are currently facing a strong wave of emigration. This occurs due to the poor exercise of some governments with respect to economic and social policies within their nations.
For example, dictatorships often cause people to leave their countries in order to obtain a better quality of life.
The massive introduction of human beings in other territories can cause ruptures within the national projects, since these migrations imply modifying the objectives that had been raised previously to be able to adapt to the new cultures that are entering the republics already constituted.
- Barba, G. (2019) Nation project. Retrieved on June 19, 2019 from Guillermo Barba: guillermobarba.com
- Felix, P. (2019) Development plan for a new Nation project. Retrieved on June 19, 2019 from El Universal: eluniversal.com.mx
- Gardey, A. (2013) Concept of national project. Retrieved on June 19, 2019 from Definition: definicion.de
- SA (2018) Nation project. Retrieved on June 19, 2019 from Foreign Affairs Latin America Magazine: revistafal.com
- Ureña, H. (2006) Discontent and promise: Essays on Latin America. Retrieved on June 20, 2019 from Cielo Naranja: cielonaranja.com