I leave you curious facts about the animals that you possibly did not know and will surprise you. The animal kingdom is divided into large groups, which include small species of vertebrates of a few millimeters to other giants such as the blue whale; fast animals like a leopard or very slow like a sloth; wild as zebras and meek as dogs.
How many teeth can a dolphin have? What is the animal with the longest pregnancy? What animal has a composition of 96% water? These will be some of the interesting curiosities that we are going to tell you below.
1- The fingerprints of a koala are so similar to those of humans that sometimes they have been mistaken at the scene of a crime.
2- It takes a sloth two weeks to digest its food.
3- Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.
4- A cow produces almost 200,000 glasses of milk in its entire life.
5- Squirrels plant thousands of trees every year, because they often forget where they put their acorns.
6- Frogs can be frozen without causing death.
7- Dolphins have names for each other.
8- When a male penguin falls in love with a female, he spends much of his life looking for the perfect stone to give it to her.
9- The head of a decapitated snake is capable of biting.
10- Otters hold hands when they sleep so as not to separate while floating.
11- The closest relative of the elephant shrew is actually the elephant.
12- Jellyfish can duplicate. If you cut one in half, both parts regenerate into two independent jellyfish.
13- Thanks to their large lungs, crocodiles can hold their breath for up to two days in a row.
14- Elephants are excellent swimmers despite their weight.
15- Lions are the only felines in which sex can be determined with the naked eye.
African lion (Panthera leo). Source: Kevin Pluck
16- The DNA of gorillas is equal to that of human beings between 95 and 99%.
17- Flies can only consume liquid food. They do not have teeth or other organs that allow them to eat solids.
18- A rabbit can have up to 800 descendants among children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren throughout his life.
19- Some species of dolphins have 250 teeth.
20- The Tasmanian devil can eat up to 40% of its weight in thirty seconds.
21- Like cows, monkeys are also venerated in India because they are considered the representation of the god Hanuman.
22- Newborn foxes weigh 100 grams; they are blind, deaf and unable to walk.
23- Lionesses of the same family live together forever. Unlike males, who must leave the herd after reaching maturity.
24- Sheep self-medicate when they are sick, since they eat very specific plants that improve their discomfort.
25- Rabbits have a 360 degree panoramic vision. This allows them to detect any predator.
26- Some penguins do not nest and prefer to carry their eggs on their legs.
27- Dogs move their tails to the right when they are happy, and to the left when they are sad.
28- The legs of the tigers are so powerful that they can remain standing even when dying.
29- Cows have best friends and they get stressed when they are separated.
30- Pandas do not have a specific place to sleep. They just fall asleep where they are.
Source: pixabay.com
The panda is one of the endangered species, however scientists have intervened and have worked to preserve the species. For this they breed individuals in captivity and monitor their reproduction.
31- It is physically impossible for pigs to look at the sky.
32- Rats reproduce so fast that in 18 months they can have more than a million offspring.
33- The ostrich brain is smaller than its eye.
34- Camels can last more than 10 days without drinking water.
35- A cow can climb stairs, but not go down.
36- Sheep do not drink water if it is in motion.
37- Ants do not sleep.
38- The giraffe is the only mammal that does not have vocal cords.
39- A mosquito can “sniff” human blood from a distance of up to 50 kilometers.
40- The heart of a hummingbird beats up to a thousand times per minute.
41- A cow expels 182,500 liters of methane gas per year.
42- Hedgehogs see everything yellow.
43- Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from sandstorms.
44- The Thai bumblebee bat is the smallest mammal in the world. It weighs less than an American penny.
45- Dolphins sleep with one eye open.
46- The tongue of a blue whale weighs the same as an adult elephant.
47- The Australian koala never drinks water. It gets the moisture it needs from eucalyptus leaves.
48- The blood of crickets is white.
49- The mole can excavate five meters of earth in an hour.
50- Most gorillas have the same blood type: B.
51- The three-toed sloth moves at a speed of 2.2 meters per hour.
52- A worm has 10 hearts located on both sides of its body.
53- The whiskers of cats help guide them in the dark.
54- A hippo can run faster than a man.
55- Caterpillars have four thousand muscles.
56- Tarantulas cannot weave normal cobwebs, but use their silk to cover and protect their burrows.
57- Toads must close their eyes to be able to swallow their food.
58- The larvae of the butterfly eat up to 86 thousand times its weight.
59- The stripes of each zebra are different, that allows them to recognize each other and camouflage themselves.
60- The dragonfly lives only one day.
61- The red kangaroo can jump up to 12 meters.
62- The snails take an hour to move half a meter.
63- The heartbeat of a hamster is 250 to 500 per minute.
64- Starfish do not have a brain.
65- The worker bees, from the moment they are born, are always the same size.
66- The horns of rhinos are not bony. They are composed of thick, densely compressed hairs.
67- Like human beings, chimpanzees can also recognize themselves in the mirror.
68- The koala sleeps 22 hours a day.
69- The whale shark has more than 4,500 teeth.
70- The taste buds of flies are found on their legs.
71- The squawk of the ducks does not produce an echo.
72- The fur of a polar bear is not white. It looks that color because it has tiny air bubbles for insulation that scatter light.
73- The pregnancy of an elephant lasts almost two years.
74- Corals are animals that can be seen from space.
75- Owls can turn their heads 360 degrees.
Royal Owl. Source: pixabay.com
76- The neck of the giraffe has only seven bones. The same amount as humans.
77- A kangaroo rat can survive more days without drinking water than a camel.
78- Felines are unable to detect the sweet taste of food.
79- Gorillas laugh when they are tickled.
80- Raccoons wash their food before eating it.
81- The bite of a rat is capable of breaking steel.
82- Snakes are deaf, since they do not have an eardrum or external ear.
83- Wolves can hear others of the same species up to 16 kilometers away.
84- Cat urine glows when exposed under black or ultraviolet light.
85- Bulls are color blind. They cannot distinguish a red layer, and something blue, black or green.
86- A beaver knocks down more than 50 trees during its entire life.
87- Elephants can absorb up to 15 liters of water with their trunks in one gulp.
88- Hyenas have a high acid digestive system capable of digesting their prey including teeth, horns and bones.
89- Small chameleons have their tongues longer than their entire body.
90- The giant tarantula is capable of catching small birds.
91- Crocodiles cannot stick out their tongue because it is attached to the palate by a membrane.
92- Some lizards can shed their own tail up to five times as a defense mechanism.
93- The bat is the only mammal that can fly. Other animals, like some squirrels, just glide.
94- Iguanas hold their breath underwater for up to an hour.
95- A giant oyster can weigh up to 250 kilograms.
96- The body of jellyfish is composed of 96% water.
97- An eel can give electric shocks of up to 600 volts.
98- The brain of crocodiles are the same size as the thumb of an adult.
99- The position of the donkey's eyes allows it to see its four legs.
100- Zebras are black with white stripes.