- What are the levels of organization of matter?
- Subatomic level
- Atomic level
- Molecular level
- Cell organelle level
- Cell level
- Multicellular level
- Organisms
- Population level
- Ecosystem
- Biosphere
- References
The levels of organization of matter are those physical manifestations that make up the Universe in its different mass scales. Although many phenomena can be explained from physics, there are regions on this scale that are more relevant to the studies of chemistry, biology, mineralogy, ecology, astronomy and other natural sciences.
At the foundation of matter we have subatomic particles, studied by particle physics. Climbing the steps of your organization, we enter the field of chemistry, and then we get to biology; From the disintegrated and energetic matter, one ends up observing mineralogical bodies, living organisms and planets.
The levels of organization of matter are integrated and cohesive to define bodies of unique properties. For example, the cellular level is made up of the subatomic, atomic, molecular, and cellular, but it has different properties from all of them. Likewise, the upper levels have different properties.
What are the levels of organization of matter?
The subject is organized in the following levels:
Subatomic level
We start with the lowest rung: with particles smaller than the atom itself. This step is the object of study in particle physics. In a very simplified way, there are quarks (up and down), leptons (electrons, muons and neutrinos), and nucleons (neutrons and protons).
The mass and size of these particles are so negligible, that conventional physics does not adjust to their behavior, so it is necessary to study them with the prism of quantum mechanics.
Atomic level
Still in the field of physics (atomic and nuclear), we find that some primordial particles unite through strong interactions to give rise to the atom. This is the unit that defines the chemical elements and the entire periodic table. Atoms are essentially made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. In the following image you can see a representation of an atom, with the protons and neutrons in the nucleus and the electrons outside:
Protons are responsible for the positive charge of the nucleus, which together with neutrons make up almost the entire mass of the atom. Electrons, on the other hand, are responsible for the atom's negative charge, diffused around the nucleus in electronically dense regions called orbitals.
Atoms differ from each other by the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons they have. However, protons define the atomic number (Z), which in turn is characteristic for each chemical element. Thus, all elements have different amounts of protons, and their ordering can be seen in increasing order in the periodic table.
Molecular level
The water molecule is by far the most iconic and surprising of all. Source: DiamondCoder
At the molecular level we enter the field of chemistry, physicochemistry, and a little more distant, pharmacy (drug synthesis).
Atoms are capable of interacting with each other through chemical bonding. When this bond is covalent, that is, with the most equal sharing of electrons possible, the atoms are said to have joined together to give rise to molecules.
On the other hand, metallic atoms can interact through the metallic bond, without defining molecules; but yes crystals.
Continuing with crystals, atoms can lose or gain electrons to become cations or anions, respectively. These two form the duo known as ions. Also, some molecules can acquire electrical charges, being called molecular or polyatomic ions.
From ions and their crystals, huge amounts of them, minerals are born, which compose and enrich the earth's crust and mantle.
This bulky polyphenylene dendrimer molecule is an example of a macromolecule. Source: M stone at the English language Wikipedia
Depending on the number of covalent bonds, some molecules are more massive than others. When these molecules have a structural and repeating unit (monomer), they are said to be macromolecules. Among them, for example, we have proteins, enzymes, polysaccharides, phospholipids, nucleic acids, artificial polymers, asphaltenes, etc.
It is necessary to emphasize that not all macromolecules are polymers; but all polymers are macromolecules.
This icosahedral cluster (100) of water molecules is held together by their hydrogen bonds. This is an example of a supramolecule governed by Van der Walls interactions. Source: Danski14
Still at the molecular level, molecules and macromolecules can aggregate through Van der Walls interactions to form conglomerates or complexes called supramolecules. Among the best known we have micelles, vesicles and the double-layered lipid wall.
The supramolecules can have sizes and molecular masses smaller or greater than the macromolecules; However, their non-covalent interactions are the structural bases of a myriad of biological, organic and inorganic systems.
Cell organelle level
Representation of mitochondria, one of the most important cellular organelles.
Supramolecules differ in their chemical nature, which is why they cohesion with each other in a characteristic way to adapt to the environment that surrounds them (aqueous in the case of cells).
This is when different organelles appear (mitochondria, ribosomes, nucleus, Golgi apparatus, etc.), each one destined to fulfill a specific function within the colossal living factory that we know as the cell (eukaryotic and prokaryotic): the "atom" of the life.
Cell level
Example of a eukaryotic cell (animal cell) and its parts (Source: Alejandro Porto via Wikimedia Commons)
At the cellular level, biology and biochemistry (in addition to other related sciences) come into play. In the body there is a classification for cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes, sperm, eggs, osteocytes, neurons, etc.). The cell can be defined as the basic unit of life and there are two main types: eukaryotes and procatiotes.
Multicellular level
Distinguished sets of cells define tissues, these tissues originate organs (heart, pancreas, liver, intestines, brain), and finally the organs integrate various physiological systems (respiratory, circulatory, digestive, nervous, endocrine, etc.). This is the multicellular level. For example, a set of thousands of cells make up the heart:
At this stage it is difficult to study phenomena from a molecular point of view; although pharmacy, supramolecular chemistry focused on medicine, and molecular biology, maintain this perspective and accept such challenges.
Depending on the type of cell, DNA and genetic factors, cells end up building organisms (plant or animal), of which we already mentioned the human being. This is the step of life, the complexity and vastness of which is unimaginable even today. For example, a tiger is considered a panda is considered an organism.
Population level
The clusters of these monarch butterflies demonstrate how organisms associate in populations. Source: Pixnio.
Organisms respond to environmental conditions and adapt by creating populations to survive. Each population is studied by one of the many branches of the natural sciences, as well as the communities that derive from them. We have insects, mammals, birds, fish, algae, amphibians, arachnids, octopods, and many more. For example, a set of butterflies make up a population.
Ecosystem. Source: By LA turrita, from Wikimedia Commons
The ecosystem includes the relationships between biotic factors (which have life) and abiotic factors (non-life). It consists of a community of different species that share the same place to live (habitat) and that use abiotic components to survive.
Water, air and soil (minerals and rocks) define the abiotic components ("without life"). Meanwhile, biotic components are made up of all living beings in all their expression and understanding, from bacteria to elephants and whales, which interact with water (hydrosphere), air (atmosphere) or soil (lithosphere).
The set of ecosystems of the entire Earth makes up the next level; the biosphere.
Diagram of the Earth's atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. Source: Bojana Petrović, from Wikimedia Commons
The biosphere is the level composed of all living beings that live on the planet and their habitats.
Returning briefly to the molecular level, molecules alone can compose mixtures of exorbitant dimensions. For example, the oceans are formed by the water molecule, H 2 O. In turn, the atmosphere is formed by gaseous molecules and noble gases.
All planets fit for life have their own biosphere; although the carbon atom and its bonds are necessarily its foundation, no matter how evolved its creatures are.
If you want to continue ascending the scale of matter, we would finally enter the heights of astronomy (planets, stars, white dwarfs, nebulae, black holes, galaxies).
- Whitten, Davis, Peck & Stanley. (2008). Chemistry (8th ed.). CENGAGE Learning.
- Shiver & Atkins. (2008). Inorganic chemistry. (Fourth edition). Mc Graw Hill.
- Susana G. Morales Vargas. (2014). Levels of Organization of Matter. Recovered from: uaeh.edu.mx
- Tania. (November 4, 2018). Level of organization of matter. Recovered from: scientificskeptic.com
- Prompter. (2019). What are the levels of organization of matter? Recovered from: apuntesparaestudiar.com