The elements of the narrative text can be included in 4 fundamental concepts; the structure, the narrator (or narrators), the characters and the context of the story.
There may also be other additions that give meaning to the story such as dialogues, which fall within the 4 main elements already named.
A narrative text is one that recounts a series of events that occurred to one or more characters through a narrator (hence its name). They can be fictional or real in nature, for example novels, short stories or biographies.
The main elements of a narrative text
The narration of a text needs several guidelines to make sense and express ideas correctly. Normally a sequential organization is followed consisting of an introduction, a middle and an end.
Depending on its duration, veracity, chronology or presence of graphic elements, a narrative text can be considered a short story, novel, fable, chronicle, biography or comic strip.
The way in which a narrative text is put together begins with an introduction where the reader is presented with one or more relevant facts that allow them to get a concise idea of the main content of the text.
However, this usually depends on the type of text being related. Some, like the biographies, explain in detail the main and secondary aspects so that the reader understands easily.
Other texts such as novels can reveal relevant facts well into the story in an attempt to maintain suspense.
He is the one who introduces us to the facts and leads us through the text. There are several types of narrator with different characteristics capable of modifying the way in which the reader understands the text. They can be classified as first, second and third person narrator.
There are some variations between these types that correspond to the narrator's knowledge of the story (it can be partial or complete) and to the degree of prominence they have in the plot. For example, there may be a secondary first-person narrator.
They are the ones who bring history to life through their actions. Narrative texts are based on the interaction of a character with the world or with other characters.
A character can be at the same time the narrator of the story or simply relate the events from an observer point of view.
There are 2 basic characters in any narrative text:
The protagonist, on whom the text is based, since the story revolves around him.
The secondary, which is part of the story but in a less important way. Despite this, he may interact with the main character or may even be the narrator.
Dialogues, environments, settings and times make up the necessary context to give meaning to the story and the characters that make it up.
Similarly, the chronology affects the way a story is told, which can be linear or taking "jumps" between one event and another. This chronology is often given by dividing the narrative into chapters.
- What is Narrative Writing? Retrieved on December 1, 2017, from Study.
- Protagonist vs. Antagonist (sf). Retrieved on December 1, 2017, from Writing Explained.
- Susana Adamuz (October 17, 2013). The narrative text. Retrieved on December 1, 2017, from Print my book.
- Types of narrative texts (nd). Retrieved on December 1, 2017, from Types of.
- The narrative text. Structure and elements (July 26, 2011). Retrieved on December 1, 2017, from Pitbox.
- What Are the Elements of Narrative? (sf). Retrieved on December 1, 2017, from Education Seattle.