- What are the main elements of planning?
- Diagnostic instruments
- Control ties
- Corrective actions
- References
The elements of planning are the diagnostic instruments, control loops and corrective actions.
Planning is understood as the decision-making process through the analysis of the environment, having a notion of the resources that are initially available, and oriented towards specific results.
This process is focused on achieving previously determined goals, based on a strategy. The effectiveness of these maneuvers must be constantly evaluated, to redirect them if necessary.
For this, a series of context assessment tools are required, feedback loops that help to verify the effectiveness of the implemented tactics, and consequently, corrective actions when applicable.
What are the main elements of planning?
The key to planning is in making decisions. Assessing the feasibility of various proposals is elementary, and it is up to the planner to decide which of these alternatives is the best.
The elements of planning are those that serve to verify that the projected results are obtained during the formulation of the strategy.
Diagnostic instruments
Before defining the strategy to be used, and therefore outlining the planning process associated with that strategy, a deep analysis of the environment must be carried out.
By being familiar with the context, the people in charge of executing the plan and making decisions will have more and better rationale for their idea.
Some of these diagnostic tools are:
- Forecasts: in the managerial field, you can make sales projections, cash flow, product launches, consumer tastes, among others.
- SWOT matrix: it is an extremely useful tool that allows you to assess your strengths and weaknesses from an internal and external point of view.
The letters F and D refer to the internal elements of the entity that is in charge of the planning process. F for Strengths, and D for Weaknesses.
On the other hand, the letters O and A refer to the external aspects, that is, the Opportunities and Threats of the context.
- Financial analysis: it is always useful and in some cases decisive to know indicators such as return time or the net present value of the investment.
Control ties
One of the most important parts in any implementation process is the design of control systems. They evaluate and record, in real time, the results that are gradually generated.
The implementation of a control loop detects the deviations that occur during the execution of the strategy. Consequently, it shields the effectiveness of the operation.
Corrective actions
A sufficiently robust control system must be able to issue a report of all the imperfects and / or possibilities for improvement that take us away from the desired results.
It is there where the dynamic approach is necessary, and being able to change the initial strategies, always in the interest of achieving the goal or the main objective.
- Conde, S. (2015). Introduction to planning and its instruments. Recovered from: gestiopolis.com
- Essential elements of planning and management by objectives (nd). Informative Expression y Técnicas Organizadas SA de CV. Mexico DF, Mexico. Recovered from: sesweb.mx
- The planning and control functions (sf). Recovered from: ujaen.es
- Mendoza, I. (sf). Planning and control of organizational systems. Recovered from: utel.edu.mx
- Zamudio, D. (2013). Planning and control of organizational systems. Recovered from: gestiopolis.com