- Meaning of the term
- Usage examples
- The 8 types of nobility
- 1- Hidalgo of blood
- 2- Hidalgo with fly
- 3- Hidalgo of four sides
- 4- Known land man
- 5- Hidalgo to earn five hundred salaries
- 6- Hidalgo of execution
- 7- Hidalgo de gotera
- 8- Hidalgo of privilege
- The surname Hidalgo
- References
The meaning of the word "hidalgo" is related to the adjectives noble, generous and brave. It has its origin in the Middle Ages and was used in Spain and Portugal to distinguish the social position or lineage of the knights who served the Crown.
There is no precision on the etymology of the term, but it is known that the expression "hidalgo" derived from the word "hidalgo", which refers to a man well born or belonging to a family or socially recognized lineage.
The Royal Spanish Academy of Language (RAE) points out that the word comes from the old Castilian "fidalgo" (fixed dalgo) which means "son of something."
The term is also associated with the Latin word "fide" (faith), which is linked to the concepts of loyalty and trust.
Meaning of the term
Hidalgo means to be noble, loyal and courageous. In the Middle Ages, a hidalgo was a person who held a title or privilege that had been won in battles, for services to royalty or also acquired by family origin.
The term was generally used to distinguish between those who were part of the untitled or lower nobility. Such is the case of the aristocracy.
It is currently used as a synonym for aristocrat, nobleman, knight or lord. The concept of hidalgo or nowadays is associated more with the noble and generous character of the person.
However, it is a disused word in both spoken and written language.
Usage examples
- The noble knight Don Quixote told his faithful squire Sancho Panza (…).
- The maiden's boyfriend boasted of his noble origin.
- The young gentleman had to resign himself to his fate.
- The armistice was signed in noble and honorable terms.
- He had a noble and brave attitude when accepting it.
The 8 types of nobility
The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy distinguishes eight ways of being a nobleman or of acquiring nobility:
1- Hidalgo of blood
That belonged to a noble family
2- Hidalgo with fly
This right was won by the father who, in a legitimate marriage, managed to procreate seven consecutive male children.
3- Hidalgo of four sides
Title obtained by family inheritance from his grandparents.
4- Known land man
The gentleman owner of a manor house or descendant of a family that had or had it.
5- Hidalgo to earn five hundred salaries
The hidalgo with the right to collect 500 salaries in payment for the injuries that were done to him.
6- Hidalgo of execution
The nobleman who had proven to be a blood nobleman by his bravery and struggles.
7- Hidalgo de gotera
The person who only had this privilege in a certain town.
8- Hidalgo of privilege
Title acquired by purchase or royal mercy.
The surname Hidalgo
This Spanish surname is very old. It is associated with families from the communities of Galicia, Asturias, León and Andalusia.
It is said that some Andalusian families with the surname Hidalgo stood out in their fight against the Moorish invaders at the time of the Reconquest.
The state of Hidalgo in Mexico owes its name to the hero of the Mexican Independence Miguel Hidalgo (1753-1811).
- Hidalgo, ga. Retrieved on November 2, 2017 from de dle.rae.es
- Benassar, Bartolomé (2003). “The hidalgos in the Spain of the 16th and 17th centuries. A key social category ”. University of Salamanca. Recovered from books.google.co.ve
- Definition of Hidalgo. Consulted of definition.de
- Gentlemen, well-known sons of blood, house and land known and earn five hundred salaries. Consulted of banrepcultural.org
- Gentleman. Consulted of es.wikipedia.org