- Etymology
- Acceptances
- Origin
- characteristics
- Essential features of a "corifeo"
- Relationship with other elements of the theater
- Important points
- References
Corifeo is the expression that was used to describe the person who led and directed the choir in Greek and Roman theaters, since he was the one who danced and sang the best. However, it should be noted that the word has different meanings depending on the type of context.
Formerly, the group of young people who danced and danced in the temples of Dionysus was called “corifeo”, so whoever did it best was designated as the leader of the rest. With the appearance of the Greek theater, the "corifeo" became the animator of the singing and dancing group.
According to some specialists, this figure within the theater also underwent great changes that persist to this day. In fact, he came to be known as "first actor", since he not only stood out for his dancing skills, but also because he began to have dialogues and a marked role in history.
"Corifeo" comes from the Latin expression "corypheus", which in turn was taken from the Greek, "koryphaíos" and whose meaning indicates "head of the group". It should be noted that this Greek word derives from another in the same language: "kotyphe" (head or top).
Experts affirm that there is a confusion around the word, since it is usually associated with "chorus". Although they are related elements within the theater, their etymology is completely different.
"Corifeo" has a series of meanings, among which we can highlight:
-According to Educalingo: "Person who is followed by others in an opinion, ideology or party."
-According to Server-Alicante.com: “… Person in charge of guiding the choir during the presentations of Greek tragedies and comedies”. Likewise, this definition indicates that it is also a word used to designate a special body in classical ballet.
-According to Definiciones-de.com: “Spokesperson, person who speaks for a group of people”.
Therefore, the above indicates that depending on the context, the expression will have a different meaning.
The records indicate that the origin of the "corifeo" is linked to the appearance of Greek Theater from the dances and celebrations around the Dionysian festivals celebrated in Attica, during the 6th and 5th centuries BC.
They consisted of the adoration of Dionysus during the spring, where young Athenians made offerings, organized banquets and dances in honor of the god, to promote fertility and ensure the prosperity of the lands.
The most interesting thing about this phenomenon was that it also led to the emergence of other rituals and cultural manifestations that later made their way to the West.
Some important elements can be pointed out:
-The “corifeo” emerged as the main figure from the Dionysian celebrations and rituals. At first, it was a young man who stood out in the dance group thanks to his artistic abilities.
-With the arrival of the Greek theater, the "corifeo" was the element that led the choir. This, in turn, rebuked and interacted with the actors.
-Some specialists come to consider him as a kind of animator during the presentation of the work.
-The "corifeo" could use a type of clothing that served to stand out from the rest. However, in most cases it was enough just for him to stand in front of the choir.
-Both the "corifeo" and the choir, would appear in the "orchestra", a circular space where the musical and dance groups would gather.
-The influence of the "corifeo" was such that it was capable of throwing a conclusive and moral conclusion towards the public.
-The "corifeo" gained more weight with the passage of time, since he was the person in charge of directing the choreography. Later he became the "first actor", since he stopped singing with the rest of the body to interpret dialogues and more important situations.
Essential features of a "corifeo"
-It was of a ritualistic nature, since it was expressed through prayers, prayers, songs, offerings and even parades.
-Demarcation: it served as a channel to indicate the end or the beginning of a work. This was done through the interventions he performed.
-Mediator: the "corifeo" could express his thoughts and conclusions between the development of the action and in public.
-Narrator: it includes a series of different functions that range from the announcement of actions by the actors, the mistakes that the characters make, the danger that their behavior can bring, while interacting with the gods by way of knowing the reasons for events.
Relationship with other elements of the theater
The celebrations in honor of Dionisio allowed the emergence of the need to establish a place where it was possible to carry out rituals and festivals. Therefore, it can be said that the first foundations of the Greek theater were laid.
In the first place, a flat space called "ochestra" was designated where the main action would take place. This, with the passage of time, changed its format to become smaller.
This point is essential, since the dances and songs of the choir and the "corifeo" were concentrated. Likewise, this body turned its back on the spectators, although these were the ones who helped to understand the stories and to follow them.
Important points
Some important points can be noted:
-The constitution of the Greek theater allowed the inclusion of aspects that were gaining weight and relevance. For example, the costumes played a very important role for both actors and members of the choir, since it served as a differentiating element between one and the other.
-The actor and the choir, including the "corifeo", could interact with each other through dialogue and chants. It could even include several actors at the same time.
-The chorus made its appearance after a short prologue was performed. They were presented through a series of corridors called "parados."
-Experts indicate that the choir and the "corifeo" played an important role in the works because they served as intermediaries during the work. They provided the public with explanations about the actions that were taking place on stage.
-On certain occasions, the choir and the "corifeo" wore long black suits while accompanying the musicians.
- What does corifeo mean? (sf). In Definitions-de.com. Retrieved: October 1, 2018. In Definiciones-de.com from definitions-de.com.
- Coripheus. (sf). In Educalingo. Retrieved: October 1, 2018. In Educalingo from educalingo.com.
- Coripheus. (sf). On Wikipedia. Retrieved: October 1, 2018. In Wikipedia at es.wikipedia.org.
- Coripheus. (sf). In Server-Alicante.com. Retrieved: October 1, 2018. In Server-Alicante.com de glosarios.servidor-alicante.com.
- Definition of coripheus. (sf). In Definition and Etymology. Retrieved: October 1, 2018. In Definition and Etymology from definciona.com.
- Etymology of coripheus. (sf). In Etymologies. Retrieved: October 1, 2018. In Etymologies of etimologias.dechile.net.
- Theater of Ancient Greece. (sf). On Wikipedia. Retrieved: October 1, 2018. In Wikipedia at es.wikipedia.org.
- Greek Theater. Parts of the theater. (sf). In Guide to Greece. Retrieved: October 1, 2018. In Guía de Grecia de guiadegrecia.com.