- Meaning
- Main theorists
- Main values of democratic coexistence
- Tolerance
- Dialogue
- Education
- Equity
- Solidarity
- Legality
- Problems in democratic coexistence
- Ethnic discrimination and racism
- Gender discrimination
- Rules of democratic coexistence
- Why is democratic coexistence important?
- References
The democratic coexistence is a school of thought which lies principle in respect individuals regardless of race, creed, language, social status, education, culture or ideology. Therefore, tolerance and consideration of equality must prevail in democratic coexistence.
Another point that it takes into account is that rights must be respected because it wants to seek an environment where people can express themselves freely and can participate in the democracy of the country where they are. It also emphasizes respect for duties and obligations.
Democratic coexistence pursues a tolerant life in a democratic political system. This vision is not about incorporating someone else's points of view as your own, but understanding that you have the right to think as you think, even if this way of thinking is different from your own approach.
Civic education is the platform through which democratic coexistence can be studied and promoted, especially at an early age. The intention is that this type of coexistence becomes a family element, so that it can be applied in different contexts by all citizens.
In general terms, coexistence is a term that was used for the first time (in Spanish history) at the beginning of the 20th century. It was used to describe the peaceful and harmonious relationships between Christians, Muslims, and Jews, despite disagreements over the centuries they lived together in the country.
In English spelling, the word "coexistence" does not have a translation, so the word coexistence is often used.
However, both terms do not mean the same thing. Coexistence refers to the set of people who are in a space but between whom there is no interaction.
That is why coexistence rescues the establishment of interpersonal relationships in which a sharing of cultural, social, economic and political dimensions persists.
In the 1990s, democratic coexistence emerged as a branch of education that seeks to encourage, from the classroom, tolerance and respect for differences in a democratic system.
Democratic coexistence seeks to understand differences, appreciate plurality, promote mutual understanding, solve problems in a peaceful way and political participation.
Main theorists
When exploring about democratic coexistence, it is possible to find the approaches of two theorists: John Dewey and Paulo Freire.
In Dewey's case, his approach is based on the idea of building schools where democratic coexistence is a fundamental pillar, in order to promote the growth of citizenship skills. The ultimate goal would be the training of critical citizens.
Another point that stands out from Dewey's approach is that the need to generate these schools is to improve a society that already had democratic and liberal characteristics, taking the United States as the main example.
Paulo Freire manages to coincide in some aspects with the aforementioned author, because he postulates that democratic coexistence will allow the eradication of oppression, at the same time that it allows the establishment of equitable relationships; hence the importance of imparting this principle from the schools.
However, Freire indicates that the objective to be pursued by this concept is linked to the fact that democratic coexistence must serve to face those unequal power relations that commonly occur in Latin America. In other words, there is a democracy but it needs to be transformed from the roots, and that root is the schools.
Thanks to the theories of Dewey and Freire, the concepts and objectives pursued by democratic coexistence, which consists of accommodating diversity, have been consolidated a little more.
Main values of democratic coexistence
Considered as a fundamental pillar of democratic coexistence, it refers to a positive attitude towards differences. It consists of respecting and appreciating the differences that you have with others.
The interaction between different individuals and / or groups contributes to forming an integral citizen who values the rights of others.
For the generalization of the concept of democratic coexistence, it is necessary to take it to the classrooms at different educational levels, to reinforce the values of peace and harmony.
All citizens have the right to the same development opportunities.
It is an ethical conduct that serves to support the most unprotected people, in order to achieve greater independence and freedom.
All persons are equal before the law.
Problems in democratic coexistence
The concept of democratic coexistence seeks that all individuals live and interact despite the differences they may present among themselves. However, there are some obstacles that prevent the achievement of this general objective.
Ethnic discrimination and racism
Racial and ethnic diversity has also led to the appearance of differences between socioeconomic strata, without naming the conflicts generated by miscegenation.
Likewise, the devaluation of cultural heritages, languages, religious manifestations and customs is presented.
Gender discrimination
In addition to the previous scenario, there is gender discrimination, which also manifests itself in the form of a perception of supremacy of one over the other.
Rules of democratic coexistence
The norms in a democratic coexistence seek to preserve the principles of tolerance and respect through a series of precepts that, in turn, guarantee the minimum guidelines of civilized conduct.
There are several types of rules for democratic coexistence: moral, legal, religious, social and juridical. All seek to promote human values, reflect the ideal behavior and indicate the penalties that must be executed when they are breached.
The most important norms of democratic coexistence will be detailed below:
- Respect for individual rights must be promoted.
- As all human beings are equal to each other, there must be equal treatment regardless of differences of origin.
- No one can be bothered because of their race, religion, language, ideology, culture, gender, level of education or social status.
- It is necessary to take care of your own health and that of others.
- Whoever violates the law must accept and face the consequences of their actions.
Why is democratic coexistence important?
Democratic coexistence is an approach that works according to civility in order to achieve just and free societies.
Awareness in relation to cultural diversity, social fluctuations and the melting pot of identities will be the main component that will serve to move towards tolerant nations and peoples with sustainable structures.
Through the promotion of affectionate, supportive, safe and tolerant relationships between the members and groups of the communities, it will be possible to implement social justice, as well as equitable practices to finally generate a culture of peace.
- Arroyo González, Jorge Rafael. Democratic coexistence. (2012). In Citizen Discussion. Retrieved: February 16, 2018. In Citizen Discussion of blog.pucp.edu.pe.
- Carbajal Padilla, Patricia. Democratic coexistence in schools. Notes for a reconceptualization. (2013). In Ibero-American Journal of Educational Evaluation. Retrieved: February 16, 2018. In the Ibero-American Journal of Educational Evaluation.
- Democratic coexistence. (sf). On Scribd. Retrieved: February 16, 2018. In Scribd at es.scribd.com.
- Democratic coexistence, inclusion and culture of peace: Lessons from innovative educational practice in Latin America. (2008). In UNESCO. Retrieved: February 16, 2018. In UNESCO from unesdoc.unesco.org.
- House Rules. (sf). In EcuRed. Retrieved: February 16, 2018. In EcuRed of ecured.cu.