- What is aggressive communication?
- characteristics
- Don't listen
- Personal objectives
- Lack of empathy
- What is an aggressive person like?
- General conduct
- Attitude
- Verbal components
- Intonation
- Paralinguistic components
- Paraverbal components
- Example
- References
The aggressive communication is a communication style that involves the use of a combative verbal and nonverbal language and unkind, exalted gestures and manipulation for personal gain.
It consists of a form of expression of violence, which is manifested through both the verbal language and the paraverbal language of the person. It is the opposite extreme of passive communication and it also differs from the assertive style, the latter being the most recommended.
Adopting this type of communication usually produces a one-way exchange of information. That is, the subject who communicates aggressively simply pays attention to her own expressions, making the feedback provided by the interlocutor irrelevant.
When aggressive communication is used by different participants in the communicative process, the exchange of information tends to be based on reproaches and pre-established ideas individually.
Thus, aggressive communication does not usually achieve the objectives posed by communication processes, since there is no two-way exchange in its activity. On the contrary, this style of communication is usually used to convey authority, demand or superiority over the other.
What is aggressive communication?
Aggressive communication encompasses one of the three main types of communication: passive communication, assertive communication, and aggressive communication.
In this communicative modality, the unidirectionality of the exchange between people is especially noticeable. Therefore, the goal of aggressive communication does not lie in obtaining informative feedback from the participants.
In fact, aggressive communication pursues objectives opposite to exchange. This communicative modality is used to send well-defined messages to the receiver without receiving any kind of reply or objection about the expression.
When aggressive communication is used, the thoughts and ideas or attitudes of the interlocutors are irrelevant. The sender focuses solely on his message, which tries to project it with the greatest force and intensity possible.
In order to speak of aggressive communication, a series of basic characteristics must be met. Thus, this type of communication is not limited to the use of curse words, high intonation, or the use of yelling or other displays of force.
In fact, aggressive communication can often develop without particularly aggressive or intense words appearing in it, although these are often witnessed frequently.
In this sense, the three basic characteristics of aggressive communication are: the absence of listening, the absence of empathy and the presence of solely personal objectives.
Don't listen
Aggressive communication is mainly characterized by the absence of listening during the communicative process. This means that individuals who use this type of communication do not listen to their interlocutors.
The absence of listening in aggressive communication does not only refer to the lack of active listening, but implies a complete absence of attention and understanding of the interlocutor's speech.
In this way, the sender limits himself to transmitting and projecting his messages, usually in a forceful and intense way, and completely rejects the elements exposed by the other participants.
This fact causes communication to be based solely on the intentions and ideas of one of the participants, since the aggressive communicator's speech does not take into account at any time the information emitted by the others.
Personal objectives
The fact that aggressive communication does not include listening among its elements of operation is not in vain. In fact, the absence of listening responds to the objectives pursued by the communicator through the exchange.
In aggressive communication, only personal objectives are observed, so the communicator has no other purpose than to be able to send the messages he wants to transmit.
This causes the communication to be unidirectional and the participant's intervention to be non-existent.
Unlike the rest of communicative processes, aggressive communication does not try to reach agreements or share information with the interlocutors. The only objective lies in the transmission of the personal message, which is not modified by the replies of others.
Lack of empathy
Finally, in aggressive communication there is a total absence of empathy on the part of the communicator.
Beyond not listening to the interlocutor's speech, the individual who uses this type of communication does not pay any attention or concern about the effects that his message can cause.
In fact, the only objective is to satisfy personal needs, so the emotions, sensations or thoughts that may originate in the interlocutor are not important elements.
This last principle of aggressive communication makes the exchange cold and tense. During the communication process there is no bond between the participants, who are far apart and confronted.
What is an aggressive person like?
Aggressive communication manifests itself through all the components of the communicative process, which is why it encompasses both verbal aspects and paraverbal, paralinguistic, attitude and intonation elements.
Keep in mind that the elements that make up aggressive communication do not have to always be the same. Likewise, they do not always express themselves with the same intensity.
In this way, a conversation with a low intonation and a calm speech can also result in an aggressive communicative process depending on the rest of the factors identified.
The six elements that determine people with aggressive communication allow us to identify this type of communication process.
General conduct
General behavior refers to the global aspects that the behavior of the person shows while carrying out the communication process. Therefore, it does not determine specific elements of behavior, but rather establishes generic components of behavior.
In this sense, the general behavior of the aggressive communicator is characterized by showing superiority through their actions. The communicator adopts a belligerent stance with the aim that the interlocutor succumbs to his superiority and adopts an obedient and submissive role.
On the other hand, the general behavior of the statement is also characterized by being aggressive and imposing. The behaviors performed are not neutral and are intended to increase the tension of communication to generate fear and submission to others.
The general behavior of the aggressive communicator aims to convey a demanding and violent attitude. This attitude forms the basis of communication, since the main objective of the communication process is to convey a challenging posture.
The violent attitude is transmitted through all the expressive mechanisms that the person has, so it is not limited to the use of the word.
In fact, the demanding attitudes of aggressive communication are often expressed through intonation, movement, and eye contact. Whereas the verbal content can be limited to being correct to avoid a direct confrontation.
For this reason, when determining a communication as aggressive, it is highly relevant to examine what attitude the communicator adopts and what tone he uses in his behavior.
Verbal components
Verbal components refer to the linguistic content used in the communicative process. Aggressive communication, beyond the nicknames used, is characterized by the massive use of imperatives.
Likewise, there are often multiple criticisms of the behavior of others and threatening expressions are often used. These elements make it difficult for the interlocutors to express themselves freely and are intended to achieve personal goals in the communication process.
Commonly, aggressive communication uses expressions such as "do" "you should" "wrong" "you would do well to…". However, sometimes more neutral words can be used, referring only to personal aspects and individual needs.
On the other hand, aggressive communication is characterized by asking multiple questions at the same time. In this way, the sender transmits a large amount of information to respond jointly, with the aim that the interlocutors are not able to do so.
Finally, when aggressive communicators are asked, they usually respond with other questions or with answers that are not related to the question asked.
The intonation of aggressive communication is usually characterized by being high. The sender usually uses a strong, cold and authoritative voice. Likewise, the use of shouting or increased intonations during the speech is usually common.
The objective of intonation is that it is more forceful and elevated than that of the others. Thus, the intensity of the voice used can be highly dependent on the intonation used by others.
In aggressive communication, the sender does not contemplate that the speech of others obtain more prominence than his own, neither through content nor through sound intensity.
Paralinguistic components
The paralinguistic components define one of the main characteristics of aggressive communication: the time and frequency of the speech performed.
In aggressive communication, it is common for the sender to use an excessive time to speak, thus monopolizing the conversation.
The objective of this element is to make it difficult for the interlocutor to speak, who has few occasions to speak. In this way, the aggressive communicator avoids the participation of the receiver, since all he wants is to transmit his message.
On the other hand, aggressive communicators do not usually take breaks or keep silences throughout the communication process for the same reasons as the previous ones.
Likewise, it is common to use an emphatic and elevated voice that allows interrupting the interlocutor when he takes the floor.
Finally, it should be noted that although the verbal fluency of aggressive communication is usually adequate, it is often excessively fast, which makes it not clear and understandable enough.
Paraverbal components
Finally, the paraverbal components also play an important role in the development of aggressive communication. In this case, both verbal expression and body posture and movements performed using the upper extremities tend to highlight.
As for facial expression, it is usually tense. The brow is usually frowned and they are used to avoiding smiles and expressions of proximity.
The look of aggressive communication is direct to the eyes of the receiver, in addition, it is usually fixed and penetrating, thus showing challenging and superior attitudes. Often the intensity of the gaze forces the interlocutor to look away due to the discomfort it generates.
The body posture of aggressive communication is intimidating. Normally she does not respect the intimate distance and the orientation with the interlocutor is usually opposed.
Finally, aggressive communication is usually accompanied by gestures and movements with the most intense and abundant. These are often perceived as threatening and play an important role in expressing the attitude of the aggressive communicator.
Aggressive communication can occur in multiple contexts. Likewise, it can be carried out by different individuals with different personality traits.
Thus, there is no single type of aggressive communication. This can take a different form in each case, as well as present different elements in each situation.
In order to expose the characteristics of aggressive communication and differentiate it from other forms of communication, below are three communicative examples that can be carried out in the same situation.
"A person goes to buy and realizes that the seller has given him the wrong change, returning less money than he should."
- Answer 1 (assertive communication): «You have given me less change, I have paid you with a 20 euro bill and you have given me 10 changes, don't worry we can all make mistakes».
- Answer 2 (passive communication) »Excuse me, it seems to me that you have given me less change, although I am not sure if I paid with a 20 bill or if it was 10 ″.
- Answer 3 (aggressive communication): «Hey, you've made a mistake. I paid you with a 20 bill and you gave me the wrong change ».
- Berelson, B. and Steiner, G. (1964). Human behavior: an inventory of Scientific Findings. New York: Ed, Harcourt Brace.
- Davis, K., and J. Newstrom. (1987): Human behavior at work: organizational behavior, Ed. Mc Graw-Hill, Mexico, 608.
- González Morales, Julio César. Self-expression and interpersonal communication in the Organization. Editorial Logos, City of Havana 2005.
- Ludlow R. and Panton F. (1997) The essence of communication. Mexico Ed. Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana, SA
- Serrano, M. (1982) Theory of communication. Epistemology and baseline analysis. Madrid, Ed. To heart.