- List of typical dishes of the Miranda state
- Sancocho and boiled fish
- Fried fish
- Roast Lebranche
- Mirandino tripe
- Roasted Black
- Fufu
- Cachapa with hand cheese
- Casabe
- torrejas
- Cafunga
- Facunda
- Aubergine
- Retains coconut
- Beaten
- References
The typical food of the Miranda state consists of varied dishes predominantly based on fish, corn, banana, coconut and other products typical of this coastal area of Venezuela.
Typical dishes include the fish stew, the fried fish with salad and tostones, the roasted lebranche, the mirandino tripe, the black roast and the fufu.
There are also other dishes, such as cachapa with hand cheese and casabe, which is a companion to various dishes. As for the confectionery, there are the facunda, the cafunga, the torrejas, the barengue, the preserved coconut and the golfeados, among other dishes.
The influence of colonial and Afro-Caribbean cuisine is greatly appreciated in the rich cuisine of Mirandina. Most of the dishes are made with agricultural and marine products typical of this state, located in the central coastal region of the country.
List of typical dishes of the Miranda state
Sancocho and boiled fish
It is one of the most traditional dishes of the Miranda state and can be made with fresh, salted or crossed fish (a mixture of both). Sancocho is a thicker consistency soup made with ingredients chopped into small pieces.
Instead, boiling is a broth that is made with larger pieces and is cooked for less time, just until it boils.
Both the sancocho and the boiled, consist of a soup or broth, to which fish heads or a complete cut fish are added.
Its ingredients are squash, potato, green banana, yucca, branch onion and green paprika, and it is seasoned with coriander, salt and pepper to taste. Sometimes a cup of coconut milk is added to it.
Fried fish
Fried fish accompanied by vegetable salad and green plantain tostones is another of the most typical and popular meals in the coastal area of the state, along with a variety of seafood-based dishes.
One of the most popular varieties of fish is snapper for its exquisite flavor. It is served with a fresh salad of lettuce, tomato, onion, avocado and lemon.
Roast Lebranche
In addition to fried fish, roasted lebranche is another popular dish on the Mirandian coast. This fish is a species of abundant sea especially in Boca de Uchire and the Tacarigua Lagoon, it has an ideal size and a very tasty meat. It is made on the grill or grill, accompanied by fresh salad or arepa.
Mirandino tripe
Tripe is a typical dish in almost all of Venezuela, but it varies in its ingredients and way of preparation, from one region or state to another.
The mondongo mirandino consists of a thick soup made from meat and beef belly, previously cooked to soften it. Chopped vegetables are added into small pieces and left over low heat for a few hours.
Its other ingredients are: mushrooms, beef leg cartilage to give more consistency to the soup, cassava, yams, corn dough, chickpeas, baby corn on the cob, water, lemon juice, vinegar, a pinch of baking soda, salt and pepper. To add more flavor to the soup, add a sauce of onion, bell pepper, sweet pepper and garlic.
Roasted Black
The black roast is made with a cut of beef called "boy round", which is cut into slices, whose characteristic is its dark color and sweet flavor. It is generally served with rice, mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables and slices of ripe banana.
The meat is left to marinate the night before, bathed in red wine, black pepper, garlic and salt to taste. Then it is roasted in a cauldron together with the other ingredients (tomatoes, paper, onion and oil) until it acquires its dark hue.
It is a Caribbean recipe that consists of an arepa or bun made with green banana, papelón, coconut and dressings.
For its preparation, the bananas are cut into large pieces and cooked in water with salt and lemon. When the bananas are soft, they are mashed into a puree, garlic and pepper are added, and they are fried.
Cachapa with hand cheese
Although it is not a typical dish exclusive to the Miranda state, it is a very popular one. The cachapa consists of a roasted and fine cake of ground sweet corn to whose dough is added papelón. It is cooked in clay pots and, once it is roasted, it is served with hand cheese and butter.
It is a companion to almost all the dishes of the coastal regions of Venezuela. This typical Miranda dish of ancestral origin is made with yucca flour, the dough of which is crushed into the shape of an arepa and roasted on a budare (metal or clay plate). After roasting, it has the consistency of fine toasted bread.
This typical sweet of Spanish origin is very famous in this part of the country. It consists of a fried cookie made with wheat flour or banana flour, eggs and butter. After frying, the dough is covered with sugar. It is served as a snack.
It is one of the most typical sweets of the Miranda state that is made with a mixture of ripe banana, topocho (a variety of medium banana), papelón, coconut and anise to taste.
These ingredients are mixed into a puree and then, when the dough acquires a pasty consistency, it is cooked on a griddle like an arepa.
It is another dessert from the Barlovento area. It consists of an elongated bun made from coconut, papelón and banana.
It is a mixture similar to a tizana but cooked, which is composed of milk with ripe banana and chopped coconut.
Retains coconut
This typical sweet is very popular that is made with grated coconut, paper and sugar. Clavitos are added to these ingredients.
They are mixed and cooked over low heat until they acquire the consistency of marshmallow that is characteristic of it. It is then placed in lemon or mango leaves, allowed to cool, and served.
They are very popular cakes throughout the country and in this state, Miranda, especially in its capital Los Teques. These buns are baked rolled into a snail shape.
They are spongy, as they are filled with "melao", a mixture made with papelón and anise. A piece of hand cheese is placed on top.
- Typical foods of the Miranda state (Venezuela). Consulted of meals-tipicas.com
- Typical dishes of the Miranda state. Consulted of hablemosdeculturas.com
- Typical foods of Venezuela and its regions - 15 Typical dishes. Consulted of Comidatipicade.net
- Gastronomy of the state of Miranda (Venezuela). Consulted of Comidatipicade.net
- How to Make Roast Lebranche ?. Consulted of xn--gastronomavenezolana-x4b.com