- Origin
- The endosymbiotic theory
- General characteristics of chloroplasts
- Structure (parts)
- Outer and inner membranes
- Thylakoid membrane
- Thylakoids
- Stroma
- Genome
- Features
- Photosynthesis
- Synthesis of biomolecules
- Defense against pathogens
- Other plastids
- References
The chloroplasts are a type of cell organelles delimited by a complex membrane system, typical of plants and algae. In this plastid is chlorophyll, the pigment responsible for photosynthesis processes, the green color of plants and allowing the autotrophic life of these lineages.
Furthermore, chloroplasts are related to the generation of metabolic energy (ATP - adenosine triphosphate), synthesis of amino acids, vitamins, fatty acids, lipid components of their membranes and reduction of nitrites. It also has a role in the production of defense substances against pathogens.
Chloroplast. By Miguelsierra, from Wikimedia Commons
This photosynthetic organelle has its own circular genome (DNA) and it is proposed that, like mitochondria, they originated from a process of symbiosis between a host and an ancestral photosynthetic bacterium.
Chloroplasts are organelles that have characteristics of very distant groups of organisms: algae, plants, and prokaryotes. This evidence suggests that the organelle originated from a prokaryotic organism with the ability to photosynthesize.
It is estimated that the first eukaryotic organism, with the ability to photosynthesize, originated about 1 billion years ago. Evidence indicates that this major evolutionary leap was caused by the acquisition of a cyanobacterium by a eukaryotic host. This process gave rise to different lineages of red and green algae and plants.
In the same way, secondary and tertiary symbiosis events are proposed in which a lineage of eukaryotes establishes a symbiotic relationship with another free-living photosynthetic eukaryote.
During the course of evolution, the genome of the putative bacterium has been shortened and some of its genes have been transferred and integrated into the nucleus genome.
The organization of the genome of current chloroplasts is reminiscent of a prokaryote, however it also has attributes of the genetic material of eukaryotes.
The endosymbiotic theory
The endosymbiotic theory was proposed by Lynn Margulis in a series of books published between the 60s and 80s. However, it was an idea that had already been used since the 1900s, proposed by Mereschkowsky.
This theory explains the origin of chloroplasts, mitochondria and the basal bodies present in flagella. According to this hypothesis, these structures were once free prokaryotic organisms.
There is not much evidence to support the endosymbiotic origin of basal bodies from motile prokaryotes.
In contrast, there is significant evidence supporting the endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria from α-Proteobacteria and of chloroplasts from cyanobacteria. The clearest and strongest evidence is the similarity between the two genomes.
General characteristics of chloroplasts
Chloroplasts are the most conspicuous type of plastids in plant cells. They are oval structures surrounded by membranes and inside them the most famous process of autotrophic eukaryotes occurs: photosynthesis. They are dynamic structures and have their own genetic material.
They are generally located on the leaves of plants. A typical plant cell can have 10 to 100 chloroplasts, although the number is quite variable.
Like the mitochondria, the inheritance of chloroplasts from parents to children occurs by one of the parents and not by both. In fact, these organelles are quite similar to mitochondria in several respects, although more complex.
Structure (parts)
Chloroplast. By Gmsotavio, from Wikimedia Commons
Chloroplasts are large organelles, 5 to 10 µm in length. The characteristics of this structure can be visualized under a traditional light microscope.
They are surrounded by a double lipid membrane. In addition, they have a third system of internal membranes, called thylakoid membranes.
This latter membranous system forms a set of disk-like structures, known as thylakoids. The junction of thylakoids in piles is called "grana" and they are connected to each other.
Thanks to this triple system of membranes, the internal structure of the chloroplast is complex and is divided into three spaces: the intermembrane space (between the two outer membranes), the stroma (found in the chloroplast and outside the thylakoid membrane) and by last the lumen of the thylakoid.
Outer and inner membranes
The membrane system is related to the generation of ATP. Like the membranes of the mitochondria, it is the inner membrane that determines the passage of molecules into the organelle. Phosphaditylcholine and phosphaditylglycerol are the most abundant lipids in chloroplast membranes.
The outer membrane contains a series of pores. Small molecules can freely enter these channels. The inner membrane, for its part, does not allow free transit of this type of low weight molecules. For the molecules to enter, they must do so by means of specific transporters anchored to the membrane.
In some cases there is a structure called the peripheral reticulum, formed by a network of membranes, originated specifically from the inner membrane of the chloroplast. Some authors consider them unique from plants with C4 metabolism, although they have been found in C3 plants.
The function of these tubules and vesicles is not yet clear. It is proposed that they could contribute to the rapid transport of metabolites and proteins within the chloroplast or to increase the surface of the inner membrane.
Thylakoid membrane
Thylakoid membrane. Par Tameeria sur Wikipédia anglais, via Wikimedia Commons
The electron transport chain involved in photosynthetic processes occurs in this membrane system. Protons are pumped through this membrane, from the stroma into the thylakoids.
This gradient results in the synthesis of ATP, when the protons are directed back to the stroma. This process is equivalent to that which occurs in the inner membrane of the mitochondria.
The thylakoid membrane is made up of four types of lipids: monogalactosyl diacylglycerol, digalactosyl diacylglycerol, sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerol, and phosphatidylglycerol. Each type fulfills a special function within the lipid bilayer of this section.
Thylakoids are membranous structures in the form of sacks or flat discs that are stacked in a "grana" (the plural of this structure is granum). These discs have a diameter of 300 to 600 nm. The internal space of the thylakoid is called the lumen.
The architecture of the thylakoid stack is still debated. Two models are proposed: the first is the helical model, in which the thylakoids are wound between the grains in a helix shape.
In contrast, the other model proposes a bifurcation. This hypothesis suggests that grana are formed by bifurcations of the stroma.
The stroma is the gelatinous fluid that surrounds the thylakoids and is located in the inner region of the chloroplast. This region corresponds to the cytosol of the supposed bacterium that originated this type of plastid.
In this area are DNA molecules and a large amount of proteins and enzymes. Specifically are the enzymes that participate in the Calvin cycle, for the fixation of carbon dioxide in the photosynthetic process. You can also find starch granules
Chloroplast ribosomes are found in the stroma, since these structures synthesize their own proteins.
One of the most important characteristics of chloroplasts is that they have their own genetic system.
The genetic material of chloroplasts consists of circular DNA molecules. Each organelle has multiple copies of this circular 12-16 kb (kilobase) molecule. They are organized into structures called nucleoids and consist of 10 to 20 copies of the plastid genome, along with proteins and RNA molecules.
Chloroplast DNA codes for approximately 120 to 130 genes. These result in proteins and RNA related to photosynthetic processes such as the components of photosystem I and II, ATP synthase and one of the subunits of Rubisco.
Rubisco (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase / oxygenase) is a crucial enzyme complex in the Calvin cycle. In fact, it is considered the most abundant protein on planet earth.
Transfer and ribosomal RNAs are used in the translation of message RNAs that are encoded in the chloroplast genome. It includes 23S, 16S, 5S and 4.5S ribosomal RNAs and transfer RNAs. It also codes for 20 ribosomal proteins and certain subunits of RNA polymerase.
However, certain elements necessary for the functioning of the chloroplast are encoded in the nuclear genome of the plant cell.
Chloroplasts can be considered as important metabolic centers in plants, where multiple biochemical reactions take place thanks to the wide spectrum of enzymes and proteins anchored to membranes that these organelles contain.
They have a critical function in plant organisms: it is the place where photosynthetic processes occur, where sunlight is transformed into carbohydrates, having oxygen as a secondary product.
A series of secondary biosynthetic functions also occur in chloroplasts. Below we will discuss each function in detail:
Photosynthesis (left) and respiration (right). Image on the right taken from BBC
Photosynthesis occurs thanks to chlorophyll. This pigment is found within the chloroplasts, in the membranes of the thylakoids.
It is made up of two parts: a ring and a tail. The ring contains magnesium and is responsible for the absorption of light. It can absorb blue light and red light, reflecting the green area of the light spectrum.
Photosynthetic reactions occur thanks to the transfer of electrons. The energy coming from the light confers energy to the chlorophyll pigment (the molecule is said to be "excited by light"), causing a movement of these particles in the thylakoid membrane. Chlorophyll gets its electrons from a water molecule.
This process results in the formation of an electrochemical gradient that allows the synthesis of ATP in the stroma. This phase is also known as "light".
The second part of photosynthesis (or dark phase) occurs in the stroma and continues in the cytosol. It is also known as carbon fixation reactions. At this stage, the products of the previous reactions are used to build carbohydrates from CO 2.
Synthesis of biomolecules
In addition, chloroplasts have other specialized functions that allow the development and growth of the plant.
In this organelle the assimilation of nitrates and sulfates occurs, and they have the necessary enzymes for the synthesis of amino acids, phytohormones, vitamins, fatty acids, chlorophyll and carotenoids.
Certain studies have identified a significant number of amino acids synthesized by this organelle. Kirk and colleagues studied the production of amino acids in the chloroplasts of Vicia faba L.
These authors found that the most abundant synthesized amino acids were glutamate, aspartate, and threonine. Other types, such as alanine, serine and glycine, were also synthesized but in smaller quantities. The remaining thirteen amino acids were also detected.
Different genes involved in lipid synthesis have been isolated. Chloroplasts possess the necessary pathways for the synthesis of isoprenoid lipids, essential for the production of chlorophyll and other pigments.
Defense against pathogens
Plants do not have a developed immune system similar to that of animals. Therefore, cell structures must produce antimicrobial substances in order to defend themselves against damaging agents. For this purpose, plants can synthesize reactive oxygen species (ROS) or salicylic acid.
Chloroplasts are related to the production of these substances that eliminate possible pathogens that enter the plant.
Likewise, they function as "molecular sensors" and participate in alert mechanisms, communicating information to other organelles.
Other plastids
Chloroplasts belong to a family of plant organelles called plastids or plastids. Chloroplasts differ mainly from the rest of the plastids by having the pigment chlorophyll. The other plastids are:
-The chromoplasts: these structures contain carotenoids, they are present in flowers and flowers. Thanks to these pigments, plant structures have yellow, orange and red colors.
-Leukoplasts: these plastids do not contain pigments and are therefore white. They serve as a reserve and are found in organs that do not receive direct light.
-Amyloplasts: contain starch and are found in roots and tubers.
Plastids originate from structures called protoplastids. One of the most surprising characteristics of plastids is their property to change type, even if they are already in a mature stage. This change is triggered by environmental or intrinsic signals from the plant.
For example, chloroplasts are capable of giving rise to chromoplasts. For this change, the thylakoid membrane disintegrates and carotenoids are synthesized.
- Allen, JF (2003). Why Chloroplasts and Mitochondria Contain Genomes. Comparative and Functional Genomics, 4 (1), 31–36.
- Cooper, G. M (2000). The cell: Molecular approach. Second edition. Sinauer Associates
- Daniell, H., Lin, C.-S., Yu, M., & Chang, W.-J. (2016). Chloroplast genomes: diversity, evolution, and applications in genetic engineering. Genome Biology, 17, 134.
- Gracen, VE, Hilliard, JH, Brown, RH, & West, SH (1972). Peripheral reticulum in chloroplasts of plants differing in CO 2 fixation pathways and photorespiration. Plant, 107 (3), 189-204.
- Gray, MW (2017). Lynn Margulis and the endosymbiont hypothesis: 50 years later. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 28 (10), 1285–1287.
- Jensen, PE, & Leister, D. (2014). Chloroplast evolution, structure and functions. F1000Prime Reports, 6, 40.
- Kirk, PR, & Leech, RM (1972). Amino Acid Biosynthesis by Isolated Chloroplasts during Photosynthesis. Plant Physiology, 50 (2), 228-234.
- Kobayashi, K., & Wada, H. (2016). Role of lipids in chloroplast biogenesis. In Lipids in Plant and Algae Development (pp. 103-125). Springer, Cham.
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