- Local steppe climate
- The climate of San Luis Potosí
- Temperature
- Cloudiness
- Precipitation
- Humidity
- Winds
- References
The main climate of San Luis Potosí is that of the local steppe. On average, the hottest temperatures can be found between April and May. Instead, the rainy season is observed during June, July, August and September.
San Luis Potosí has dry spells in January, February, March and April, during the first half of the year.
In November and December this city has another dry spell. February is usually the driest month.
May is usually the hottest month, while January is usually the coldest month. On average July is the wettest, as it is normal for a large amount of rain to fall.
San Luis Potosí is a state located in Mexico that covers an area of 62,840 square kilometers. The most comfortable climate can be found when average temperatures are between 20 and 30 ° C.
For this reason, the best months to visit this city are May and June. Although the other months of the year also have a comfortable temperature, between 10 and 20 ° C.
You may also be interested in the relief of San Luis Potosí.
Local steppe climate
This climate has the abbreviation of BSh on the Köppen-Geiger scale. The B means that it is a dry climate and the S that it is a steppe climate.
This type of climate tends to exist in cycles: there may be 10 years or more of good rains followed by many years of drought.
The difference between steppes and deserts is determined by the average temperature during the year and precipitation.
With a little less rain, the steppe could be transformed into a desert. If more rain falls, it will become a meadow.
This type of climate is found in the middle of the continents and in the lee of high mountains. Mountains prevent moist air from the oceans or tropical climates from reaching the steppe.
The combination of low temperatures and dry winds make it a somewhat difficult place to live.
In the local steppes there is not enough precipitation for trees to grow. The plants that grow there have adapted to these drought conditions, since they grow on an extensive root system and are small.
Animals have adapted to burrowing in the ground to keep warm or cold, or to protect themselves in the open plains of the steppe.
The temperatures between summer and winter vary a lot. Those of the summer in the steppe are similar to those of the savannah, since both ecosystems can reach temperatures of up to 104 ° F and have strong storms.
However, in winter there are no clouds in the sky to prevent heat from escaping into the atmosphere. The ground grows colder and colder; there are no trees to block the wind.
Currently cities that have this climate tend to dig deep wells and have good irrigation systems to combat lack of water. Generally it is very difficult for industries and large cities to develop there.
The climate of San Luis Potosí
In this state the summers are short and hot, and the winters are short and cold. Generally, San Luis Potosí is quite dry and partly cloudy throughout the year.
Temperatures range from 41 to 83 ° F; it rarely falls below 33 ° F or rises above 90 ° F.
In the regions with higher elevations, the climate is dry and desert. In the central region the climate can vary from cold to hot, but generally the lower regions of the state are hot and humid.
The average annual temperature in the capital, San Luis Potosí, is about 18 ° C.
The hot season lasts about 2 months, specifically from April to June; average temperatures reach over 84 ° F.
The cold season also lasts about 2 or 3 months, from November to February; average temperatures are below 72 ° F.
In San Luis Potosí, the average percentage of the sky that is covered by clouds experiences significant variations depending on the season throughout the year.
The clearest skies can be observed from October to June, so they last for about 7 months. May is usually the month with the clearest skies.
The cloudier season begins around June and lasts for about 4 months, ending in October. In September you can find the cloudiest days of the year.
In San Luis de Potosí the most common form of precipitation comes in the form of rain.
The probability of rain varies greatly throughout the year. The rainy season lasts about 4 months - from May to October - with a chance of rain of more than 21% on any day. During the days of July the probability of rain is 40%.
The drought lasts for about 7 months, from October to May. During the month of December the probability of rain is only 3%. Average rainfall throughout the year is about 341 mm.
Contrary to temperature, which varies considerably between night and day, humidity tends to change more slowly.
While the temperature can drop overnight, a humid night generally follows a humid day.
In San Luis Potosí, the humidity level does not vary much during the year, since on average it remains around 0% throughout the months.
The windiest part of the year lasts about 4 months, from June to September, with an average wind speed of more than 8.9 miles per hour.
On the other hand, the calmest period occurs from September to June: it lasts about 8 months. The average wind speed at this time is about 7.6 miles per hour. Most of the year the winds come from the east.
- Climate San Luis Potosí. Recovered from weather-and-climate.com
- San Luis Potosí climate. Recovered from world-climates.com
- San Luis Potosi. Recovered from nationsencyclopedia.com
- Average weather in San Luis Potosí. Recovered from weatherspark.com
- Climate: San Luis Potosí. Recovered from es.climate-data.org
- Steppe climate. Recovered from blueplanetbiomes.org