- Temperatures and precipitation
- Climate impact on agriculture
- Snow and tornadoes in Coahuila
- Tornadoes
- References
Coahuila's climate is generally quite dry, although it may vary slightly depending on the area of the state.
Coahuila is characterized by a Köppen Aw or tropical savanna climate. 95% of its surface has semi-dry, dry and very dry ecosystems, while the other 5% corresponds to a temperate climate.
The average temperature in the state is 27 degrees Celsius and there is a great variation between the seasons.
In summer the temperature slightly exceeds 30 degrees, while in winter it can drop to 4 in some parts where the climate is more temperate.
Temperatures and precipitation
Coahuila presents climatic contrasts, going from practically desert places to cold landscapes where you can even see snow.
Its classification as a tropical savanna is not entirely practical, since its climate is very dry and plants of the tropical type are scarce.
Practically its entire surface (95%) is dry, with very low annual rainfall that barely exceeds 500 mm.
Like many savanna-type areas, there are two large predominant seasons that differ greatly from each other; summer and winter.
Summer in Coahuila is observed between March and September. During these months the temperature can exceed 30 degrees Celsius (in arid areas it can touch 40).
It is in the summer when the scarce rainfall in the region reaches its peak, especially in the months of July and August.
In winters there is a sharp drop in temperature. The tiny temperate zone can have temperatures very close to zero degrees Celsius.
On the other hand, snowfall is common in higher altitude areas.
Climate impact on agriculture
The low rainfall and the dryness of its climate generate great impediments to Coahuila for the proper development of agriculture.
Even though it is the third largest state in Mexico in terms of area, it ranks 20 (out of 32) among the Mexican entities that contribute the most to national agriculture, representing just 1.5%.
In the areas of sown and harvested area, Coahuila occupies 22nd place among all the states of Mexico in both cases.
Coahuila's economy is based mainly on mining, basic industries and the manufacture of vehicles.
Snow and tornadoes in Coahuila
Despite having a dry climate, even arid in certain parts, snow is particularly common in the area of the mountains, where the altitude and cold are higher.
In the town of Arteaga, located in the southeastern part of the state, the temperature drops to minus 15 degrees Celsius at some times of the year.
In fact, in Coahuila there is the only alpine ski center in Mexico, called Bosques de Monterreal.
It is located about 3,000 meters high in the Sierra de Arteaga. It has a main track of more than 200 meters and facilities that allow you to learn to ski throughout the year.
The northeast of the country is frequently visited by cold fronts creating an environment conducive to the formation of tornadoes. It is not unusual to see tornadoes and whirlwinds of low and medium intensity at least once a year.
- Coahuila (sf). Retrieved on November 2, 2017, from Coahuila Español.
- Coahuila de Zaragoza: Climate (sf). Retrieved on November 2, 2017, from Cuéntame.
- Climate: Coahuila (sf). Retrieved on November 2, 2017, from Climate Data.
- Formation of possible tornadoes in Coahuila (May 25, 2016). Retrieved on November 2, 2017, from Excelsior.
- Alejandra Arteaga (June 6, 2016). Agricultural production in Mexico. Retrieved on November 2, 2017, from Milenio.
- To ski in Mexico (sf). Retrieved on November 2, 2017, from Unknown Mexico.