- Water
- Fight deforestation
- Avoid introducing large amounts of waste into the environment
- Alternative power sources
- Floor washing
- Acoustics
Mantenimiento al motor de los vehículos
- Reducción de sonido natural y cancelado artificial
- Referencias
Focusing on how to prevent environmental pollution in all its forms should be one of humanity's highest priorities. The resources of planet Earth are limited; poor air, soil and water care can have catastrophic consequences in the long term, which are difficult to identify in the short term.
The influence of the human being in the destruction of the environment is increasing, as modern technologies require a large amount of natural resources to sustain themselves. While modern ideas emerge every day to stop the damage done to the environment, not all of them can be applied in the short term.
Every person, in one way or another, indirectly collaborates with environmental pollution, in part due to the lack of knowledge of what is damaging the planet.
Environmental contamination of water is defined as the presence of chemical, toxic and biological agents that should not be present in a body of water naturally, which puts the environment and people at risk.
It is usually caused by the unnecessary introduction of chemical agents in a collateral way due to human activities. Any amount of these agents contaminates the water: regardless of whether that amount is harmful or not, it is still considered contamination.
Fight deforestation
Although it doesn't seem like it at first glance, deforestation and soil pollution are closely related. For example, when rainfall turns out to be acidic, trees can stop damage that would otherwise reach the ground. By removing trees, this natural defense is lost.
It is also common for the soil to erode as there are no plants on its surface, which prevent the natural movement of the most exposed layer of the same soil.
Reforestation is one of the most effective methods to combat soil contamination. Planting trees in areas where erosion is common can help combat (and even reverse) damage to the soil.
Avoid introducing large amounts of waste into the environment
Waste, such as plastic, garbage, and other non-biodegradable materials, often accumulates on fertile land when indiscriminately disposed of. This contaminates them and affects their chemical and biological properties.
One of the most effective ways to prevent this type of damage is to buy products that have as small a package as possible. Discarding packaging is one of the main reasons why this problem is so recurring.
Alternative power sources
The electricity and energy used in homes is usually generated by fossil-based fuels. These fossil fuels, such as coal or oil, are major causes of damage to the planet's soils.
Considering the use of alternative energy sources is one of the most efficient ways to reduce damage to the soil. The alternate sources are usually unlimited; that is, they are renewable sources of energy. Among the most common are solar, wind and hydroelectric energy.
Solar panels gather energy from the ground to convert it into electrical energy. On the other hand, modern windmills convert the movement generated by air currents into electrical waves that can be used in homes.
Floor washing
Soil washing is a process by which water pressure is used to naturally remove the contaminants that are located there. There are two ways in which this process is accomplished.
The first way is by dissolving the harmful components present in the soil in a special washing solution. The second is by concentrating these harmful substances in smaller patches of soil, using methods similar to those used to treat clay and sand.
Noise pollution is defined as exposure to high levels of noise that can be harmful to humans or other living organisms. According to the World Health Organization, noises that do not reach 70 decibels are not harmful to health.
Being exposed to sounds that exceed 85 decibels for more than eight hours can cause adverse effects in living beings. This type of noise is often present on highways and highways with frequent traffic, exposing workers in these areas to its consequences.
Original text
Mantenimiento al motor de los vehículos
Si bien el problema que genera un vehículo paupérrimamente mantenido está más relacionado con la contaminación del aire, los vehículos viejos suelen producir sonidos muy elevados que perjudican a las personas que transitan por la calle.
Tener al vehículo personal propiamente cuidado internamente reduce de manera significativa la emisión de ruido innecesario al medio ambiente.
Reducción de sonido natural y cancelado artificial
Las plantas de gran tamaño, como los árboles, son una de las mejores soluciones para evitar la contaminación sonora en las ciudades. No solo son excelentes fuentes de reducción de ruido, sino que además colaboran con la reducción de la contaminación del aire.
Los árboles contienen la expansión de ruido dentro de sus copas. Por tanto, sembrar varios a lo largo de las grandes metrópolis hace que los efectos de la contaminación sonora disminuyan significativamente.
Además, existen varias formas de combatir el sonido si el problema es local. Aunque parezca irónico, generar ruido puede ser una buena forma de combatir el exceso de este en el ambiente.
Por ejemplo, utilizar un ventilador para contrarrestar ruidos externos puede ser una buena solución, pues generan un sonido constante y relajante para muchos.
- Reducing Air Pollution, San Diego Country Air Pollution Control District, (n.d.). Tomado de sdapcd.org
- Actions You Can Take to Reduce Air Pollution, United States Environmental Protection Agency, (n.d.). Tomado de epa.gov
- Ways to Reduce Noise Pollution, Jonatha Ewald, 2014. Tomado de lifeandhealth.org
- Controlling & Preventing Land Pollution, Amanda Robb, Lessons in Studies. Tomado de study.com
- Reduce Soil Pollution and Erosion, Everything Connects Organization, (n.d.). Tomado de everythignconnects.org
- Ten Things You Can Do To Reduce Water Pollution, Town of Simbsury Government, (n.d.). Tomado de simsbury-ct.gov
- WWF Threats – Pollution, World Wild Life Online, (n.d.). Tomado de worldwildlife.org
- What is Noise Pollution?, Environmental Pollution Center, (n.d.). Tomado de environmentalpollutioncenters.org
- What is Water Pollution?, Environmental Pollution Center, (n.d.). Tomado de environmentalpollutioncenters.org
- What is Soil Pollution?, Environmental Pollution Center, (n.d.). Tomado de environmentalpollutioncenters.org
- What is Air Pollution?, Environmental Pollution Center, (n.d.). Tomado de environmentalpollutioncenters.org