- 11 keys to knowing someone better from their eyes
- 1-Eye contact
- 2- Avoid eye contact
- 3- blink
- 4- Direction of gaze
- 5- squinting
- 6- Raise the eyebrows
- 7- Dominance
- 8- Keys to seduction
- 9- Pupils
- 10- Personality: how to read the iris of the eye
- 11- trusting your instincts
Knowing how to read the eyes of a person - woman or man - can be a great advantage. Especially a part of the eyes, the pupils, not only serve to let light pass through to internal receptors, but they can also signal what is passing through our mind.
It is often said that the eyes "are the window to the soul" and that they can say a lot about a person. So much is the importance of the eyes when interacting with other people, that according to a study by the University of Miami, 43.4% of the attention we pay to another person is focused on their eyes.
"A person's thoughts can be determined by looking into his eyes" - England, Regiment of Life, 1545.
You may also be interested in how to know if a person is lying.
11 keys to knowing someone better from their eyes
1-Eye contact
There are three types of eye contact:
- Social: From eyes to mouth, show comfort.
- Intimidating: from the mouth to the lower parts of the body.
- Power: focused on forehead and eyes.
Especially in Western culture, some degree of eye contact is expected. If it is too persistent, it is considered intimidating or aggressive and causes the person to whom the gaze is directed to feel uncomfortable.
This occurs even with animals of different species; If you come across an aggressive dog, it is better not to look him directly in the eyes as he will feel threatened and may attack.
On the other hand, persistent contact can be a sign of attention to the interlocutor's messages. Conversely, if a person tries to deceive someone, they may avoid eye contact.
2- Avoid eye contact
Avoiding looking into someone else's eyes can be a sign of feeling embarrassed for some reason. Also, avoiding contact with another person often means being angry with them.
On the other hand, it appears that maintaining eye contact interferes with mental computational operations. At the Scottish University of Sterling, children who performed mental operations while maintaining eye contact with other children were found to fare worse than those who looked elsewhere.
You also have to take into account that the contact time depends on the culture. For example, in New York 1.68 seconds is perceived as an acceptable time.
3- blink
Emotions towards another person can alter the frequency of blinking. Blinking more than 6 to 10 times per minute can be a sign that the person is attracted to the other person.
Also, blinking more can indicate that the person is feeling nervous. Since 1980, in the presidential debates, the person who has blinked the most has lost.
4- Direction of gaze
A lot has been written about the direction the eyes look since NLP became known. According to this communication model, looking to the left indicates that something is being remembered.
On the other hand, looking to the right indicates that thoughts or images are being generated, which some interpret as lying, although I would take it with great caution. Note: with left-handed people it is the other way around.
5- squinting
Squinting means suspicion or disbelief and is a gesture that is often unconscious.
6- Raise the eyebrows
People raise their eyebrows when they want to make themselves understood better. It also indicates sympathy, empathy and a desire to get along with the other person.
7- Dominance
People who are wealthy, high-status, or want to show superiority tend to have less eye contact. Looking elsewhere in a conversation is another way of expressing superiority.
8- Keys to seduction
In flirting and seduction there seems to be a consensus that:
-If you initiate eye contact, the other person will probably feel welcome and respond positively.
-If you initiate contact and the other person does not respond, they may not be interested. If you keep looking at her after he / she looks away or rejects the look, you will make them feel uncomfortable.
-Guys can take into account the following: 1) if a girl looks you in the eye, then looks down and finally returns to your eyes, surely she is interested, 2) if she breaks eye contact and looks to the side, no nothing is certain and 3) if she looks up after making eye contact, she is probably not interested.
-For girls who want to seduce with their eyes: a man needs on average three looks from a girl to begin to realize that he is interested.
9- Pupils
Since the size of the pupils cannot be voluntarily controlled, you can know or at least infer what the other person is thinking by observing them. Regarding the pupils there are several interesting points:
-Eckhard Hess found in 1975 that the pupils dilate when a person is interested in someone. Likewise, the pupils contract when we perceive situations that we do not like. Dilation: the size of the pupil grows. Contraction: the size of the pupil decreases.
-The more difficult a mental activity is, the more the pupils dilate. However, if the mental activity is too much, the pupils contract.
-They dilate when we experience pain.
-If the police stopped your car at night and pointed a flashlight at you, they have a reason. Some drugs, such as alcohol or opioids, cause the pupils to constrict. Others, such as methamphetamines, LSD or cocaine cause its dilation. Police officers often check this and if they have experience they will know when they are contracted less than 3mm or dilated more than 6.5mm.
10- Personality: how to read the iris of the eye
This may seem strange to you, although this has been shown by a study by Larsson and other collaborators in 2007.
If you look at the iris, the colored part of the eye, you can see some characteristics of the person's personality.
In the image, the lines leading away from the eye (1) suggest that he is a warm and loving person. On the contrary, the grooves (3) represent impulsivity.
It seems that the person responsible for this is the Pax6 gene that affects brain regions that influence behavior and in turn causes changes in the iris.
11- trusting your instincts
As you may have seen, generally the dilation of the pupils has a positive meaning and their contraction a negative one. However, it is very important to consider the situation; for example the luminosity.
According to studies, changes in the size of the pupils are very difficult to detect, although it seems that we are more capable unconsciously.
Therefore, changes in pupil size could be experienced unconsciously along with other non-verbal behaviors.