- Tips for making an introduction
- Make it interesting or exciting
- Generate curiosity or questions
- Clarity on the subject
- Exhibition of ideas
- Brevity
- Simple language
- Examples of introductions
- Example of introduction of a degree project
- Sample introduction to a discussion
- Example of introduction of a TFG
- Example of entering a report
- Thesis introduction example
- Sample literary essay introduction
- Example of personal essay introduction
- Research essay introduction example
- Philosophical essay introduction example
- References
Learning how to start an introduction can be the hardest part of writing in any type of text; it is very important that the beginning is well done, interesting and catches the reader's attention. An introduction is a text that precedes the development of a written work. Another way to define it is as the information that summarizes the total content of the document that is carried out.
Starting an introduction correctly is one of the keys for the reader to keep reading the text, for the simple fact that if he gets bored or something else arouses his attention, he will leave and may not return to our work.
A good introduction requires good documentation. Source: pixabay.com.
The introduction as an initial part of a text serves or aims to connect the reader with the central theme of the body of research, book or essay. This section accurately describes the most salient points of the work so that the interested public knows where the document is oriented.
Now, to start an introduction it is necessary to use a cultured and precise language. It is recommended that this text be done once all the development of the work has been completed. On the other hand, the introduction has to be short and clear in order to maintain the interest of the reader.
Tips for making an introduction
Make it interesting or exciting
The introduction is the second thing the reader will read, after the title. It is therefore essential that it be interesting and "hook" the reader. In many current novels the introductions or beginnings are exciting and spectacular, with extraordinary events, murders, robberies and other events that catch the reader's attention.
Regardless of the type of text you are going to do, you can make the introduction more interesting. For example, if the text is about economics today, surprising data or striking events can be mentioned.
Generate curiosity or questions
The author of an introduction can use phrases and quotes to start the text, in such a way that arouses the reader's curiosity and in turn raises questions.
Clarity on the subject
Before starting an introduction it is important to clearly know the topic to be developed, this allows you to organize your ideas in a coherent way. A useful tip is to make mind maps and write it down after all the work is done.
Exhibition of ideas
To make an introduction it is advisable to present the ideas from the general to the particular. This makes it easier to summarize the central content of the work.
When making an introduction it is important to remember that its length is short, which helps to clarify the information and describe only the most important to locate the reader.
Simple language
An introduction should have a simple, clear and precise language that provides the reader with a quick understanding of the topic at hand.
Examples of introductions
Example of introduction of a degree project
The present degree work is developed with the purpose of investigating and knowing the psychological treatment that the television channel ABC gives to the program María and her friends and to know how it influences the behavior of children.
The meaning of both variables is specified and conceptualized, that is, of psychological treatment and of child behavior, in order to understand the issue raised. It is intended to demonstrate the different behaviors of the child audience, specifically those between the ages of 2 and 6 years of age.
Everything stated above will be done through field work that allows the observation of results and describe the psychological treatment through a content analysis and variable matrix. Then the relationship of both topics ends.
The reason for this research is justified to understand the psychological contribution that television producers transmit to children and how the content of the programming acts on the behavior and thoughts of the audience.
This degree work consists of the following chapters: in the first, the formulation of the problem statement and its objectives is exposed. In chapter two the theoretical framework is developed, which includes the antecedents, the theoretical bases, psychological and legal bases and definition of terms.
Subsequently, the methodological framework is exposed where the field technique, the type of study, the universe and the population subject to research are described, as well as the data collection and its reliability. It ends with the points related to human and institutional resources.
Sample introduction to a discussion
"Human activity is worse for nature than the greatest nuclear accident in history." This phrase by Martín Cruz Smith encompasses the responsibility of the human being in the use of plastic and its consequences on the environment.
A good introduction also requires handling different points of view on the same topic. Source: pixabay.com.
Good morning, members of the jury, members of the discussion groups and the public present, my name is Pedro Cortesía and in the company of my team from the Colegio Patria Bolivariana and the Juan XXIII and María Inmaculada institutions, we are going to demonstrate the impact of plastic on pollution environmental.
Can you continue to use plastic without destroying planet earth? Plastic is part of our daily lives and its chemical composition slows down its disintegration, the petrochemical substances it contains affect water, air and land.
While recycling has served to reduce pollution, its application has become insufficient. The realization of this debate is based on proposing measures that make the use of plastic more efficient, raise awareness in the industry so that it reduces the one hundred million tons of this component that are produced per year.
Finally, it is intended to activate constant campaigns in the communities to clean the ecosystems that are close to them and to consciously recycle said material.
Example of introduction of a TFG
Encouraging and promoting confidence in the child is of utmost importance for their personal and individual development, for this it is necessary to educate with love and respect both at home and at school. The development of trust in the life of the infant prepares him to face difficulties and to travel the unknown paths with ease.
Confidence gives the child the ability to act in a given context and to defend himself with solid arguments without his emotional and psychological state being prolonged disturbed.
At present, it is imperative that a child has confidence in himself, because that way he can face the attacks produced by the phenomenon of bullying or harassment.
The family and social environment of the child is essential for the consolidation of trust. Assigning small chores around the home or the responsibility of caring for a pet makes the infant feel valued and capable, so his confidence increases as a result.
Finally, for a child to develop confidence it is necessary for him to receive positive language from his environment. For this, praise is essential. Now, since children are not perfect, if they do commit a fault it is better to emphasize that their behavior has been improper, rather than tell them that they are clumsy or incapable of doing something.
Example of entering a report
This report is developed with the purpose of publicizing the results obtained from the school tree planting project by third grade primary school students on the grounds adjacent to the Escuela Madre Perla institution.
The main objectives of this activity were to instill in the students the culture of planting edible fruit trees and sensitize them to caring for the environment.
The project was carried out with the input of each of the twenty-five students from the single third grade section, who planted more than fifty fruit plants with the help and guidance of teachers and representatives.
During the first week of October, the students were in charge of cleaning the areas where the planting took place and coordinated the irrigation and care system for the following months.
Once the activity was completed, the student body invited the rest of the school community and residents of the area to work together for the conservation of green areas.
In the development of this report, the data of the results obtained both in the field and in the human field and the environmental benefits for the general population will be specified.
Thesis introduction example
This thesis presents an analytical vision of public opinion and its impact on people's behavior and decision-making. In addition, it questions the current content of television newscasts and their accounts on social networks and what is related to the exposure of images that can disturb the thinking of the audience.
In the case of an analysis work, it is pertinent to know the psycho-social perspective of public opinion. In accordance with the foregoing, Noelle-Neumann (1974) defines it as a set of opinions around a variety of controversial issues that can be expressed in public without being isolated.
However, there is public opinion when in the street (as a meeting space) it is discussed in relation to a phenomenon that influences the psychological reaction of society. Today people are bombarded with information, which can cause an emotional collapse if the content that is received is not channeled.
Finally, the realization of this work is justified by the need to diagnose how influential a news event can be within the development of public opinion.
Consequently, a necessary analysis of the journalistic treatment that is given to news through the mass media, alternative and social networks is proposed.
Sample literary essay introduction
Cigarette smoking has been common in society and its effects cause harm to both those who smoke and those who do not. In the last decade, tobacco use in adolescents has increased.
A study carried out in the United States in 2014 found that 25% of high school students used cigarettes. The questions to ask are, what leads a teenager to smoke? Does it do it for fashion, to attract attention or because of the influence of her friends? Whatever the reason, the truth is that your health and your life are at risk.
Tobacco use is the leading cause of cancer worldwide. Its effects damage the lungs, throat, mouth, esophagus, bladder, stomach, among other parts of the body.
Teenagers who are frequently exposed to cigarette smoking can develop nicotine addiction. Before that happens, it is necessary for parents and teachers to get involved and activate prevention measures to keep young people away from this vice.
The development of this essay on cigarette smoking in adolescents aims to investigate the psychosocial causes of this disease and the statistics of diseases caused by tobacco.
If anything characterizes a good introduction, that is the appeal of the language used. Source: pixabay.com.
Finally, a discussion is opened on the preventive measures that society, parents, school and government must implement to eradicate this vice that affects a good number of the world's population.
Example of personal essay introduction
Precocious or adolescent pregnancy continues to be one of the main problems in society, especially in underdeveloped countries. Perhaps a teenager gets pregnant because she is not aware of the protection measures and because she does not have access to preventive information.
However, early pregnancy is not the sole responsibility of the minor who remains pregnant, but also of the male adolescent who participates in the sexual act without weighing the consequences. In Latin American societies where machismo reigns, the man constantly does not assume his part and the community becomes more matriarchal.
Now, why are state policies not consistent with prevention and information campaigns? Why don't parents speak more openly with their children about sexuality? Why don't schools participate more actively in preventive measures?
An early pregnancy affects the health of the mother and the baby because the adolescent's body is not yet ready to carry a baby in her womb. If the family situation of the pregnant woman is precarious, the difficulties increase and consequently the future of the child can become uncertain.
As society advances in technological and scientific matters, it must walk towards the eradication of early pregnancy. Teenagers in pregnancy are limited to progress and even more so when they do not have the support of their parents and relatives.
Research essay introduction example
Feminism is a movement that seeks to achieve equal rights and roles between men and women, both in the social, political, economic and cultural spheres. On the other hand, it seeks to eradicate the domination and violence that in many cases the masculine gender exercises over the feminine.
Feminism has its origin in ancient Greece through the actions of Hyparchy, then spread to the 13th century with Wilhelmine of Bohemia. Then it went through the workers' struggles of Flora Tristán in the 19th century and has finally gained momentum today.
Is feminism a concrete fact? Will someday women and men be the same in society? Feminism is a complex and deep subject, its edges range from its conceptualization to the attempt to redefine the roles of men and their association in this struggle that until now has been only of women.
Feminist Florence Thomas explains that feminism is a movement that can break the "cultural metaphors" that reign within societies. For her part, university professor Ángela Inés Robledo argues that many women consider this movement defeated because their freedoms are complete.
Philosophical essay introduction example
"Man realizes himself to the same extent that he commits himself to fulfilling the meaning of his life." This phrase by Víktor Frankl refers to the motivations that every human being must find in order for his life to have meaning and meaning.
The meaning of life depends on each subject, but how is it discovered? How does a person find their purpose? The answers to these questions are subjective, each human being gives her experience of living the meaning that is adjusted to her circumstances.
The conception of life is subject to the individual's perception of happiness or sadness, health or disease. It's a matter of attitude, not everyone sees the glass as half full or half empty. A terminally ill person can bring more meaning to their life than a healthy person.
The meaning of life is oriented towards happiness and success. However, subjectivity is present again, because not all people are happy with the same circumstances or material objects. Now, every path must have a goal, along the way there are the reasons and the inspiration to continue.
The meaning that is given to life is related to the mentality and thoughts of each person. A mind focused on the positive attracts good and pleasant things, therefore the meaning of existence takes on even more value.
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