- characteristics
- Other features
- How is innovative learning applied?
- Tools that help innovative learning
- Some considerations
- Examples
- References
The innovative learning refers to a type of learning that focuses on holistic teaching values for the student to be able to cope with various complex situations in the future.
In the same way, this type of learning takes into account some elements: it relies on certain established precepts but focuses them according to the changes that the environment undergoes, it enables children to develop other skills and encourages teamwork through dialogue and cooperation.
On the other hand, some specialists indicate that the success of an innovative pedagogy depends on the creativity and perseverance of teachers and professors, since thanks to this the students will be able to establish value judgments and learning routes according to their type of behavior.
The ultimate goal of innovative learning is to promote the adaptability of children so that they can become capable and skilled adults in any situation that comes their way.
Some important elements that stand out from this type of pedagogy are:
-The teacher acts more like a facilitator, since he provides the tools for problem solving, so that children are able to develop dialogue and cooperation skills.
-It is a type of flexible learning because it allows the restructuring and renewal of methods and tools.
-It seeks to implement new values that go beyond the traditional ones. That is, you want to train a more comprehensive child and capable of facing complex situations when she grows up.
-It has an original and creative methodology proposed by professors and teachers, in order to teach subjects with practical and interactive content.
-Try to meet the needs of students, taking into account their personal characteristics and abilities.
-It is capable of reaching any type of student, not only children and young people, but also adults. In fact, there are companies that are implementing this type of method for staff improvement.
-It has two fundamental pillars: participation, expressed in the need to be heard by peers; and anticipation, which consists of developing the capacity for perspective and general analysis.
-Among its objectives is to foster respect for others and promote integration between different social groups.
Other features
-Insta to the constant search for knowledge.
-Allows the evaluation of the consequences that may arise from a certain situation.
-It is supported by the development of predictive and simulation models that allow to recreate different types of contexts.
-Develop the so-called "soft" skills or those related to interaction and relationship with other people.
-Helps to bring together children, youth and adults from different social strata, in a way that enhances the development of empathy and resilience.
-Through innovative learning, the professional of the future is capable of improving the skills learned in order to stay at an optimal competitive level in relation to their peers.
-Some experts have indicated that this learning model enhances autonomy, necessary for the formation of social identity and the fulfillment of individuals, as well as the integration vital element for relationships between societies and people.
How is innovative learning applied?
Teachers, professors, and other instructors who are interested in carrying out this model should consider the following:
-Familiarize with the experiences of teaching professionals and know in depth which are the most recommended equipment when starting classes.
-Make an analysis of the needs that exist in the group and in each student. The latter requires work but it is important to consider each individual because integral values are implemented.
-Later, establish the number of phases that will be necessary to achieve the results.
-After obtaining the results, reflect on the weak and strong points to take into account, so that the experience can serve as a model for future occasions.
Tools that help innovative learning
-Computer platforms are interesting means for the dissemination of different types of content to students. In addition, they enrich the educational process.
-Intensive, open and online workshops: it is more common to witness these tools in higher education institutes or organizations.
-Tutorials: they can be written or in audiovisual format and are of great help, since their contents are precise depending on the focus and type of subject. In addition, they can be used as reinforcement for what has been seen in the classroom.
In the end, the important thing is to take into account that technology can be used as an educational channel that can be useful and productive.
Some considerations
If innovative learning is implemented, it is necessary to take into account some aspects:
-The use of technologies will depend on the objectives pursued by the institution or the company, in any case, the ideal is not to close to the idea of using it.
-It is vital to make the content and material attractive to students, since innovative learning requires creativity in favor of continuous, simple and fast improvement.
-To get a clearer idea of the success of the method or not, it is important to keep a record of the phases that are part of the process. Likewise, it will allow understanding the failures and the successful elements within the program.
-Teachers and instructors must be willing to instruct themselves constantly, as well as being willing to try different instruments that guarantee success in the teaching process.
-In the case of schools, it can be implemented through interactive situations. One of them can be the dramatization of a historical event, in which children will be able to understand the context, the protagonists and the consequences of the phenomenon studied.
-The teacher or professor can establish a certain topic to be debated among the students. If it were a current topic, it could generate the interaction of different points of view that will allow the visualization of the same problem.
-The execution of experiments is one of the most used methods, since they are a practice that produces direct contact with obtaining results. These, in addition, can encourage and increase creativity.
- 3 characteristics of an innovative educational project. (2017). In Akdemia. Retrieved: October 2, 2018. In Akdemia from akdemia.com.
- 10 innovative learning strategies for modern pedagogy. (2018). In Yo Teacher. Retrieved: October 2, 2018. In Yo Professor de yoprofersor.org.
- Innovative learning. (2017). In Server-Alicante. Retrieved: October 02, 2018. In Server-Alicante de glosario.servidor-alicante.com.
- Innovative Learning, to Cultivate Human Talent. (2018). In Efiempresa. Retrieved: October 2, 2018. In Efiempresa of efiempresa.com.
- Educational innovation and the innovative learning cycle. (2017). In Yo Teacher. Retrieved: October 2, 2018. In Yo Professor de yoprefesor.org.
- Organization for innovative learning. (2014). At MiguelPla Consultores. Retrieved: October 2, 2018. In MiguelPla Consultores de miguelpla.com.
- Types of learning. (sf). On Wikipedia. Retrieved: October 02, 2018. In Wikipedia at es.wikipedia.org.