- Characteristics of the alpaca
- - Body
- - Size
- - Skull
- - The fiber
- Color
- Hygroscopic properties
- Thermal properties
- Texture
- Dimensions
- Length
- Resistance
- Hypoallergenic
- performance
- Fleece weight
- Communication
- Vocalizations
- Spit
- Hybridization
- Taxonomy and subspecies
- - Taxonomy
- - Races
- Huacaya
- Suri
- Habitat and distribution
- Peru and Ecuador
- Habitat
- State of conservation
- Current situation of the Suri breed
- Actions
- Reproduction
- Breeding
- Feeding
- Digestive process
- Behavior
- References
The alpaca (Vicugna pacos) is a South American camelid belonging to the Camelidae family. Through genetic analysis it has been found that the vicuña is the wild ancestor of the alpaca. Likewise, studies indicate that this species was domesticated 6000 years ago in the Peruvian Andes.
The most notable feature of this mammal is its fiber, which covers the entire body. This wool is soft, highly resistant, hypoallergenic and high performance. In addition, experts point out that it can be presented in approximately 22 different natural tones, including black and white.
Due to its properties and characteristics, its fiber is highly valued in the national and international market. This makes the Vicugna pacos have a relevant economic importance for the countries in which it lives, especially for Peru, where the largest population is found.
The alpaca is the smallest species of camelids. Thus, its weight is between 45 and 77 kilograms and it measures 1.2 to 2.23 meters long. As for the body, it lacks a hump and is slim, although it looks voluptuous due to the wool that covers it.
The alpaca inhabits humid forests, grasslands and savannas in Peru, Ecuador, Chile and Argentina.
Characteristics of the alpaca
Source: Christophe Meneboeuf
- Body
The body of the alpaca has no hump and is slim. This one looks fluffy by the long wool that covers it. It has a small head and a long neck. As for the ears, they are pointed and elongated. His lips are thick and his eyes are large.
In relation to the teeth, the canines and the incisor of the male, known as fighting teeth, are more developed than those of the female. This is the only characteristic that differentiates them, since both sexes are physically very similar.
- Size
The Vicugna pacos is the smallest species of the Camelidae family. Its weight is between 45 and 77 kilograms and the height at the withers is approximately 92 centimeters. The length of the body is 1.2 to 2.25 meters.
- Skull
The skull of the alpaca has characteristics that differentiate it from other ruminants, such as bovines, goats and sheep. Some of these peculiarities is the lack of horns and the existence of a complete eye orbit.
As for the incisor bone, it has a socket for the only incisor tooth that it has in the upper dental arch. The maxillary bone has a cavity that the canine occupies. These characteristics are not present in other ruminants, which have a dental ridge on the upper jaw.
In the area that limits the maxillary, nasal and frontal bones it has a space or foramen, which allows communication between the ocular and nasal cavity. In relation to the frontal sinuses, they have diverticula that separate it into two areas: lateral sinus and medial frontal sinus.
- The fiber
Source: Brian0918
The alpaca is not used as a pack animal, like the llama. The Vicugna pacos is an animal that produces fiber, which, thanks to its excellent characteristics and properties, is used in the manufacture of excellent quality garments.
There are 22 different natural shades, which, when mixed, can produce a wide variety of natural colors. These range from white, creams, browns, grays, silver to a deep, shiny jet black.
This diversity is a great advantage over the other natural fibers. However, the white one is the most commercial is the white one. This is because it is easier to dye.
Hygroscopic properties
The alpaca fiber absorbs moisture, allowing the skin to be cool in the summer and during the winter, it helps to conserve heat.
Thermal properties
The microscopic air pockets that make up the fiber are an efficient thermal insulator and lighten the weight. In this way, the garments that are made with this thread are lightweight and contribute to maintaining body temperature, regardless of the external environment conditions.
The fiber is covered with scales, however, its edges are few protrusions, reducing friction. This makes its texture smooth.
The diameter ranges from 18 to 33 microns, which varies depending on the part of the body where the fiber is located. There are several factors that influence the thickness, among which are the diet, the age of the animal, the purity of the breed and the area of the body.
Thus, the diameter increases as the alpaca ages. Also, the finest fleece comes from the dorsal area, from the flanks or from the sides. The thickest are found on the belly, head, legs and chest.
The length of the fiber is associated with the sex, race and age of the Vicugna pacos. The young have the longest threads, while as the animal ages, the length decreases.
Regarding the breed, the Suri produces a fiber of approximately 15.05 centimeters, while in the Huacaya breed the average length is 14.67 centimeters. In addition, in the female it usually measures 12.5 to 17.2 centimeters and in the male it is 13.10 to 17 centimeters.
The strand of the alpaca is up to three times stronger than that of the sheep. In addition, it has a high tensile strength. Thanks to this, it does not form circular agglomerations, which would make it unsuitable for industrial use.
The fiber of this species, unlike that produced by sheep, contains very little lanolin. This makes it less itchy than other fibers.
The yield per fleece is high, between 87 and 95%, compared to that of sheep which is 43 to 76%. This wool does not fray or break, contributing to its industrialization.
Fleece weight
With regard to production, it is influenced by the sex, race and age of the alpaca. The first shearing occurs around 10 months. At that age, the fleece weighs 1.15 kilograms, a value that increases as the animal becomes an adult.
Thus, at two years it weighs 1.61 kilograms and at 4 years it reaches 2 kilograms. From the age of 6, the weight of the fleece begins to decrease.
The alpaca produces a wide range of sounds. The most common is buzzing, which the animal emits in various circumstances, such as when it feels distressed.
When they want to warn the rest of the group of danger, they can vocalize a snort or a scream. This can become so loud that it becomes deafening.
Another vocalization is the screech, which is probably intended to terrify the adversary. It is used mainly by the male, during fights with other males for dominance of the group.
Only some alpacas tend to spit, but all have the ability to do so. Generally, the liquid that is expelled contains acids from the stomach, but sometimes it is just air with a little saliva. Usually before doing so, they blow air strongly and lift their heads.
This behavior can be carried out for various reasons. For example, a female could do this when she does not want a male to seek her out to mate. Also, both sexes spit to keep other alpacas away from their food.
All South American camelids can interbreed with each other, producing fertile offspring. However, normally the union between domestic and wild species does not occur naturally in their habitat.
The product of the cross between an alpaca and a llama is a huarizo, which presents intermediate physical characteristics of both parents. When a vicugna and an alpaca unite, it gives rise to a pacovicuña, which shows a lot of similarity to the vicugna.
This hybrid has received considerable attention, as the fiber of the animal is of high quality.
Taxonomy and subspecies
Source: Radomil talk
The relationship between the alpaca and the other South American camelids has been controversial. During the 18th and 19th centuries, when the scientific name was assigned to it, it was thought to be a descendant of the guanaco (Lama guanicoe). Because of this she was named Lama Pacos.
However, in the 21st century, the analysis of the molecular markers mtDA and microsatellites showed that the alpaca and the vicuña are closely related. Thus, the experts established a new reclassification as Vicugna pacos.
- Taxonomy
-Animal Kingdom.
-Subreino: Bilateria.
-Filum: Cordate.
-Subfilum: Vertebrate.
-Infrafilum: Gnathostomata.
-Superclass: Tetrapoda.
-Class: Mammal.
- Subclass: Theria.
-Infraclass: Eutheria.
-Order: Artiodactyla.
-Family: Camelidae.
-Gender: Vicugna.
-Species: Vicugna pacos.
- Races
There are currently 2 breeds of alpaca, which differ mainly due to the external characteristics of their fiber.
The appearance of this breed is voluminous and rounded. Its fiber has the peculiarity of growing perpendicular to the body. The fluffy appearance is due to the density, luster, softness and curls it forms. The wicks are shorter and duller than those of the Suri breed.
Worldwide, its population is higher than that of the Suri. According to estimates, it represents 90% of all alpacas. Thus, in Bolivia, 95% of these mammals are of this breed, and in Peru they constitute 90% of the population.
This is due to the fact that this species has greater resistance to altitude and to the climatic conditions of these countries.
The fiber of the Suri breed has a limp appearance, since its growth is parallel to the body, towards the ground. Thus, long independent curls are formed throughout the body, similar to fringes. These are shiny and silky in appearance, because the fleece is fine, dense, soft and has luster.
The population of the Suri is lower than that of the Huacaya. Taking statistics into account, this breed represents about 4% of the total species. In Peru it constitutes 10% of the alpacas that inhabit that Andean country.
In this video you can see the difference between huacayos and suris:
Habitat and distribution
Previously, the alpaca was distributed in the central and southern region of the South American Andes, ranging from Peru to Argentina. The height of these regions was up to 4800 meters.
However, in areas close to sea level remains of Vicugna pacos were found, which could indicate that they had a greater dispersion. The reduction of habitat may be associated with the establishment in the area of the Spanish conquerors and with the livestock that they introduced.
The ecological impact suffered by the Andean region, as a result of the European invasion of the 16th century, caused the llama and the alpaca to be in danger of extinction.
Currently, the alpaca has a reduced distribution. It is located in the Andean ecosystems of South America, at an approximate height of 5,000 meters above sea level. Thus, it lives in the Andes of Peru, west of Bolivia, the eastern end of Chile, north of Argentina and Ecuador.
In 1980, the introduction of the alpaca to other countries began, so it is present in New Zealand, Austria, the United States and the Netherlands. However, 99% of animals of this species live in South America.
Source: Notnoisy
Peru and Ecuador
More than 70% of this species lives in Peru, where it is distributed mainly in the department of Puno (47%). Other regions where the alpaca lives are Cuzco (14.1%), Arequipa (6.3%), Huancavelica (6.3%), Ayacucho (5.9%), Apurimac (5%), Moquegua (3.4 %) and in the department of Pasco (2.9%).
In relation to Ecuador, the provinces that have the largest number of populations are those of Cotopaxi and Chimborazo.
The alpaca lives in the Andean highlands, preferably in areas close to humid zones. As for the climate, at night it can reach temperatures below 0 ° C and during the day the average is 16 ° C.
In these semi-arid regions, with an annual rainfall between 400 and 700 mm, grasses predominate. Its habitat includes the foothills of the high mountains, in a range of 3,500 to 5,000 meters above sea level.
Thus, this animal lives in savannas, forests and grasslands, where the temperature could change suddenly and the terrain could be covered with snow for several months.
State of conservation
Source: Brian0918
After the serious threat of extinction that the alpaca had during the arrival of the Spanish conquerors, the populations of this mammal recovered. One of the main reasons for this is that this animal is raised for its wool, which is highly valued in national and international markets.
Today, the IUCN considers that the Vicugna pacos are not in danger of extinction, but it is still relegated to the higher regions of the Andes. However, in the Red Book of Mammals of Ecuador it is categorized as a species of least concern of becoming extinct.
The vast majority of alpacas raised in South America are under the control of traditional grazing. In this practice, most of the time, they are close to the flames, and they can cross.
Hybridization between these two species could pose a threat to the alpaca, since its genetic composition could be compromised.
Long ago, the meat of this mammal was considered a luxury product. At present, the new laws establish that the commercialization of this meat product is illegal.
Current situation of the Suri breed
The reality of the populations of the Suri race reflects that those of white color are much more abundant than that of the other 22 natural tones.
This situation reflects the requirement of the national and international textile industry, which has a preference for white fiber, as a raw material to be dyed and subsequently processed industrially.
Taking into account the need to conserve biological diversity in the Andean region, the “bleaching” of the Suri breed affects its future, especially that of the colored species.
This is why, with the intention of preventing the extinction of the colored Suri alpacas, the Association of Andean Camelidae Breeders - Illa, with the support of some United Nations programs, is executing the project “Evaluation, Recovery and Conservation of Germplasm of the Alpaca Raza Suri Color ”.
This has been developing in Peru, in the district of Nuñoa, in the department of Puno. The purpose of the project is the recovery of the small population of the Suri breed of natural colors.
Among the actions is the establishment of Genetic Conservation centers, in charge of planning various reproduction and repopulation strategies that allow the sustainable use of this breed of alpaca.
The female is reproductively mature between 12 and 15 months, while the male is around 30 to 36 months. Vicugna pacos is a polygamous species, the dominant males can form a harem, made up of a group of 5 to 10 females in heat.
The ovulation of the female is an induced process, which is activated during the act of copulation and by the action of semen. According to experts, semen causes a chemical effect that triggers a pre-ovulatory surge of luteinizing hormone.
As for mating, it can occur throughout the year. If the female in heat allows copulation, the male positions himself on it, inserting his penis into the vagina. During this act, the male makes a very particular sound, known as "orging."
When the female is in the gestation stage, she rejects any attempt a male makes to mate with her. The delivery occurs between 242 and 345 days, generally a single calf is born, weighing between 6 and 7 kilograms. The female could mate around 10 days after giving birth.
During delivery, the male of this species remains distant. As for the female, she watches the young very closely, but only approaches when he stands up.
Then the mother offers to breastfeed him, so he can get colostrum, rich in nutrients and antibodies. In the event that the calf has trouble finding the udder, the female helps him by changing her posture.
If a mother observes a stranger approaching her calf, she spits him out or throws herself at him. Weaning of the young occurs when the youngster is around 6 months old.
The alpaca is a herbivorous animal, whose diet includes tree leaves, bark, hay and grasses. It also eats grass, among which are Festuca nardifolia, Deschampsia caespitosa, Festuca orthophylla and Agrostis tolucensis. In addition, it usually feeds on the woody shrub Parastrephia lucida.
According to research, grasses are the most abundant in the diet of this mammal, followed by herbaceous plants and grasses. As for shrubs and legumes, they are not the main part of their diet, due to their scarce availability in the Andean plain.
Grass is an excellent source of protein. However, when the seasons change, the grass can gain or lose nutrients. For example, during the spring, grass contains about 20% protein, while in the summer season it contains only 6%.
Digestive process
The foods that the alpaca consumes have two types of carbohydrates, the complex ones and the easily available ones. As for the complexes, contained in the grass, they have cellulose. Those found in grains, like corn and oats, are easily digestible.
Cellulose molecules are difficult to absorb, so the digestive system of this mammal is adapted to process them. When they cut the grass, they chew it several times and mix it with their saliva. Then they swallow it, to continue the digestive process.
The alpaca is a pseudo ruminant, so its stomach has three compartments, instead of the four that ruminants have. The first section is the largest and is where the fermentation of the ingested plant material takes place.
It then goes to the second compartment, where the enzymes continue to digest. In the last part of the stomach, the nitrogen is recycled and the hydrochloric acid acts in the degradation of the molecules.
As for the gastrointestinal tract of the Vicugna pacos, it also adapts to the forage it consumes. Thus, the colon plays an important role in water reabsorption and intestinal digestion.
In relation to the distal fermentation chamber, it is large, which may be an indication that fermentation is fractional, in the distal and proximal chambers.
The alpaca is a social animal, where groups are made up of a dominant male, one or more females, and their young. In the area where he lives, he has a designated place where everyone in the herd deposit their feces and urine.
So even if you have to walk far, use the communal manure pile. As in most South American camelids, these deposits are a source of chemical communication between alpacas. In addition, these wastes are collected and used by man as natural fertilizer.
This species usually defends its territory from intruders, trying to scare them away with loud sounds. In addition, she often uses body language, as in the case of the pose known as side.
In this, the male stands upright and assumes a side posture, with his neck arched. In addition, it retracts its ears back and places its stiff tail in an upward direction.
Faced with a danger sign, the alpaca assumes an alert posture. Thus, the animal raises its body and moves its ears towards the object that represents the danger. Also, you can vocalize an alarm call and flee or go to the place where the threat is.
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