- characteristics
- Sharp words with prosodic accent
- Example
- Grave words with prosodic accent
- Example
- Other examples of prosodic accent
- By the letter "A"
- By the letter "B"
- By the letter "C"
- By the letter "D"
- By the letter "E"
- By the letter "F"
- By the letter "G"
- By the letter "H"
- By the letter "I"
- By the letter "J"
- By the letter "K"
- By the letter "L"
- By the letter "M"
- By the letter "N"
- By the letter "Ñ"
- By the letter "O"
- By the letter "P"
- By the letter "Q"
- By the letter "R"
- By the letter "S"
- By the letter "T"
- By the letter "U"
- By the letter "V"
- By the letter "W"
- By the letter "X"
- By the letter "Y"
- By the letter "Z"
- References
The prosodic accent is one that is obtained after applying greater intensity of pronunciation to one of the syllables that make up a word. In other words, this variety of accentuation is evidenced when the greatest strength or emphasis of tonality when saying a word is only noticed in one of the syllables.
This type of accent is also known as phonetic or tonic, serving in those cases in which the word does not have an accent. An example of the above definition are the following words: ca -sha, e-di- fi - CIO, VEN ta -na, eg -rro, za- pa -to or if -lla. As can be seen, in the syllable that stands out in bold is the greatest intensity or strength of the voice.
Prosodic accent, examples. Source: lifeder.com.
The prosodic accent is more associated with spoken language, therefore it is not represented with a tilde (´). Now, as for the etymology of the word "prosodic", it is derived from the Greek term prosoidikos, which translates as "song", "modulation" or "tone".
The prosodic accent has to do with the tonal emission at the moment of pronouncing a specific word, this quality gives brightness and dynamism to the Spanish language.
The prosodic accent is characterized by the elements:
- The prosodic accent is closely related to speech. This is due to the fact that a greater syllabic intonation is performed when pronouncing a word.
- It is represented only by the pronunciation, hence the accent is not placed on the syllable where the greatest voice force falls.
- The prosodic accent occurs only in one of the syllables that make up a word.
- Its name can vary between tonic and phonetic. This is due to the fact that -being produced by speech- the syllable pronounced with emphasis is heard differently in relation to the rest that make up the word.
Sharp words with prosodic accent
These types of words are those that have the accent on the last syllable. Now, the prosodic accent is present when they do not end in a vowel or consonants "n" or "s". Otherwise, their accentuation becomes spelling since the accent must be placed on them.
Cami nar face al, pa pel, oscuri ty, to tril, mon goal, re loj or coli flower.
Grave words with prosodic accent
Grave words are all those whose accent is on the penultimate syllable. On the other hand, they carry prosodic accentuation when they end in a vowel or in the consonants "n" or "s". If it ends in different consonants, then the accent is orthographic.
A mi go, bai le, bo ci na, nu tria, pan fle to, par que, sources o ca mi no.
Other examples of prosodic accent
By the letter "A"
Ansie dad, amis tad, to me go to the fil, ani wrong, alar m mately, to troz mind, acciden such mind, au DAZ mind, ac tual mind, adine ra mately, to keep LY, a gua, au dien cia, love ro so, ar ma, a ra nA, water ca you to bo not not ment to re you, to the men dra, Argen ti na, love naza, to see na, admi tir, ar chi vo, amabili dad, ala ce na, almo has given. Abis evil mind, nual mind, to no, mor, ai ra do, alum bra do, to cen to, ACEI your na, aero pla no, Ancient World dad to r you, alu my child.
By the letter "B"
Bar co, bo li llo, bi go te, be so ba la, bie nal baca la o, bici cle ta, bal de, bo ca, bar ba, bag sa, b os que, barri le te, biblio te ca erase dor, ban di da, ban do, bre cha, ba rro, ba te, ba ran da, ba ra ja, ba ca no, bar be ro,blan co, be lle za, ban ca rio
By the letter "C"
Can tar, quali ty, comodi dad, co evil, car tel, co ci na, al cha, ca ha with ta GIO ca of na, eating cial mind, computes do ra, ca ble, ca ma, cha ma RRA, cua der no, cor ti na, ca bal mind, cor dial mind, a cruel mind, ca lla mately, cua der no, correc you tively, coRRI mately, cal ma, buy if tively col my llo, cur if you will, ci ne, street Thu la, ca ble, Cartu li na.
C 's see, conti nen you face me what, co ne jo, conte or do, co ma hundred cia, ce ri llo, ca river ca, tasting le jo, ce bo lla, chimi chu RRI, choco the like, col gan you, cuar to, cimi ta RRA co rrien you, Ciuda of the co ro na, ce pi llo, I co lum pio, Caba lle ros, cua dra do, car nero, confe sar, cu bier ta, freezer dor, chime ne a, cafe te ra, ca mi sa, chan cle ta, cha ma rra, cu chi llo, bed ro te.
Cara tu la, come dor, ca rrio la, co che, chu pe ta, cho ri zo, cho za, ca sa do, cer rre, coco dri lo, cam bur, colo ri do, cover ca ma, color, colo ran you, ce bo lla, co rrien you, ce and za, com ba you, car ne ro, ca of na.
Cartu li na, co mien zo, cone je ra, cria do, cre ma, cami nan you, car pe ta, calami dad, cere to the co ra je, cu na, cam po, cace ro the, cam pes tre, came ri no, co le gio, cuca ra cha, ca be llo, cri ne ja.
By the letter "D"
Di vi no, di ne ro, di vi sa, day river, dien you, dis co, di ne ro, divini dad, digi such, direc tor, dre na je of two do rar.
By the letter "E"
Is you what, exte rior mind, estupefa hundred you, exte rior mind, estupefa hundred you, and qui po, e xam ple, exi to so, espe ran za, enre ja do is ta do, and xa men, ele fan I, ex ten sa, elastici dad is pi na, in jam bre, Bind nar, is Truen do, is ce na, esce na rio, is that ma.
By the letter "F"
For ma, fies ta, fes you jo, phenomenological nal, fuen you, fo lio, fa such mind fu Gaz mind, phenomenological nal mind, fami liar mind, for ma to, for your na, flo re ro, FORTA will za, fruit, fora jido, foras I laugh.
By the letter "G"
Gim na sio, ga la xia, ga lle ta, go RRA ga to, gui Ña po gui ta RRA goal pe, ga go ta, gave you I ro, tour sun, go ma gua and ba, go bier no.
By the letter "H"
Hospi tal, ha cha, hue so, hi lo, horizon tal hexago nal mind, ho ja, homage to do, hos tal, hor no, hor ni lla.
By the letter "I"
I gave ma, i Gual mind, ile gal mind, in di ca, inte rior mind, Indis tin LY, infi or LY, i gua na, i nor cio, IMPRE so ra, Desensitizing dad, indestructibili dad, in jus LY, in sec to.
By the letter "J"
Jo ya, jo ta, ja rra, Ju an.
By the letter "K"
Ki ko, ka ta.
By the letter "L"
Lon che ra, the river, you on, you after, li bro, lla see, what bo, len LY, lite ral mind, Cuaz mind lick ta bly, lapi ce ro, you go, you chu ga, litter your ra, lu na, you pros or lu ces, so cu ra, len tes, llu via, lin ter na, li bre ta, you choz to Licore ra, lum bre ra, locu tor, li so, lan zar, li cor.
By the letter "M"
Ma che you, kill of ro, ma is tro, I tra, I rien da, Madri gal, I lli zo mu are you, mu ñe co, movi mien to, mo ja do, maravi llo so, undermine the results, merode ar, mie do so, ma dre, I die val, I sa, medici nal mind, my tad, Muje rie go, how they tia, mo tor, mark dores, Molecu lar, moderate dor, mari po sa, ma us, mo ra do, sways dor to me is, mor ro you I ro, men such mind.
By the letter "N"
Nom bre, nucle ar not see the, ne gro, neu tral mind, na goes ja, ne sees ra.
By the letter "Ñ"
Ña me, ñe ma.
By the letter "O"
O ra you, or lor, ole to je, Ondu the do, or sez not, or lla, ortogo nal or re ha OCU pad ously, origi nal mind, Opcio nal mind.
By the letter "P"
Pan ta lla, for ta zo, pa lan ca, pa pel, pia no, pi le ta, pla e ro, pee to the po e ta, pa NUE it, pa dre, paula you Finely, perpendicu lar mind, po ci llo, po is e, pre gun ta, puer ta, plu ma, plan cha, popu lar mind, pun to, movie rro jo, eg di do, pla ne rt, thento, pe dal, pin tor, pica por te, pi la res, plasti li na, pis ci na, pla ya, pa rri lla.
P uer co, pal me ra, for you I ro, people ri no, pa ti lla, pi nA, Piz za, pal ma, standing dra, pren sar, pe re za, pape li ment, pe ren ne, pu pi tre, pepi to na, pes ca do, pa les tra, puer ta, pre so, pi can te, peina do ra, perma nen te, perio dis ta, Pa blo,pa to, pas to so, pre cio sa, pas ta, pres ta do, pes te, p u ro, pas tel.
By the letter "Q"
That ma, burning du ra, what ios co.
By the letter "R"
Ro di llo, ra nu ra, ria chue lo, re cur so, reviewer, ritual, ra mal, regre sar, ra que ta, ra ta, res then ta, re ga lo, re ja, ra gave, reci pien te, renco ros o, ro ma no, watch je ro, ri fle, ren tar, ro sa do, re ga lo, ro man ce, ru mian te, coughta da, ra and do, re Fres Co, rinoce rum you, rasu rar.
By the letter "S"
If mine, Dirt dad, Sue na, if lla, sa LIR, your fri mately, sua sees mind, are ris a, sig no, sensuali dad, soli what Quio, sua see, is not sa bro so, salt sa. Sa le ro, sacer do you, is gun do.
By the letter "T"
To po cho, you 'll ro, true not tie so, tor ta I to your ma, to ma you, ta ble ta, ta za trope zar, you rre not tie RRA, tra je, tra go , you nis, you cla do, television , tor ne o, te sis, ta bla, ti gres, te cla do, ti je ra, tama rin do, truethat, t uer ca, to ro, tron cal, tro cha, ter co, trom po, tri mes tre, te qui la, te a tro.
By the letter "U"
Universi ty, univer sal, uni do so.
By the letter "V"
Come to so, vo lan you, vol ta je, Vene zue the, vo raz, Veloci dad, I will mind, vis ta, neigh dad.
By the letter "W"
Wiki pe dia.
By the letter "X"
Xeno fo bia.
By the letter "Y"
Yo ga, yo gurt.
By the letter "Z"
Ze ta, zo na.
- Coelho, F. (2020). Prosodic accent. (N / A): Dictionary of Doubts. Recovered from: dictionarydedudas.com.
- Prosodic accent. (2019). Spain: Wikipedia. Recovered from: es.wikipedia.org.
- Pérez, J. and Merino, M. (2015). Definition of prosodic accent. (N / A): Definition. From. Recovered from: definicion.de.
- Cáceres, O. (2019). The prosodic accent in Spanish. (N / A): About Español. Recovered from: aboutespanol.com.
- 100 examples of words with a prosodic accent. (2019). Colombia: Examples. Recovered from: examples.co.