I leave you the best phrases against violence from excellent authors such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, John Paul II, Martin Luther, Heraclitus and many more.
You may also be interested in these phrases of respect and these of solidarity.
-Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.-Isaac Asimov.
-We do not need guns and bombs to bring peace, we need love and compassion.-Mother Teresa.
-The victory obtained by violence is equivalent to a defeat, because it is momentary.-Mahatma.-Gandhi.
-Patience and time do more than force and violence.-Jean de la Fontaine.
-Violence and weapons cannot solve man's problems.-Pope John Paul II.
-Non-violence does not always work, but violence never does.-Madge Micheels-Cyrus.
-In the center of nonviolence rises the principle of love.-Martin Luther King, Jr.
-Nothing good ever comes from violence.-Martin Luther.
-Social justice cannot be achieved by violence. Violence kills what it tries to create.-Pope John Paul II.
28-Violence, whatever the way it manifests itself, is a failure.-Jean Paul Sartre.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable.-John F. Kennedy.
-In the end, truth and love will always prevail over violence and oppression.-Dalai Lama.
-Education is the vaccine against violence.-Edward James Olmos.
-With violence we forget who we are.-Mary McCarthy.
-Poverty is the worst form of violence.-Mahatma Gandhi.
-Many works and blood would be avoided if we opened our hearts.-Chief Joseph.
-Violence in the voice is often the death of reason in the throat.-John Frederick Boyes.
-As long as governments give the example of killing their enemies, citizens will kill their own.-Elbert Hubbard.
-I am opposed to violence because when it appears to do good, good is only temporary; The evil he does is permanent.-Mahatma Gandhi.
-The way to heal society from violence and lack of love is to replace the pyramid of domination with the circle of equality and respect.-Manitonquat.
-Non-violence guides higher ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming other living things, we will remain wild.-Thomas A. Edison.
-All violence is the result of people fooling themselves into believing that their pain is caused by other people, therefore thinking that they deserve to be punished.-Marshall Rosenberg.
-Violence is not power, but the absence of power.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.
-The force conquers everything, but its victories are short-term.-Abraham Lincoln.
17-Peace can not be achieved through violence, it can only be achieved through understanding.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.
-Let's reject violence and selfishness because they can destroy the unity of our country.-Mwai Kibaki.
-Violence is the fear of the ideals of others.-Mahatma Gandhi.
-Deliberate violence must be more quenched than a fire.-Heraclitus.
28-Violence is not only impractical, but immoral.-Martin Luther King Jr.
-The State calls its own violence law, but that of the individual crime.-Max Stirner.
-Non-violence requires a double faith: in God and in man.-Mahatma Gandhi.
-Violence is not just killing another. There is violence when we use a denigrating word, when we make gestures to despise another person, when we obey because there is fear. Violence is much more subtle, much deeper.-Jiddu Krishnamurti.
-As long as people use violence to combat violence, we will always have violence.-Michael Berg.
-A gun does not decide to kill or not. A gun is a manifestation of a decision that has already been made.-Steven Galloway.
-Let's close the violence in the mind that saw it born.-Brian Aldiss.
-The legitimate use of violence can only be when it is required in self-defense.-Ron Paul.
-Violence is spiritual junk food and boredom is spiritual anorexia.-Peter Kreeft.
19-Violence creates more social problems than it solves.-Martin Luther King.
-When freedom comes with hands full of blood, it is difficult to shake hands.-Oscar Wilde.
-Violence is an uncontrollable animal that usually ends up attacking its own master.-Renny Yagosesky.
-The main goal of the future is to stop the violence. The world is addicted to her.-Bill Cosby.
-The alternative to violence is dialogue.-Marshall McLuhan.
-When our communication supports compassion, giving and receiving, happiness replaces violence.-Marshall Rosenberg.
-The violence never ceases, it just moves.-Fred Wander.
-In some cases, non-violence requires more militancy than violence.-Cesar Chavez.
-It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executors.-Albert Camus.
28-Violence is based on the illusion that life is a property to be defended instead of being shared.-Henri Nouwen.
-The sword of violence is not the balance of justice.-Julia Ward Howe.
32-Intolerance is in itself a form of violence and an obstacle to a truly democratic spirit.-Mahatma Gandhi.
-Violence is unnecessary and expensive. Peace is the only way.-Julius K Nyerere.
-The comparison is an act of violence against the self.-Iyanla Vanzant.
-Faced with the atrocities we have to take sides. Silence stimulates the executioner.-Elie Wiesel.
-When one attributes all the mistakes to the others and believes himself irreproachable, he is preparing for violence.-Tzvetan Todorov.
-All reform imposed by violence will not correct evil at all: good judgment does not need violence.-Leon Tolstoi.
41-Force is not a remedy.-John Bright.
-With violence we forget who we are.-Mary McCarthy.
-He who breaks something to know what it is, has left the path of wisdom.-JRR Tolkien.
-It is an essential error to consider violence as a force.-Thomas Carlyle.
-There is no flag long enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.-Howard Zinn.
-Violence usually begets violence.-Aeschylus.
24-The violence we do to others is often less painful than the violence we do to ourselves.-François de la Rochefoucauld.
-The cause of violence is not ignorance. It is self-interest. Only reverence can stop violence. Reverence for human life and the environment.-William Sloan Coffin.
42-We must not allow ourselves to be the same as the system we oppose.-Bishop Desmond Tutu.
-If you seek revenge, prepare two graves.-Chinese proverb.
-Fighting for peace is like deflowering virginity.-George Carlin.
43-Violence consists of people forcing other people, under the threat of suffering or violence, to do things they do not want to do.-Leon Tolstoy.
-There is a great amount of violence in every human being. If it is not channeled or understood, it will break out in war or madness.-Sam Peckinpah.
-Use your words, not your fists.