- Novels
- 1- The name of the rose , 1980
- 2- Foucault's pendulum , 1988
- 3- The island from the day before , 1994
- 4- Baudolino , 2000
- 5- The mysterious flame of Queen Loana , 2004
- 15- The definition of art , 1968
- 16- The absent structure, analysis of semiotics in buildings oriented to architectural design , 1968
- 17- Socialism and consolation , 1970
- 18- The forms of content , 1971
- 19- Il segno , 1973
- 20- The customs of home , 1973
- 21- The Blessed of Liébana , 1973
- 22- The horror made a wall , 1974
- 23- Sociology against psychoanalysis , 1974
- 24- Treatise on General Semiotics , 1977
- 25- Introduction to structuralism , 1976
- 26- The mass superman , 1976
- 27- From the periphery of the empire , 1977
- 28- How to do a thesis, research, study and writing techniques and procedures , 1977
- 29- Reader in fabula. Interpretive cooperation in the narrative text , 1981
- 30- Function and sign: the semiotics of architecture , 1980
- 31- De Bibliotheca , 1981
- 32- Seven Years of Desire , 1983
- 33- Semiotics and Philosophy of Language , 1984
- 34- Of mirrors and other essays , 1985
- 35- Essays on The Name of the Rose , 1987
- 36- The sign of the three , 1989
- 37- The strange case of the Hanau 1609 , 1990
- 39- The limits of interpretation , 1990
- 40- Second minimum daily, collection of short writings, 1990
- 41- The Search for the Perfect Language , 1993
- 42- Six Walks Through Narrative Forests , 1994
- 43- In what do those who do not believe ?, Epistolary dialogue on ethics with Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini , 1996
- 44- Interpretation and overinterpretation , 1997
- 45- Kant and the platypus , 1997
- 46- Five Moral Writings , 1997
- 47- The strategy of illusion , 1999
- 48- Minerva's bustina , 2000
- 49- Apostille to The name of the rose and translation of the Latin texts , 2000
- 50- The Rediscovery of America , 2002
- 51- On literature , 2005
- 52- The story of beauty , 2007
- 53- The story of ugliness , 2007
- 54- A Crab Step: Articles, Reflections and Disappointments, 2007
- 55- Say almost the same. Translation experiences , 2008
- 56- The vertigo of the lists , 2009
- 57- Culture and semiotics , 2009
- 58- The new Middle Ages , 2010
- 59- No one will end the books , 2010
- 60- Confessions of a young novelist , 2011
- 61- Build the enemy, selection of essays , 2013
- 62- History of legendary lands and places , 2013
Today I come with a list of the best books by Umberto Eco, one of the most outstanding writers of the last century on an international level. Umberto Eco has been one of the most important personalities in recent years.
This Italian philosopher and writer has produced a multitude of works; essays and several novels of great significance for the humanistic world. Born in Alessandria, his passion for letters led him to study and doctorate in Philosophy at the University of Turin, ending up as a professor in that city, and later in Florence.
In 1971 he held the chair of semiotics at the University of Bologna and years later, in 2001 he created the Higher School of Humanistic Studies. All this alternating his life as a teacher and his passion for research and creation, producing numerous texts to become a reference author of both the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
His death came in 2016, when a cancer that he had been suffering from for some time took his life in the month of February. You may also be interested in these recommended titles.
1- The name of the rose, 1980
One of the best novels of recent times and that has even been brought to the big screen in 1986. It is a mix between a detective and historical novel. Reading it, we will find ourselves in a Franciscan abbey in the Middle Ages.
The story begins with a series of crimes inside the building that one of the monks, Guillermo de Baskerville, decides to investigate. His actions will lead him to discover heresies and make friends with other characters such as Melk, his teacher.
2- Foucault's pendulum, 1988
Unlike his first novel, Umberto Eco places the action today. In it, it is told how the game that Casaubon and two more friends play will become something more important when they realize that they have attracted nothing more and nothing less than different lucrative circles.
Magic, conspiracy and sects will be the main themes of this book framed under a style that sometimes borders on satire.
3- The island from the day before, 1994
Do you want to know how a shipwreck can happen in the 17th century? In this work, Umberto describes how Roberto de la Grive, an English nobleman, is shipwrecked for several days on a raft and tries to survive until he finds a ship.
Now, at this point, if you want to know what happens next, it is up to you to read it or not.
4- Baudolino, 2000
Piedmont is a young man who has been adopted by Federico I de Barbarroja. It is here that they begin to live a series of adventures that take place in the 12th century in the city of Constantinople.
Among them, they will attend the creation of the Holy Grail and even the discovery of the murderer of the protagonist's adoptive father among many others.
Its writing is peculiar for this one made in a way that it seems that Piedmont himself relates it in the form of a medieval manuscript.
5- The mysterious flame of Queen Loana, 2004
Title of the play taken from an episode of Tim Tyler's Luck.
When Giambattista Yambo wakes up after suffering a heart attack, he finds that he has lost part of his episodic memory. For his recovery, he will decide to reside in the country house of his childhood. There you will find your old memories like notebooks, books or even music records.
15- The definition of art, 1968
Compilation of different texts, divided into three parts, which presents and describes the existing problem in the definition of art, aided by the ideas of renowned philosophers.
16- The absent structure, analysis of semiotics in buildings oriented to architectural design, 1968
Defines and studies semiotics as a discipline from different aspects of man's life. It is one of the most prominent and recognized writings in the field.
17- Socialism and consolation, 1970
An essay that brings together a common thought of five recognized characters in history. This thought is socialism, and its function as a consolation for the less favored.