Some of the most important literary modernism works were Azul, by Rubén Dario, Platero y yo, by Juan Ramón Jiménez, or Versos libre, by José Martí.
Literary modernism was a movement that occurred at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, carried out by an important group of authors who were characterized by a refined language and the aesthetics of their metrics.
Rubén Dario, Principal representative of literary modernism
Modernism proposed a new use of the Spanish language, introducing new content and intentions regarding the literary norms in force at the time.
This new perspective included social aspects of urban life, eroticism, psychic problems, among others.
Among the main authors belonging to literary modernism are José Asunción Silva, José Martí, Rómulo Gallegos and the main exponent of the movement: the Nicaraguan Rubén Dario.
Main works of literary modernism
This work is perhaps the most representative of literary modernism. It was written by Rubén Darío during his stay in Chile and published in 1888.
In this book of prose and poetry, Rubén Darío addresses topics ranging from mythology to naturalism.
The color blue was one of the main symbols of literary modernism and some authors point to this as the reason for the name of the work.
In this book, Rubén Darío exposed the modernist style, which led to great literary debates at the time.
Platero and I
This prose poem by the Spanish Juan Ramón Jiménez was published in 1914 and gave the author the impetus to win the Nobel Prize for literature in 1956.
The book consists of 138 chapters and tells the story of a donkey and his teacher. The book does not propose a strict order of events between one lyrical chapter and the next, but it maintains a poetic structure by which it is classified as a work of art.
Free verses
This work by José Martí is recognized for an aesthetic of sincerity and passion. Among the main themes of these prose writings, poetic art, freedom and human limitations, among others, are addressed.
The literary contribution of José Martí and his work to modernism is a constant source of debate, however the weight of the figure of the author contributed to broaden the recognition of this literary movement.
Verse book
It was written by José Asunción Silva, one of the most recognized Colombian poets, and published for the first time in 1923. It includes the literary work carried out by Silva between 1891 and 1896.
The main themes of the verses in this work are about love and melancholy. Among the parts that make up the book, the Nocturnos stand out, a set of verses that gave the author universal fame.
The bachiller
It was one of the main works of the Mexican writer Amado Nervo. "El bachiller" is a short novel, in which Nervo narrates in a mystical way the period of adolescence of his characters, with a clear interest in their psychology.
This work, published in 1895, is a fictional prose writing with a shocking ending that divides universal criticism and has been classified by some as inartistic.
- Coester A. Amado Nervo. Hispania. 1921; 4 (6): 285-300
- Gicovate B. Modernism and its history. Hispanic Review. 1964; 32 (3): 217-226
- Guerard A. Reviewed Work: Prosas y versos by José Asunción Silva. Books Abroad. 1943; 17 (4): 375
- Meyer K. The Modern Of Modernism. Ibero-amerikanisches Archiv, Neue Folge. 1987; 13 (1): 77-91
- Predmore MP The Structure of "Platero y Yo". PMLA. 1970; 85 (1): 56-64
- Soufas CC Origins And Legacy Of The Spanish Literary Generation. Annals of contemporary Spanish literature. 2011; 36 (1): 209-223
- Soufas C. C: Tradition As An Ideological Weapon: The Critical Redefinition Of Modernity And Modernism In Early 20th-Century Spanish Literature. Annals of contemporary Spanish literature. 1998; 23 (1): 465-477
- Woodbridge H. Rubén Darío: A Critical Bibliography. Hispania; 1968; 51 (1): 95-110.