I leave you a list of phrases about autism, a neurobiological disorder that generates deficiencies in the ability to communicate and in social interaction.
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-A person with autism lives in his own world, while a person with Asperger lives in our world, in a unique way that he chooses-Nicholas Sparks.
-Autistic adults were autistic children. We grow and need acceptance and understanding too-Tina J. Richardson.
-Don't fear people with autism, hug them. Don't annoy people with autism, don't deny people with autism acceptance. Then your skills will shine - Paul Isaacs.
-Being autistic does not make me less human. It just makes me who I am. Just like you are you-Tina J. Richardson.
-As a child with autism, I experienced life my way. I could feel colors, sounds, and objects as intense sensations-Tina J. Richardson.
-Autism is part of my son, it is not all that he is. My son is much more than a Coelho-SL diagnosis.
-Autism: when the "randomness of life" faces and collides with the need of an individual to achieve a condition of equality-Eileen Miller.
-Autism is what makes me who I am. You can't cure my autism. It is intertwined in the way I perceive the world-Tina J. Richardson.
Regarding Einstein's definition of insanity, no, Mr. Einstein, that is not insanity, that is autism-Eileen Miller.
-All autism is real, it is a specter-Tina J. Richardson.
-Imagine that your child is born with wings-Carolyn Parkhurst.
-Autistic people see the world in a different light, in ways that many could never imagine-Tina J. Richardson.
-The three characters used for the word "autism" in Japanese mean "I", "closed" and "disease" -Naoki Higashida.
-Autism is, and will be for a long time, a diagnosis that is given from the eye of the beholder-Caren Zucker.
-Your mind interprets the world differently. You feel and see things with a unique perspective. This is what makes her so magnificent-Tina J. Richardson.
-You would be surprised if you knew how many people are autistic. Let's stop stereotypes-Tina J. Richardson.
-I will always be there for you, I promise to protect and nurture you. I hope that someday soon the true acceptance of autism comes-Tina J. Richardson.
-I'm an autistic girl. I have many years to grow. I'm going to rock my life. Just watch me shine-Tina J. Richardson.
-The distant nature of autism leads to many misconceptions about the minds of individuals who have this condition-Liz Becker.
-Autism is not something that "I have", it is not an add-on. That's why I call myself autistic. Not a person "with" autism-Tina J. Richardson.
-While one in two marriages ends in divorce, one in forty-two boys has autism-Steven Magee.
-The conclusion is that both emotional poverty and aversion to company are not symptoms of autism, but consequences of autism-Naoki Higashida.
-A small decision can shape a whole life. Sometimes, if you are lucky, the greatest difficulty can lead to your greatest blessing. It just takes time to see that God works in mysterious ways-Penelope Ward.
-Sometimes, in busy places, I may need to escape. I'm not being rude. I'm just giving myself a little help-Tina J. Richardson.
-The emergence of electromagnetic hypersensitivity is where autism treatment was in the 1970s, then very few children had this condition. Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Must Not Be Allowed To Explode Like The New Epidemic Autism Has Become-Steven Magee.
-When you see an object, it seems that you see it as a whole thing first. Only then do its details begin to appear. But for people with autism, the details jump straight to us in the first place. Then, only gradually, detail by detail, the whole image springs up before our eyes-Naoki Higashida.
-Don't be sad because I'm autistic. Love me for what I am. All of Me. Some things are hard for me, but I'm fine the way I am-Tina J. Richardson.
- Labeling someone as "is in a world of their own" is one of the worst mistakes. Difficulties with communication and social interaction do not mean that one is from another planet. Lack of eye contact doesn't mean they can't see. Wandering Doesn't Mean They're Lost-Liz Becker.
-There is a sad feeling of sinking that comes when you do not fit even with other autists-Tina J. Richardson.
-I think I have some things that I'm good at. Is that about autism? Being autistic doesn't make me a brilliant fairy. It's just me and that's a good thing to be-Tina J. Richardson.
-Stop assuming I have no emotions. My thoughts may not be easily seen on my face. But I think and feel-Tina J. Richardson.
-They are not obsessions. They are interests that are predictable and comforting-Tina J. Richardson.
-When I look at the world I am in, I hope that one day all people will be accepted and valued as they are-Tina J. Richardson.