I leave you with the best anime phrases, terminology that refers to animated productions of Japanese origin. We name the most popular; Dragon Ball, Naruto, Death Note, Sword Art Online, Attack on Titan, Pokemon or Digimon, among others.
You can find quotes from Ryuk, Naruto Shippuden, Shoto Todoroki, Vegeta, Ash Ketchum, Misty, Shinsou Hitoshi, Joe Kido, Piccolo, Goku, Brock and many more main characters.
The "notebook of death", iconic from Death Note, one of the most popular anime of today. Source: Wikimedia Commons - Public Domain.
-When you die, I will be the one to write your name in my notebook of death. -Ryuk, Death Note.
-The longer you live, the more you realize that reality is made up of suffering and emptiness. -Madara Uchiha, Naruto.
-I will make you never want to forget the secret techniques that Urokodaki has taught you. -Sabito, Demon Slayer.
-As in all things, one cannot win only with a defense. To win, you must attack. -Light Yagami, Death Note.
-Take the reins of your destiny. -Rayquaza, Pokemon.
-Control yourself, aren't you an adult? -Shoto Todoroki, My Hero Academia.
-I would rather die with someone than let that person die in front of my eyes. Even more so if it's a girl like you. -Kirito, Sword Art Online.
-Trunks, I never hugged you as a baby… let me hug you. -Vegeta, Dragon Ball Z.
-When people are faced with a situation they do not understand, it is easy for fear to take hold of them. -Armin Arlert, Attack on Titan.
-In this world, there is only one demon whose blood has the power to transform humans into demons. -Muzan Kibutsuji, Demon Slayer.
-It is generally unlucky for a person to be followed by a God of Death. -Ryuk, Death Note.
-If you don't share the pain with the person, you will never be able to understand them. -Nagato, Naruto.
-I will use the power of science to rescue all people. -Senku Ishigami, Dr. Stone.
-I don't have time to worry if it's right or wrong, you can't expect a horror story to have a happy ending. -Eren Jaeger, Attack on Titan.
- Fire soldiers do not leave their comrades and escape. -Akitaru Ogi, Fire Force.
- Wanting to know, curiosity, is the driving force behind all science. -Senku Ishigami, Dr. Stone.
-The important thing is not how long you live. It is what you do to achieve your goals in life. -Grovyle, Pokemon.
-Having a sense of fear allows you to make objective decisions. Just don't let this one make you flinch. -Akitaru Obi, Fire Force.
-If you can't win the game, if you can't solve the puzzle, then you're just a loser. -Nate River, Death Note.
-There is nothing more cruel than letting a dream die half. -Shota Aizawa, My Hero Academia.
-A Caterpie can transform into a Butterfree, but the heart that beats inside remains the same. -Brock, Pokemon.
-Me, give up? I do not think so. -Ash Ketchum, Pokemon.
-Feel the rage, the pure and intense rage of not being able to be able to forgive that will become your unwavering urge to act. -Giyu Tomioka, Demon Slayer.
-If Kira is caught, he is evil. If Kira rules the world, he is justice. -Light Yagami, Death Note.
-Don't you know that love is the most important thing in the whole world? -Misty, Pokemon.
-I'd rather be a mindless monkey than a heartless monster. -Krillin, Dragon Ball Z.
-I am made to last. I have enough energy. I'm not going to give up. -Taiju Oki, Dr. Stone.
-Hurry up and kill me, so that the one you love comes back to life. -Meliodas, Seven Deathly Sins
-Everyone can fight. It is a matter of decision whether you should do it. -Kirito, Sword Art Online.
-It is human nature not to realize the value of something until you lose it. -Orochimaru, Naruto.
-Maybe I failed this time, but I'm not going to give up. -Shinsou Hitoshi, My Hero Academia.
-I vowed never to let anyone see me cry. But really, all I ever wanted to do was cry. -Matt Ishida, Digimon.
-Once you question your own beliefs, it's the end. -Naruto Uzumaki, Naruto.
-If you pray with all your heart, you can find comfort. People have been saved this way. -Iris, Fire Force.
-Sometimes you can see things by closing your eyes. -Arthur Boyle, Fire Force.
-For any type of wound, there is always some type of medicine or treatment. -Tamayo, Demon Slayer.
- We are not gods or geniuses, but step by step and with effort, we have come far. -Senku Ishigami, Dr. Stone.
-Let me ask you something. Does a machine like you ever experience fear? -Vegeta, Dragon Ball Z.
-There is no such thing as a fair or unfair battle. There is only victory, or in your case, failure. -Vegeta, Dragon Ball Z.
-The path to redemption will be difficult, but never give up on yourself. -Jenna, Seven Deathly Sins
-Heroes always come from the skies. -Shinra Kusakabe, Fire Force.
-We will all die one day, but as long as someone keeps a person's wishes alive, they don't really die. -Meliodas, Seven Deathly Sins
-No one touches my Bulma! -Vegeta, Dragon Ball: the battle of the gods.
-Tai, I'm glad to see you, but don't break anything. -Joe Kido, Digimon.
-A place where someone still thinks of you is a place you can call home. -Jiraiya, Naruto.
-I don't need a sword. I don't want to kill anyone. -Meliodas, Seven Deathly Sins
-Before creation, destruction comes first. -Bills, Dragon Ball Super.
-I smile when I feel tense. -Shinra Kuakabe, Fire Force.
-The most inflated egos are often the most fragile. -All Might, My Hero Academia.
-Science levels the playing field for everyone. -Yuzuriha Ogawa and Taiju Oki, Dr. Stone.
-A smile is the easiest way to get ahead in a difficult situation. -Sakura Haruno, Naruto.
- Wanting to do something and being able to do it are two completely different matters. -Iida Tenya, My Hero Academia.
-Listen to this: I am not only Kira, but also the God of the new world! -Light Yagami, Death Note.
-I am a god with a heart, but there is something that I cannot tolerate: people who do not respect others properly. -Bills, Dragon Ball Super.
-Never give up without even trying. Do what you can, no matter how small the effect may be. -Onoki, Naruto.
-I am a perfect creature, infinitely close to perfection. -Muzan Kibutsuji, Demon Slayer.
-There's nothing you can't do if you try. -Senku Ishigami, Dr. Stone.
-It's impossible to work hard doing something you don't enjoy. -Silica, Sword Art Online.
-Swords break easily. -Sakonji Urokodaki, Demon Slayer.
-Weakness is the secret that gives the coward a long life. -Kaseki, Dr. Stone.
-The deeper the darkness, the brighter the light will shine. -Izuku Midoriya, My Hero Academia.
-Love is not necessary, power is the only true need. -Madara Uchiha, Naruto.
-This world is rotten, and those who are causing it to rot deserve to die. Someone has to do it, so why not me? -Light Yagami, Death Note.
-The devil and hell match each other. -Joker, Fire Force.
-As long as you are alive, you need a reason to exist. Being unable to find one is the same as being dead. -Naruto Uzumaki, Naruto.
-This world is cruel. I realized that living was a miracle. -Mikasa Ackerman, Attack on Titan.
-Dreams can come true! -Izuku Midoriya, My Hero Academia.
-Even in the deepest moments of despair, I suppose we can still find hope. -Hange Zoe, Attack on Titan.
-I think there are times when people have to die… even if I don't like it. -Armin Arlert, Attack on Titan.
-Unless someone takes the first step, nothing will happen. -Misa Amane, Death Note.
-Sometimes I feel like a failure, as if there is no hope for me. But even so, I'm not giving up. Never! -Izuku Midoriya, My Hero Academia.
-Be grateful for the blood. You are not allowed to spill a single drop on the ground, as if you do, your torso and head will have a sad ending. -Kokushibo, Demon Slayer.
-Knowing what to do and choosing to ignore it is the act of a coward. -Kakashi Hatake, Naruto.
-The human world is a boring place, with boring people, who do boring things. -Ryuk, Death Note.
"It is my destiny to plunge this world into darkness and become the King of the Digital World!" -Myotismon, Digimon.
-The levels are just numbers. In this world the fortress is simply an illusion. There are more important things. -Kirito, Sword Art Online.
-I do not have an option. You hurt someone important to me. That is your sin! -Meliodas, Seven Deathly Sins
-When the enemy is confident of his victory, that will be our chance. -Izuku Midoriya, My Hero Academia.
-Man who praises another head on, is full of hidden intentions. -Senku ishigami, Dr. Stone.
-Mankind will never stop fighting against itself unless there is only one human left or none. -Erwin Smith, Attack on Titan.
-What's the point of fighting if those with the resources and power don't fight. -Eren Jaeger, Attack on Titan.
-I have a fool-proof plan: first we eat something, then after that, I'm open to suggestions! -Tai Yagami, Digimon.
-Train to death. At the end of the day, there is nothing else you can do. -Makomo, Demon Slayer.
-Don't worry about what other people think. Keep your head up and keep going. -Izuku Midoriya, My Hero Academia.
-Everyone is the same at the round table. Do not worry. -Arthur Boyle, Fire Force.
-The concept of hope is not different from surrender. It is a word that does not have a true meaning. -Madara Uchiha, Naruto.
-No matter how many people you lose, you have no choice but to continue living. It doesn't matter how devastating the blows are. -Tamayo, Demon Slayer.
-What does it matter if you fail once or twice? I don't even know how many times I have failed to control my anger. -Meliodas, Seven Deathly Sins
-You may have control of my mind and my body, but there is something that a Sayayin will always keep, his pride! -Vegeta, Dragon Ball Z.
-People have two options: either change before dying or die before changing. - Orochimaru, Naruto.
-Being a Digi-Chosen means that sometimes you have to save the world, even when you are the cause of the problem. -Kari Kamiya, Digimon.
-The bond between Nezuko and I cannot be broken by anyone! -Tanjiro Kamado, Demon Slayer.
-Become the most durable sword of all! Polish that to perfection, to the last degree possible. -Jigoro Kuwajima, Demon Slayer.
-How can you call yourself a hero? Let me open your eyes and show you how pathetic you are. -Hibana, Fire Force.
-Every human whose name is written down in this notebook will die. -First rule of the Notebook of Death, Death Note.
-If you don't like your destiny, don't accept it. Instead, be brave to change it how you want it to be. -Naruto Uzumaki, Naruto.
-If you try hard enough, things will work out. It's not like that? -Ash Ketchum, Pokemon.
-The weak have no rights or make decisions. Their only destiny is to be ruthlessly oppressed by the strong! -Giyu Tomoika, Demon Slayer.
-We must stop living for others. From now on let's live for ourselves. -History Reiss, Attack on Titan.
-Provide help when it is not requested. That is what makes someone a true hero. -Izuku Midoriya, My Hero Academia.
-Sometimes we need to see beyond what we want and do what is best. -Piccolo, Dragon Ball Z.
-It doesn't matter if you win or lose, reflecting and learning from your experience is part of life. -All Might, My Hero Academia.
-Wow! Why didn't you pack my pink snow boots? -Mimi Tachikawa, Digimon.
-Should we let people die in the name of the law? Isn't it a hero's job to save people? -Shoto Todoroki, My Hero Academia.
-It's not bad to dream. But you also need to determine what is realistic. -All Might, My Hero Academia.
-The true pain is present when you lose someone you care about. -Kirito, Sword Art Online.
-When a person seeks to protect something, he becomes very powerful. -Akihiko Kayaba, Sword Art Online.
-It's about time I started living my own life. -Mello, Death Note.
-Are you ready to witness a power not seen for thousands of years? -Vegeta, Dragon Ball Super.
-You see, sometimes friends have to go, but a part of them stays with you. -Ash Ketchum, Pokemon.
-Giving up is not logical. -Byakuya Ishigami, Dr. Stone.
-No man is created equal. -Izuku Midoriya, My Hero Academia.
-I would rather trust and regret than doubt and regret. -Kirito, Sword Art Online.
-I may not be a knight… but I will continue fighting for the kingdom and its people. -Princess Elizabeth, Seven Deathly Sins
-No matter how much power you have, there is always a limit to everything. -King, Seven Deathly Sins
-If there is something I can do, even if I can't do anything now, I will do whatever it takes to get to the point where I can do something! -Elizabeth, Seven Deathly Sins
"I promise your older brother will save you no matter what!" -Tanjiro Kamado, Demon Slayer.
-Finally I got it. If I'm going to change, I have to do it on my own. Others can't help me. -Matt Ishida, Digimon.
-At the end of the day, there is no greater motivation than revenge. -Mello, Death Note.
-Willpower is not enough in battle. -Armin Arlert, Attack on Titan.
-No matter what happens, I promise that I will protect all of you. -Kirito, Sword Art Online.
-Your mistake is to underestimate us humans too much. -Dreyfus, Seven Deathly Sins
-A man must first face himself before facing his enemies. -Tai Yagami, Digimon.
-Those who forgive themselves, and who are capable of accepting their true nature, are those who are truly strong. -Itachi Uchiha, Naruto.
-It is only natural for demons to defeat humans. -Muzan Kibutsuji, Demon Slayer.
-The main reason why I became stronger was to survive. -Kirito, Sword Art Online.
-This must be the longest 40 seconds of my entire life. -Light Yagami, Death Note.
-I'm the justice! -Light Yagami and L Lawliet, Death Note.
-Oh, well, just what I was looking for: victims. -Machinedramon, Digimon.
-You only resort to physical abuse because you cannot prove that I am wrong. -Armin Arlert, Attack on Titan.
-Hard work is useless for those who do not believe in themselves. -Naruto Uzumaki, Naruto.
-Everyone is wrong from time to time. -Ash Ketchum, Pokemon.
-I will try to improve next time. I will become a great doctor just like my father. I can, and I can't wait to experience what the future holds. -Nataku Son, Fire Force.
-Do you always need a reason to help someone? -Ash Ketchum, Pokemon.
-Magic power is something that draws on a strong will, beliefs and experiences. -Dreyfus, Seven Deathly Sins
-If you take things seriously, you can achieve anything through the diligent application of science. -Byakuya Ishigami, Dr. Stone.
-Take difficulties as part of your training and keep working hard. -Klein, Sword Art Online.
-There's something I've learned here. Do your best to the end. -Asuna Yuuki, Sword Art Online.
-It is a slow but safe process. I will conquer the fantasy with science. This is exciting. -Senku Ishigami, Dr. Stone.
-I won't give up regardless of the consequences. Not today and not in the near future. It doesn't matter if I'm heartbroken. -Tanjiro Kamado, Demon Slayer.
-In society, those who do not have many skills tend to complain more. -Kakahsi Hatake, Naruto.
-Never forget who you want to become. -Shoto Todoroki, My Hero Academia.
-I won't let you destroy my world! -Goku, Dragon Ball: the battle of the gods.
-The humans could have created me, but they will never enslave me. This can't be my destiny! -Mewtwo, Pokemon.
-Now that you already have holes in your head, maybe more oxygen reaches your brain. -Sora Takenouchi, Digimon.
-I want everyone to feel safe soon. I want this world to be a world where people can live without fighting each other. -Hange Zoe, Attack on Titan.
-A goal without a plan is a deception. You need a plan in order to achieve your goal. -Overhaul, My Hero Academia.
-I will get up as many times as necessary, and in none of them will I be defeated. -Shinra Kusakabe, Fire Force.
-Peace robs people of their survival instincts, and robs knights of their pride and spirit. -Hendrickson, Seven Deathly Sins
-Never give up. Even if it is painful, even if it is agonizing, don't try to take the easy path. -Zenitsu Agatsuma, Demon Slayer.
-Who would like to be the first to be destroyed? Oh come on, don't tell me you got stage frightened? -Piedmon, Digimon.
-Light, my son… from one murderer to another I tell you the following: see you in hell. -Soichiro Yagami, Death Note.
-I'll never know unless I try. -Shinra Kusakabe, Fire Force.
-My light will guide us towards others. -Kari Kamiya, Digimon.
"I promise you one thing: you two will never be in danger again." -Tsukasa Shishio, Dr. Stone.
-It is only through the eyes of others that our lives have meaning. -Haku, Naruto.
-I'm going to sit here and watch the flowers until everyone starts to get along. -Mimi Tachikawa, Digimon.
-Lower your fists when you speak to me and stop acting like you might intimidate me to become the leader. -Matt Ishida, Digimon.
-Trunks, Bulma, I'm doing this for you. And yes, even for you, Kakarot. -Vegeta, Dragon Ball Z.
-Once you give up, your dreams and everything else fades away. -Naruto Uzumaki, Naruto.
-If they're going to complain, I'll kick their ass. -Meliodas, Seven Deathly Sins
-All humans will surely die one day, but their wisdom will not die. -Senku Ishigami, Dr. Stone.
-Strength is the only thing that matters in this world. Everything else is a hoax for the weak. -Vegeta, Dragon Ball Z.
-All I can do is improvise one step at a time. -Senku Ishigami, Dr. Stone.
-Take a step forward! If you are a man. If you can call yourself a man! There is no other direction but forward! -Sabito, Demon Slayer.
-As long as you're by my side, I can do anything. -Izuku Midoriya, My Hero Academia.
-For someone who was very enthusiastic about being a hero, stumbling and being collapsed by a wave of heat is laughable. -Hibana, Fire Force.
-The most important things are not written in the books. You have to learn them by experiencing them on your own. -Sakura Haruno, Naruto.
-My faith is sharp and determined. It is firm. It is warm. -Dreyfus, Seven Deathly Sins
-An eye for an eye, my friend. -L Lawliet, Death Note.
-Life is not only about doing things on your own. It is possible to live in such a way that the happiness of others also makes you happy. -Asuna Yuuki, Sword Art Online.
-If I win, promise that you will not destroy the earth. -Goku, Dragon Ball Z.
-Power comes in response to a need, not a desire. You have to create that need. -Goku, Dragon Ball.
-Hey, what does it matter, I have nine lives. -Gatomon, Digimon.
-You just need to think about what you have to do. -Meliodas, Seven Deathly Sins
- Too bad that your brain is not as big as your hair. -Sora Takenouchi, Digimon.
-It is not about being first, it is about letting things have their due order. -Inosuke. -Jigoro Kuwajima, Demon Slayer.
-When people protect something that is really valuable to them, they can become as strong as they need to be. -Haku, Naruto.
-Even the strongest of the opponents always has a weakness. -Itachi Uchiha, Naruto.
-I now realize that the circumstances of our birth are irrelevant; actually what we do with the gift of life determines who we are. -Mewtwo, Pokemon.
-I would rather remain the way I am now until the last moment. Even if a monster kills me. I don't want to lose in this game or in this world, no matter what happens. -Asuna, Sword Art Online.
-I will fight when the time comes, but that will be when I have something precious to protect. Fighting just for the sake of fighting, that's just sad. -Diane, Seven Deathly Sins
-I am the answer to all living beings that cry out for peace. I am the protector of the innocent, the light in the dark. I am the truth, an ally of good, and a nightmare for you. -Goku, Dragon Ball.
-We have much in common. The same land, air and sky. Maybe if we started to see our similarities instead of our differences, it would be different. Who'd say? -Meowth, Pokemon.
-If I were a better Pokemon trainer, I would stop making all these excuses. From now on I vow never to run away and never leave my friends alone again. -Ash Ketchum, Pokemon.
-Even if we don't understand each other, that's no reason to reject us. There are two points of view for each argument. Does one of the perspectives have all the answers? Let's reflect. -Alder, Pokemon.
-You can't expect to win every battle, but love is worth fighting for. And if you are brave enough and never give up, you can become a winner like me. -Brock, Pokemon.
-There is no such thing as truth in this world. That is our reality. Anyone can be a god or a demon. All it takes is for someone to proclaim it as true. -Eren Kruger, Attack on Titan.
-Even the greatest warriors experience fear. What makes them true warriors is the courage they possess to overcome their fears. -Vegeta, Dragon Ball Z.
-The smallest difference between those who always aim for the top and those who do not, will come to light in an obvious way when they go out to society. -All Might, My Hero Academia.
-As long as you breathe, you have the opportunity to fight for and protect those whom you choose. Therefore, you will have people with whom to share your suffering, your misery and your sorrows. -Elizabeth Liones, Seven Deathly Sins
-Laws are not perfect, because the humans who created them are not perfect. However, the laws are the evidence of man's struggle to be righteous. -Soichiro Yagami, Death Note.
-Many times you will face situations that you do not know anything about. So what you will need is to act fast and make tough decisions in the worst situations. -Levi Ackerman, Attack on Titan.
-True evil is the power to kill. Whoever gets that power is cursed. However it is used, everything obtained with death cannot bring genuine happiness. -Soichiro Yagami, Death Note.
-I have to work harder than others to get things done. Or else I'll never measure up. I want to be like you. The most powerful hero. -Izuku Midoriya, My Hero Academia.
-The sky will be darkened by the wings of many bats. The fallen will invoke the name of the Digimon king when the clock strikes the time of the beast, and the king will take his true form. -Gennai, Digimon.
-Your eyes are for discerning evil, your mouth is for speaking the truth, your heart is for being full of virtue, and your sword is for purging evil. -Margaret, Seven Deathly Sins
-Let me show you, big fool. It's not that there are things that science can't explain. One needs to look for the rules behind things. Science is just the tedious process behind it. -Senku Ishigami, Dr. Stone.