- Male elf names
- Caranthir
- Celeborn
- Curufin
- Elrond
- Fëanor
- Legolas
- Maedhros
- Maglor
- Thingol
- Names of female elves (elves / elfinas)
- Love laugh
- Aredhel
- Arwen
- They celebrated
- Elemmírë
- Idril
- Indis
- Galadriel
- Nimrodel
- Related topics
- References
I leave you names of elves of men and women and their meanings. These mythological beings belong to the culture of the Nordic and Germanic peoples, but their popularity has spread to this day.
For example in literature, in works such as the Harry Potter sagas by JK Rowling or The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien, best-sellers that were also produced for the cinema. In both, the elves have their leading role with characters like Dobby or Legolas.
Image by ArtsyBee from Pixabay
In some stories, elves are characterized by being small and mischievous beings with large pointed ears like the aforementioned Dobby, an elf from Harry Potter. In other stories they are very stealthy, beautiful, wise and tall, their ears are pointed but smaller.
Elves are considered beings with agility and dexterity, with magical and long-lived powers (they are almost immortal). In general, they are wise, kind, honest beings whose names represent each of their specific qualities.
Male elf names
It means "mysterious", "dark", "strong". He was the fourth of the seven sons of Fëanor and Nerdanel. He ruled Thargelion and was a tough man with great courage.
The name Celeborn means "silver tree" which is interpreted as a very valuable being. He was the wisest elf in Middle Earth. Galadriel's husband.
It is interpreted as "skillful", "cunning". He was an elven prince, fifth son of Fëanor and Nerdanel. He had great artistic abilities, he was an excellent rider and lover of horses and everything related to them.
His family called him Kurvo. The writer Tolkien gave it the Old English name Cyrefinn Fácensearo, which means, among other words, "choice", "cunning", "skill".
Its meaning is "vault of the sky" or "vault of the stars". He is characterized by being very strong and wise, as well as a good guide. Elrond is a half-elf. He fought on many occasions leading armies, and was the guardian of Rivendell; he was an important elf for Middle Earth.
His name defines him as "wise", "superior commander". He was the second High King of the Noldor, one of the elven branches, in Beleriand.
It means "green leaf" and is characterized by being very funny and having the ability to make others happy. He was the King of the Black Forest, where the wood elves are from. His good eyesight and hearing as well as his excellent archery made him vital to the community. He was a Sindar elf and his father was Thranduil.
Equivalent to the terms "well built" and "redhead." Maedhros the Tall was an elf of the Noldor who had red hair and was very tall. He was a brave elf but with a cruel spirit. He was the eldest son of Fëanor and head of the House in Middle Earth.
It comes from the old English name Daegmund Swinsere, which means "protector" and "musician" or "singer." Maglor is characterized by having been the best poet with a sweet personality. He was the second son of Fëanor and Nerdanel.
This name derives from Sindarin Elu Sindacollo, which means "gray cloak." The original form of the name is Elwë Singollo, which means "star person" in Quenya. Thingol was king of the numerous Teleri elven people.
Names of female elves (elves / elfinas)
Image by ArtsyBee from Pixabay
Love laugh
Amarië is equivalent to "good" and "from the good home". She was a Vanyar elf born in Valinor during the days of the trees. Before the rebellion of the Noldor, she had a love affair with Finrod Felagund. This relationship was not allowed to Amarië, so the love between them did not follow. After a while they got back together.
Her name means "noble lady." Aredhel was an elf of the Noldor group of elves, daughter of Fingolfin and the youngest of her siblings. She was also known as Aredhel the White or Ar-Feiniel the White, Lady of the Noldor.
This name is equivalent to "noble maiden" and "very blessed", although it can also be translated as "beautiful sunset" and "star". Also called as Arwen Evenstar, she was the daughter of Elrond and Celebrían. She was considered the most beautiful of the elves, although she was a half-elf, like her father.
They celebrated
Its name comes from the terms celeb which means "silver" and rían which means "queen". She was a noble elf, her parents being Celeborn and Galadriel. She married Elrond and they had three children.
Elemmírë was a Vanyarin elf and her name designates a star. She created a song, known to all Eldar elves, to mourn the death of the two Trees raided by Melkor and the Darkening of Valinor.
It means "bright shine" and "silver feet" by its other name Celebrindal. She was the daughter of King Turgon of Gondolin; she married Tuor, with whom she had a son named Eärendil the Sailor. It belonged to the elven family of the Noldor and is the one with the greatest Vanyar ancestry.
It means "wife" or "girlfriend", and is characterized by being very beautiful and fair. She was a Vanyarin elf, second wife of Finwë. She was the niece of Ingwë, the High King of the Elves. Indis was considered an elf full of beauty and was called Indis la Justa.
Her name comes to mean "noble woman." It is characterized by being strong, tall and beautiful. Her husband Celeborn called her Alatariel, who comes to be "a maiden crowned with a garland of luminous radiation", a name that refers to her luminous golden hair. She was a great elf possessing not only great beauty, but knowledge and power.
Nerdanel comes to indicate "strong of body and mind" and "wise". She was an elf who became the wife of Fëanor. She was characterized by being a great sculptor who made very beautiful statues so meticulous that some thought they were real beings.
Related topics
Medieval names.
Viking names.
Epic names.
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Names of demons.
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Fairy names.
Names of dragons.
- Elves. Recovered from: esdla.fandom.com
- The Lord of the Ring Wiki. Characters. Recovered from: lotr.fandom.com
- JRR Tolkien's Legendarium Encyclopedia. Tolkiendili. Recovered from: tolkiendili.com
- Elf. Recovered from: es.wikipedia.org
- JRR Tolkien's legendarium. Recovered from: tolkiengateway.net