- History
- Da Vinci and his prototypes
- Hot air balloon
- characteristics
- Types
- Hot air balloons
- Helicopters
- Planes
- Commercial plane
- Cargo plane
- Military airplane
- Civil plane
- Advantage
- Speed
- Accessible
- Safe and reliable
- State of the art technology
- Disadvantages
- Expensive
- Susceptible to changes and delays in departures and arrivals
- Need a landing strip
- Air transport and technological advances
- References
The air transport is the means of transport is currently considered faster and costly. You can transport animals, items and people using a ship that navigates between the middle and lower areas of the atmosphere. The speed with which it operates (it can move between very distant places) has made it a preferred medium.
In principle this type of transport was designed for the transfer of people, but the human being managed to visualize other uses through the installation of containers adapted to the technological proposals of area navigation, thus giving way to cargo planes.
Air transport is the fastest today. Source: pixabay.com
This type of transport is reliable and usually has a lot of availability, but due to the progress and comfort it represents for areas such as financial businesses and tourism, it can incur delays due to the large influx of passengers or parcels that move daily. These delays are also generated by factors such as weather and air traffic.
The 20th century had this type of transport as one of its most emblematic technological advances. This transport does not require large infrastructure for its performance: it only needs a long runway to take off and one to land. On the other hand, it has no obstacles to stop it and its main advantage is speed.
In Greece the idea that man could fly was embodied in the myth of Daedalus, who built wings of wax for Icarus, his son, to escape; According to this story, as the sun approached the wings melted.
On the other hand, in the Middle Ages the idea of flying was associated with sin, man's presumption of wanting to challenge the natural order was seen at this time as an affront to the will of God.
Da Vinci and his prototypes
The artist Leonardo Da Vinci drew prototypes of machines that could fly in his treatises on the flight of birds.
Through observation, this artist by profession achieved a rigorous analysis of the factors involved in making the flight. From there his project arose, through which he managed to design models of a type of helicopter in the 15th century; this made him a visionary.
Hot air balloon
The first proposal for air transport was the hot air balloon designed by the brothers Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier in 1782. Just over a century ago (1903) the Wright brothers successfully carried out the first powered flight, which confirmed that the dream flying was not impossible.
There were other model proposals and even the Wright brothers themselves continued to work on improving their prototypes, but it was during World War I that air travel managed to position itself.
Likewise, during World War II, aerial machines became more efficient and larger, which gave greater impetus to commercial flight operators.
In 1958, the plane with a reaction system that opened the American and British airlines to carry out commercial transport was an example of the great technological advances of the century.
Added to this are the supersonic ships and the arrival of the Boeing 747 model in 1970, which had the capacity to transport between 300 and 500 people on domestic flights.
- Fast and frequent.
- Comfortable.
- Safe and reliable.
- Punctual.
- It involves high insurance costs.
- It has two regular cargo areas (passengers / cabin, merchandise / warehouse).
- Costly service that is offset by time savings.
- High environmental impact in terms of energy consumption.
- It requires the specialization of its crew.
- It is mainly divided into commercial, military and cargo.
- High penetration in continental destinations.
- Offers transfer service, which lowers costs.
Hot air balloons
Although it may not be considered a transport as such since it is used recreationally, it is a ship that transports people through the air temporarily and with the intention of generating recreation.
It has no thrusters and moves through air currents. Its operation may depend on the movement of hot air; This is generated from the engine, which heats the oxygen in the chamber. It can also work through gases like helium and methane.
They are wing aircraft that rotate with horizontal rotor thrusters. They rise vertically and are used in high congestion areas where airplanes do not have access due to lack of runway.
The helicopter remains suspended by rotating on its axis contrary to the movement of its propellers. This artifact can move in all directions.
It has functions of rescue, rescue, ambulance, police, military, fire fighting, heavy transport, military medical transport, transport of materials, combat and transfer of people. There are also unmanned helicopters that are equipped with cameras and remotely controlled.
Airplanes are high-speed ships with fixed wings and engines that move objects, merchandise, animals and people from one place to another in less time than other means of transport. There are several types of aircraft and among the best known are the following:
Commercial plane
It is known as an airliner. Their design is built with the movement of people in mind and they are often used by airlines. These planes had their origin in the Second World War.
Some airlines divide their seats into three categories when the flight is international (first class, business class and economy class). If it is national, they only offer executive section and economic section.
They generally provide passenger service, such as food, television and internet. They have on board a service of hostesses and flight attendants trained to attend to passengers and control any eventuality that may arise during the flight.
Cargo plane
They are specialized airlines whose fuselage is wider due to the size of their loads: their wings are higher so that the load rests closer to the ground.
They have bigger and stronger wheels. The door is at the back of the plane and they are larger to facilitate the entry and exit of the merchandise.
Military airplane
These aircraft are designed for military purposes, with the intention of controlling situations that warrant restoring order in a situation of danger or risk. They have rescue, espionage, salvage and emergency transfer functions.
Civil plane
This type of transport is intended for private or personal uses, such as social purposes, rescue, evacuation and police service, among others. This category also includes corporate aviation, intended to transport people dedicated to the field of business or personalities of the State.
When time is a factor, the speed of these machines is of great value. They travel routes through seas and mountains with nothing to hinder their journey, allowing times to shorten.
Likewise, air transport is characterized because it is capable of reaching practically the entire planet in a fairly short time.
In the commercial field, it is possible to purchase tickets through reservations and access promotions and affordable rates, which represents a goodness of the service. In addition, this type of transport has a trained staff for customer service.
Safe and reliable
It is excellent for the protection of perishable merchandise and valuables; they can hardly be the object of theft.
They also offer air packages that include object and life insurance, as well as personal custody for children, the elderly and people with disabilities or health commitments.
State of the art technology
It has reservation and transfer systems, connections to other destinations, comfort and security in case of emergency, such as the fast evacuation mattresses of the ship.
This makes air transport a preferred service even though other transport may be cheaper.
The time-cost relationship raises the prices of shipping and delivery of goods.
Susceptible to changes and delays in departures and arrivals
It is subject to weather changes or any eventuality in air traffic control, which could result in suspension of service and, in the worst case, in cancellations.
Need a landing strip
Generally, it is necessary for the ship to have a runway of considerable length to be able to take flight or land. It is extremely risky to attempt the maneuver on another surface.
Air transport and technological advances
The movement of merchandise in the international arena has an important ally in air transport, since technological advances in aeronautics have given way to more efficient machines in terms of fuel consumption.
The world in the 21st century has airports and air networks interconnected through routes with various costs and distances.
In this context, tourism became a way of life, passengers organize their vacations to discover other latitudes and enjoy their free time, and the merchandise also reaches more distant places in less time soaring through the sky.
Currently there are emerging companies that carry out technological challenges aimed at preserving the environment and several of these proposals have already been raised in the automotive fleet. An example of this are the electric and hybrid models that are being developed in aeronautics, specifically for use on short flights.
The aerospace industry welcomes how innovation in materials and technology begins to link artificial intelligence and autonomy with the aerospace industry. Then, advances such as electric propulsion and unmanned navigation are already being considered.
- Cardona, Asun «Air transport: characteristics, advantages and disadvantages» in Sertrans. Retrieved on June 24, 2019 from Sertrans: sertrans.es
- "Air transport" in Engineering Recovered on June 24, 2019 from Industrial Engineering: ingenieriaindustrialonline.com
- "Air transport" in Wikipedia. Retrieved on June 24, 2019 from Wikipedia: es.wikipedia.org
- Goodrich, Philippa “This will be the air transport revolution that will change the way we fly” on BBC News. Retrieved on June 25, 2019 from BBC News: bbc.com
- "Air transport" in Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Retrieved on June 26, 2019 from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: es.wikipedia.org