The short tongue twisters are puns, syllables or phonemes whose purpose is to challenge the diction of the speaker, forcing him to concentrate on the points of articulation to achieve pronounce high, quickly and correctly voice a combination of similar sounds without tongue locks or stumble.
It is important to emphasize that the interesting thing about the tongue twister and what makes it attractive is precisely the difficulty of pronouncing when the tongue becomes entangled in the process; This implies a challenge for the speaker, who will strive to overcome the obstacle.
Tongue twisters help children develop their language. Source:
They are ideal for young children to begin to improve and develop their language. They should be fun and shared with parents to create affective bonds, and later strengthen their socialization process with other children in their environments outside the home.
The tongue twister exists since the ancient Greeks, it is a popular literary expression of oral tradition that can be found in all languages and that, as today, was used with the aim of entertaining and educating.
This word game is very useful in speech therapy, since it involves the use of points of articulation in those people who have certain speech difficulties. They can be read or learned by heart, and must be said out loud and quickly.
Tongue twisters can be created in different ways: One of the most common ways is by using rhymes. You can also make use of repetitions; Likewise, paronyms are often combined, since they have very similar sounds and are ideal for playing word games.
Examples of 150 short tongue twisters
- Pabla nails the table of the slave,
the table of the slave nails it.
- Pedro Prado lends a pledge,
Pedro Prado lends a pledge.
- Trina sad swallows wheat,
wheat swallows sad Trina.
- Paco itches little layer,
itches little layer Paco.
- Pancha irons the clothes and stains them,
Pancha stains the clothes they iron.
- I touch little coconut,
but little coconut touch.
- Fresh
jar rubs Fran, Fran rubs fresh jar.
- Pablito nailed a little nail
in the bald head of a bald boy.
- The hippo Hiccup
is hiccuping,
who can stop the
hippo Hiccup?
- Pruner that you prune the vine, what vine you prune?
Can you prune my vine or can your vine?
I neither prune your vine nor my vine,
I prune my uncle Bartolo's vine.
- I bought a few drinks, a few drinks I bought,
as I bought a few drinks, a few drinks I will pay.
- I
throw what is done from the ceiling, from the ceiling what is done.
- I hug the ember with my arm, I
embrace the arm with the ember.
- The page brought the suit,
the page brought the suit.
- I weigh
little cheese because I eat little cheese.
- How does Rosa Rizo pray?
Pink Rizo reads Russian.
- Toto drinks tea,
Tita drinks mate
and I drink linden
in my cup of chocolate.
- When I say Diego,
I say I say,
and when I say I say,
I say Diego.
- I bought few drinks,
few drinks I bought,
as I bought few drinks,
few drinks I paid.
- Cuesta finds it difficult to
climb the slope,
and in the middle of the slope he
goes and lies down.
- The piruja witch
prepares a concoction with beeswax,
two cloves of garlic,
four lentils and pure sheep's hair.
- If the snail had a face
like the snail has, it was a
face, it was cabbage, it
was a snail with a face.
- Side, ledo, lido, mud, ludo,
say it backwards I doubt it.
Ludo, mud, lido, ledo, side,
what a work it has cost me!
- The San Roque dog does not have a tail
because Ramón Ramírez has cut it off.
And to Ramón Ramírez's dog, whose tail has cut off?
- How do you want me to love you,
if the one I love doesn't love me,
doesn't love me the way I want him to.
- Pedro Pérez Pita, a perpetual painter,
paints landscapes at a low price
to be able to leave
soon for Paris.
-In the juncal of Junqueira
juncos was gathering Julián when he found Juan.
In the juncal of Junqueira
juncos joined Juan and Julián.
-Pepe Peña peels potato, chops pineapple,
chops a whistle, chops pineapple, peels potato Pepe Peña.
-That car is so expensive that
I don't buy the car because it's expensive.
- He brought me He brought me three suits,
three suits He brought me.
- If Samson doesn't season his sauce with salt,
it turns out bland;
Samson's sauce is bland
if he seasones it without salt.
- Teresa brought chalks made pieces.
- Every time I take a bath it hurts me,
that's why I take a bath once a year
- The sky is bricked.
Who will unbrick it?
The remover that unbricks it, a
good remover it will be.
-A corporal says to another:
Hey corporal, do you fit?
Yes, it fits.
- Juan had a tube
and the tube he had broke,
and to recover the tube he had, he
had to buy a tube
equal to the tube he had.
- R with r cigar,
r with r barrel,
fast cars roll
on the railroad tracks.
-If you add milk to coffee
to make coffee with milk,
to make milk with coffee,
what do you need to add?
-Erre with erre I do not find
erre with erre van tres,
another animal that in my story
with erre of reindeer, donkey and beef.
-I have a guifigafa with five guifigafito
and for grabbing a guifigafito
they all guifigafito me.
-Rita's dog irritates me.
Tell Rita to change her puppy for a dog.
-Love is a madness
that only the priest cures it
and if the priest only cures it,
what a madness cure.
-I put
crazy Lolo's parrot in the coconut.
-The cry of the pleasant cat
killed the pleasant cat in the grotto.
-A swallow dragon swallowed three pieces,
three pieces swallowed the swallow dragon.
-Teresa weighs the raisin,
steps on the pool and passes the weight.
- The duck puts the leg on the silver plate.
- The caravel has a sail and a bald skull.
-Three drinks brought Trino.
-I am looking for a cross-eyed Basque
who sings trova in Jalisco.
- There Maya finds the mesh
and scratches a line on the mesh she finds.
- Skinny Fausta plays the flute,
white is skinny Fausta's flute.
- Pablo pela pure papa,
pure papa pela pablo.
- The witch Maruja hides the needle
inside the troja that is wet and red.
- Pedro climbs the stone,
loses his gut and catches the troop.
- Luisa wears the Swiss blouse
that her daughter Clarisa gave her.
- The dog runs fast
after three cart wheels.
- Manuela's tooth hurts
and Grandma grinds Manuela cinnamon.
- Goyo went to the stream
eating a chicken
and made a roll.
- Gabito recorded a granite,
Gabito engraved a granite.
- The broken ball bounces,
the broken boot bounces.
- Ana the frog breaks the ruana,
the ruana breaks the frog Ana.
- The rooster Yayo was silenced by lightning,
burned his feathers and gave him a faint.
- The golden parrot sings in chorus with the bull,
the bull in chorus sings with the golden parrot
I approach the body of the one-eyed or dead pig.
- Marco and
cut the stubborn Turkish cut.
- A waiter eats candy,
a candy eats the waiter.
- The mole hits the top in the steppe.
- The serious catfish struggles
under the black cloud.
- Submissive Clarisa goes to mass, Clarisa goes to the
submissive mass.
- A pig must be nose-nose, the
one who nose-
nose it will be a great nose-nose.
- I want and I do not want to love
who I do not want,
I have wanted without wanting
and I am without wanting to.
- Fedra stops and scrubs strawberries in
front of the cold sea.
- With the helmet and with disgust I
take the fly out of the bag.
- I ate
cherries, I dined cherries.
I ate so many cherries
that I got waxed.
- Laura for the lamp,
the lamp for Laura.
- Platypus, platypus,
dare and jump.
- The fox in the jet
calls for help.
I run to the jet
and help the fox.
- The donkey Curro sweeps the mud,
the mud sweeps Curro the donkey.
- Dad, put bread for Pepín.
- Three trapeze artists climb with rags,
with tricky pieces they climb trapeze
-The mischievous pájara bites
sitting in the typical gourd,
bites the pájara picara
-Erre con erre cicada
that grasps the bush,
the rain comes and announces it
by rubbing its wings hard.
-The cable in the ship fits,
the cable fits in the ship
-The king of Constantinople
wants to decontaminate,
decontaminates him will be a good decontantinopolizer.
-The paraulata for the can,
the can for the paraulata.
-Chancho and Chencha iron for Pancha
and her hanger stain.
- Presumed prose passes
prey to rush prose.
-The grandmother flies to school
flies to school grandma
-If the witch un-witches the witch
and the witch un-witches the witch,
neither the witch is unbewitched,
nor the witch un-witches the witch.
-Tajo told Gajo
by the shortcut he brought you.
-Trejo weaves three suits
three suits brought Trejo.
-In a juncal of Junqueira,
juncos used to gather Julián.
Juan got together to get them
together and together they got more.
-The naive Eugenio
more than naive is a genius
-The rat Rita challenges
the broken route.
-Speak the soft board
and the meat tenderizes
-José Pérez will perish,
do not despair, we must wait
- The perplexed crab
was far from the mirror.
-Clear the chlorine
in the parrot's gold ring
-Susana's healthy apple heals her
tummy pain
-The strawberry prey prays,
prays the strawberry prey.
-Piquito picola, the tail itched,
little by little the beak itched.
- Said a majo from Jerez
with his girdle and a nice suit,
"I will take a cut at the nicest,
I'm sheikh from Jerez."
-Tacaña the spider with skill
weaves little web.
-The straw slit
cuts across the box.
-Lick the lime the hill,
the lemon lick the hill,
the lemon does not lick the lime
nor the lime lick the lemon
-For the tare face,
the face for the tare.
-Strike the embers in the breeze,
the breeze embraces the embers,
the breeze passes quickly,
the embers the breeze passes.
-The Vate beats the robe,
Vate's robe is beaten.
-The candle reveals the grandmother
who watches the candle that reveals her.
- Baker's
bread, bread, bread, bread, I want.
-The leg touches the cap
touches the cap the leg.
-The garlic knife
slices but does not cut the deck,
the deck is not a garlic,
I cut it, I do not slice it.
-If I
how I eat and you eat how you eat, how do you eat as
if I eat how you eat.
-Three sad tigers were
swallowing wheat in a wheat field.
-Paco pays little hits,
hits little, Paco hits
-Pino came with the wine
that agreed.
-Pedro Pablo Pérez
paints doors and walls.
-I don't buy coconut
because I eat little coconut.
-The bear steps on the well,
passes, weighs, steps on the bear.
-Count, how many stories do you tell,
tell stories when you count.
-Silvia Silva to Silvio,
Silvio to Silvia Silva
-The wild goat loads gravel,
gravel loads the goat.
-The sky is muddy,
who will clean it up?
The demborregador that
demborregador will be a good demborregador.
- Beginning beginning,
beginning I want,
to see if
beginning I can begin.
-Parra had a dog.
Guerra had a vine.
Parra's bitch climbed the Guerra vine.
-In three sad pieces of wheat,
three sad tigers ate wheat.
-If the servant who serves you
does not serve you as a servant,
what is the use
of using a servant who does not serve.
-Pablito stepped on the floor,
stepped on the floor Pablito stepped on,
when Pablito stepped on the floor,
pieces of floor stepped on Pablito.
-Thirty-three lengths of logs
chopped three sad log splitters
and tripled their work of splitting logs and logs.
-A cacatrepa climbs
has three cacatrepitos,
when the cacatrepa climbs
the three cacatrepitos.
-A donkey ate watercress
and the dog stole them,
the donkey gave a bray
and the dog fell into the mud.
-What colossal cabbage the crazy person placed in that place,
what colossal cabbage the crazy person placed in that room.
-After the triple trapezoid of Tripoli,
three sad troglodyte triumvirs climbed trigonometrically, upset
and transposed by the tremendous tretralcatrapian.
-My horse treads straw,
straw treads my horse.
-Riqui tiqui tembo nosarembo
cherri berri rucci quiperipembo.
-Paco Pino Ponte Pérez paints beautiful paintings
for the wealthy,
for the poor he paints little
because they can pay little.
-A four-pointed handkerchief of
pure pita, of pure
pita, of pure pita, of pure pita,
a handkerchief with four points.
-Trápola, Tramo and Tragón, thirty-three shots of rum,
after pieces of extreme trout,
in a tris the thunder thunders.
-He who little potato spends
little potato pays.
-A train with wheat entered with
you, a train entered with wheat.
-Paco Peco, rich boy,
insulted his uncle Federico like a madman,
and he said: little by little, Paco Peco, little peak!
-A zambo shoemaker was stomping shoe-footing,
shoe-footing a club shoemaker was stomping.
-After three drinks and another three,
and another three after three drinks,
drink and drink are havoc,
antics of appetizer.
"The queen's cushions,
the sultan's drawers,
what cushions?" What drawers?
Which chest of drawers are they in?
-Chévere, chachi, chupilerendi!
Hache, eight, eche, piggy bank.
Put the badges in the slippers.
-The bull Tachos has eight horns,
the chucha collides, the chachos chochos.
-The chicken Toyo eats little cabbage,
how little cabbage like Toyo the chicken
-Chinese whistling chango
that whistles Chinese changa,
no longer whistles a la changa,
whistling Chinese chango.
-Pablo is kind but terrible,
with his saber he cuts the oak
in the town that Pablo inhabits.
-How sad you are, Tristan,
after such a gloomy theatrical plot!
-Without sense Sosa encourages him to hiss,
and Caesar without
sense because Sosa encourages him, and Caesar does not stop hissing because Sosa does not stop stirring.
-Miguel Mela cautiously immolated his bad mule,
and Manuel said that he saw this:
«Bad mule immola Mela
-An award proposed by Narciso to Rosa Rizo
if she learned to pray in Russian
and today, although somewhat confused, she
prays Rosa Rizo in Russian.
-The door has three bars
and Juan Simón entertains himself by
counting: one, two, three…
all the bars it has.
-Pepo the pirate dances on one leg,
as the wind dries his clothes
-I ate
parsley, I ate parsley,
from so much parsley,
I got parsley.
-Gla-gle-gli-glo-glu-güe-güi, how
difficult it is!
Güi, güe, glu, glo, gli, gle, gla,
what a job it gives me!
-From Ushuaia to Gualeguay , how many leagues by water are there?
-There I send you a melon
on the plate that is not silver.
If the will is pleasant,
there is plate, plate and plate.
-Taco taquito, removes heel
cap, cap, lid, cap.
- Renata the rat screams
that her clothes are torn,
Renata screams the
broken rat that her clothes are
-Pancho not very wide
has a body like a hook,
like a hook Pancho has
that is not wide, he is skinny.
-Teresa tightens her braid.
- "Short tongue twisters" in Chiquipedia. Retrieved on April 26, 2019 from Chiquipedia:
- "Tongue twisters: Educational guide with funny examples" in We are mothers. Retrieved on April 26, 2019 from Somos mamás:
- "Tongue twisters" in Cerotect Estudios. Retrieved April 26, 2019 from Cerotect Estudios:
- "Short tongue twisters" in Primary World. Retrieved on April 27, 2019 from Primary World:
- "Characteristics and function of tongue twisters" in Parents at school. Retrieved on April 27, 2019 from Parents at school:
- "Short children's tongue twisters" in Forest of fantasies. Retrieved on April 27, 2019 from Forest of fantasies:
- "Tongue twisters for children" in ABC Tree. Retrieved on April 28, 2019 from ABC Tree:
- "100 short tongue twisters for elementary school children" in Material for teachers. Retrieved on April 28, 2019 from Material for teachers:
- Silveyra, Carlos. "Tongue twisters and riddles" in the National Reading Plan. Retrieved on April 28, 2019 from the National Reading Plan: