More than 100 phrases of effort by important international authors such as Ortega y Gassett, Kennedy, Mahatma Gandhi, Roosevelt, Michael Jordan, Antoine de Saint-Exupery Napoleon Bonaparte and many more.
You may also be interested in these phrases of perseverance or these of courage.
28-A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopelessly a failure can turn into a glorious success.-Elbert Hubbard.
-The effort is only effort when it begins to hurt.-José Ortega y Gassett.
-Success depends on effort.-Sophocles.
-Strength and growth come only through effort and continuous struggle.-Napoleon Hill.
-The results you get will be directly proportional to the effort you apply.-Denis Waitley.
32-Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.
-The satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the achievement. The total effort is a complete victory.-Mahatma Gandhi.
-We all have dreams. But to turn dreams into reality, it takes a great deal of determination, dedication, self-discipline and effort.-Jesse Owens.
-Continuous effort -not strength or intelligence- is the key to unleashing our potential.-Winston Churchill.
-Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price we all must pay to achieve any worthwhile goal.-Vince Lombardi.
-The only thing that matters is the effort.-Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
-No one succeeds without effort. Those who succeed owe their success to perseverance.-Ramana Maharshi.
-A lot of effort, a lot of prosperity.-Euripides.
-The effort fully releases its reward, only after a person refuses to leave.-Napoleon Hill.
-The reward of an eternal life requires effort.-Thomas S. Monson.
-I am a great believer in luck, and I think that the more I work, the luckier I have.-Stephen Leacock.
-For every disciplined effort there is a multiple reward.-Jim Rohn.
-Something great can only be done by a great person; And he does it with effort.-John Ruskin.
-Where there is no hope, there can be no effort.-Samuel Johnson.
35-A great effort springs naturally from a great attitude.-Pat Riley.
-It is always the beginning that requires the greatest effort.-James Cash Penney.
-No one has ever drowned in their own sweat.-Ann Landers.
-Effort and courage are not enough without purpose and pleasure.-John F. Kennedy.
-If you have a positive attitude and you constantly strive to give the best that you have, over time you will overcome your immediate problems and you will find that you are ready for greater challenges.-Pat Riley.
-Happiness is in the joy of achievement and the emotion of creative effort.-Franklin D. Roosevelt.
-All the effort in the world does not matter if you are not inspired.-Chuck Palahniuk.
-The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual.-Vince Lombardi.
-Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of an intelligent effort.-John Ruskin.
32-Success is almost totally dependent on drive and persistence.-Denis Waitley.
-All growth depends on the activity. There is no physical or intellectual development without effort, and effort means work.-Calvin Coolidge.
-If you can not excel with talent, succeed with effort.-Dave Weinbaum.
-Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, smart planning, and concentrated effort.-Paul J. Meyer.
-The game has its ups and downs, but you can never lose focus of individual goals and you cannot let yourself be defeated due to lack of effort.-Michael Jordan.
-Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little, day by day. It takes a patient effort to develop good character.-
-Life is too short to spend in negativity. I have made a conscious effort not to be where I do not want to be.-Hugh Dillon.
-Put your heart, mind, intellect and soul into even your smallest acts. That is the secret of success.-Swami Sivananda.
-The man who can lead himself once the effort is painful is the man who will win.-Roger Bannister.
-God gives each bird its food, but does not throw it to their nests.-JG Holland.
-The winds and waves are always on the side of the most capable navigators.-Edward Gibbon.
-It is the constant and determined effort that breaks all resistance and sweeps away all obstacles.-Claude M. Bristol.
-Men get stronger when they realize that the helping hand they need is at the end of their own arm.-Sidney J. Phillips.
-Sometimes, things can't go your way, but the effort must be there every night.-Michael Jordan.
-Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you.-Arnold Palmer.
-If you have enough push, you do not have to worry about the pull.-Zig Ziglar.
-You are your greatest asset. Put your time, effort and money in the training, preparation and promotion of your greatest asset.-Tom Hopkins.
-Gold medals are made of sweat, blood, tears and effort shown every day in the gym.-Gabby Douglas.
-Stress over and over again. Do not give an inch until the final whistle sounds.-Larry Bird.
-The greater the effort, the greater the glory.-Pierre Corneille.
-We forget that all the good that is worth owning must be paid for in strokes of daily effort. We postpone and postpone, until the smiling possibilities are dead.-William James.
-Sweat is the cologne of achievement.-Heywood Hale Broun.
-A winning effort begins with preparation.-Joe Gibbs.
-Life can be boring unless you put some effort into it.-John C. Maxwell.
-When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle will work in our life or in the life of another.-Helen Keller.
-Nothing can come from nowhere.-William Shakespeare.
-Winning is not everything, but the effort to win is.-Zig Ziglar.
-Things can reach those who wait, but only things left by those who hurry.-Abraham Lincoln.
-You don't catch a trout with dry pants.-Miguel de Cervantes.
-The difference between the ordinary and the extraordinary is that little extra.-Jimmy Johnson.
-The fight alone pleases us, not the victory.-Blaise Pascal.
32-Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day after day.-Robert Collier.
18-An effort made for the happiness of others rises above ourselves.-Lydia M. Child.
-What is not started today never ends tomorrow.-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
-Loving others always costs us something and requires effort. You have to decide to do it on purpose. You can not wait for a feeling to motivate you.-Joyce Meyer.
-The effort without talent is a depressing situation, but talent without effort is a tragedy.-Mike Ditka.
-No one understands that you have given everything. You have to give more.-Antonio Porchia.
34-The way in which the inevitable comes to pass is effort.-Oliver Wendell Holmes.
-Education comes from within; You get it by struggle, effort and thought.-Napoleon Hill.
-The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work.-Emile Zola.
35-A pinch of sweat saves a liter of blood.-George S. Patton.
-The only thing that comes to us without effort is old age.-Gloria Pitzer.
The continuous, tireless and persistent effort will win.-James Whitcomb Riley.
-It is always too early to give up.-Norman Vincent Peale.
-Clarity and consistency are not enough: the search for truth requires humility and effort.-Tariq Ramadan.
-Happiness is an option that requires effort sometimes.-Aesquilo.
-No one knows what he can do until he tries.-Publilius Syrus.
-I have discovered that life in general is a team effort; It's a team game.-Joe Namath.
-Each man is the forger of his own fortune.-Celery Claudio.
-For us there is no more to try. The rest is not our business.-TS Eliot.
-If one has not given everything, one has not given anything.-Georges Guynemer.
-He who stops being better stops being good.-Oliver Cromwell.
-The effort is important, but knowing where to put the effort is what counts the most.
-Effort never breakfasts to fortune.-Fernando de Rojas.
-In all human affairs there are efforts, and there are results, and the strength of the effort is the measure of the result.-James Allen.
-History is the effort of the spirit to achieve freedom.-Hegel.
-Only with the pain of effort can you overcome all the others who refuse to feel it.
-It is impossible to improve without effort. A gold medal cannot be won without breaking a sweat.
-A hero can be the one who triumphs or the one who succumbs, but never the one who abandons the combat.-Thomas Carlyle.
-The victory is of the most persevering.-Napoleon Bonaparte.
-There is only happiness where there is virtue and serious effort, because life is not a game.-Aristotle.
-Any effort is light with the habit.-Tito Livio.
-In whatever you want to improve, effort is the bargaining chip.
-Life does not give anything to mortals without great effort.-Horacio.
-Only the effort does not ensure your goal, but without it it is certain that you will not achieve it.
35-Glory is a constant effort.-Jules Renard.
-If someone does not achieve something with effort, it will hardly be achieved by any other means.
-The more it is estimated what with more work is earned.-Aristotle.
-You cannot become a champion without sweating.-Epícteto.
-In this world, nothing useful or great is achieved without effort or sacrifice.-Adolfo Kolping.
-The effort will only release its reward when you refuse to leave.-
-You get what you
-Don't sacrifice your time for people who wouldn't do the same for you.-
-With effort you always go further.-
-The most serious sin when it comes to wanting to improve is omission. “I could have tried, but I didn't.” -Miguel Ángel Cornejo.
-If you have a 1% chance of winning, bet. That is your last chance to win. Do not give it up.-Miguel Ángel Cornejo.
-Winning is not a matter of life or death, it is something else, it is going out to fight, a fight for our dreams.-Miguel Ángel Cornejo.
-Unrealized dreams rot and make our existence bitter. But if we try, even if we do not succeed, we will have the satisfaction of having tried to make a dream come true.-Miguel Ángel Cornejo.
-Only risking yourself will you know your true value.-Miguel Ángel Cornejo.
-You have to throw your heart so that the rest of your body follows you.-Miguel Ángel Cornejo.
-In life you have to try many things, many, many things and many, many times; Although some turn out well for you.-Miguel Ángel Cornejo.
-Success is not a matter of chance but of causality. Out of 9 times you are successful in something, 8 of them are cause and effect.-Miguel Ángel Cornejo.
-The pain is temporary, it can last a minute, an hour, a day, a year, but there will always be something better that takes its place: the success that comes from effort. – iRazorworks.
-If you really want to be successful, you must be willing to sacrifice your rest. If you are going to sleep, let it be to dream. – iRazorworks.
-Stop collecting information from the outside and look for the answer you need inside and in the effort.
-I'll ask you something, are you trying? Are you really trying? There is nothing worse than giving less than 100%, and the minimum is 100%.– Calberto.
-Giving 100% means that you will not like it, that you will be tired, that you ask yourself "and when is this over?". Giving 100% means you have a hard time -
-Life is a race against time, if you go walking, those from behind will pass you; And when you want to run, when you want to reach them, they will already be far away.-
-Effort is to give everything for that reason, your motive. If you have a reason, you will have motivation. Push yourself or don't complain.-
-If you really want to be proud of yourself, you will have to give 100%. If you want to be proud of yourself, you're going to have to leave your soul. – Calberto.
-Losing magnifies things, your opportunity was not lost when your rivals defeated you; the fight has just begun.-
-It is not death that scares people. The real fear is reaching the end of your life to realize that you never really lived. – Manuel David Romero.
-IM asking you! Will your last words be “I wish there were…”?
-Martin Luther King did not have a dream. The dream owned him. The question is, do you have the courage to accept the dream that has chosen you?
-Airplanes rust more on the ground than in the air because they were designed to fly. Just as we were created to live our dream.-
- "Maybe I should" is the greatest weapon of the worst enemy we all have, the only true enemy that does not allow us to be who we really are:
-If you have a dream, fight for it! There is no flat mountain, you will fall thousands of times, but who cares?
-Life is pain, but you can choose what kind of pain you want in your life. The one that takes you off the road to success, or the pain of regret.-
-If you do not make the most of the gift of life that has been given to you, you are not only belittling yourself, but the entire universe.-
-Uni = One. Verse = Song. That means that you are also part of this one song, so go out and fight until you achieve what your soul dictates.-
-The effort should not be an option, but an obligation.
-I don't care what they told you before, don't you deserve it, can't you, isn't it for you? Do you know why they did it? Because they are afraid of you.-
-The desire that is born in your heart to do something good, is the proof that God sends you that it is already yours.-Denzel Washintong.
-Dreams without goals are only dreams; and they will lead you to disappointment. Goals are the path to your dreams, but they cannot be achieved without discipline and consistency. – Denzel Washintong.
-Understand the gift that you have been given, fight for that gift, develop it, use it, do not abuse it. So you will be that person you want to be so much. – Denzel Washintong.
-I never quit until after I secured my next job, so I know that opportunities look like hard work.-Ashton Kutcher.
-The opinion you have of yourself will become your reality. The more you believe in yourself, the more power you will have to transform your reality.-
-If you don't get serious, then in the future life will take its toll on you, and you will be in serious trouble.-
-Don't evade responsibility, if it's okay for your heart, then it's okay, that's the only one you should listen to!
-Life owes you nothing, you owe it to yourself! If you don't go out and fight for what you want, the only one disappointed will be you.-
-Winning or losing, come out with your head held high. Just do it well, just do it, is all I ask of you.-
-The clearest example of progress is when you conquer yourself. When you understand that you are 1% talent, 99% effort.-
-Very few are willing to sacrifice to achieve their goals. Show that you are special and are willing to do it. – Diego Montoya.
-Learn to manage your states, you can be the most talented of all, but if you let yourself be overcome emotionally, you will not achieve anything.-Jordan Belfort.
- Bad things happen in life, it's true. But the key is to see things as they are and not worse than they really are.-Jordan Belfort.
-Imagine a point where you want to go and make a plan to get there. But be honest with yourself, and establish your starting point. – Jordan Belfort.
-The reason why people really fail is not because they set their goals too high and didn't get there, but because they set them too low and they reached them.-Jordan Belfort.
-No one is a victim of the circumstances of life. Don't be a person to whom life passes overhead, live life yourself!
-There are winners and there are losers. But there are also those who have not figured out how to win yet.-
-What do you want, what do you need? If you can't have it all at once, if you can't do it all at once, do even one part, but do it!
-What is written without effort is usually read without pleasure.-Samuel Johnson.
-In a certain sense, the way to God is the way of moral effort, of trying and keep trying.-CS Lewis.
-If you are not going to reach the end, why start? -Joe Namath.
-Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today.-Tim Fargo.
-People pretend that they do not like grapes when the vineyard is out of their reach.-Marguerite de Navarre.
-It is not in our capacity to know if we can make a difference, and perhaps we cannot. But that does not mean that we should not try.-Alison Croggon.
-The less you try, the faster and more powerful you will be.-Bruce Lee.
-The walls do not collapse without effort.-Neal Shusterman.
17-Regardless of our talents, we all know in the bottom of our hearts that 90% of what we do is less than what we could do.-Robert McKee.
-Nothing in me is original. I am the combination of the effort of all the people I have met.-Chuck Palahniuk.
-If you are going to do something, try to do it better than anyone else. Do it to the end. If you don't want to go all the way, don't even bother doing it.-Ashly Lorenzana.
-The master of the garden is the one who waters it, cuts the branches, plants new seeds and removes weeds. If you only walk in the garden, you are nothing more than an acolyte.-Vera Nazarian.
-It doesn't make sense to say you're doing the best you can. You have to be successful doing what is necessary.-Winston Churchill.
-If I have been the cause of the cloud, it is my duty to do my best dissipating it.-Emily Brontë.
42-Men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than men who do not try to do anything and succeed at it.-Lloyd Jones.
-Without balance, life is not worth the effort.-Olen Steinhauer.
-If there is something that I have learned from failure and success, it is this: I am not the result, I am simply the effort.-Kmal Ravikant.
-Not only is it a sign of power when people do what another suggests, but it also shows power when people consciously strive to do exactly the opposite of what another suggests.-Criss Jami.
"Because everything needs energy," she recited obediently, her eyes fixed on his hand. We have to put effort and energy into anything we want to change.-Erin Morgenstern.
-There is no such thing as effortless beauty. It's something you should know. There is no effort that is not beautiful: either lifting a very heavy rock or loving you. Loving you is like lifting a very heavy rock.-Jeanette Winterson.
-Do your best in every task, no matter how insignificant it may seem at the time. Nobody learns more from a problem than the person who is experiencing it.-Sandra Day O'Connor.
-When we love someone, our love becomes demonstrable or real through our effort. For that someone, or perhaps for ourselves, we take an extra step or walk an extra kilometer. Love does not come without efforts, it is full of them.-M. Scott Peck.
-When you reach the stars, you have reached the farthest point. When you get to the bottom of your soul, it is the same but in the opposite direction. If you reach the two points, you will have expanded the universe.-Vera Nazarian.
-Never give up. It is like breathing. Once you give up on it, your flame dies and let the darkness eradicate every last iota of hope. You cannot allow it. You should keep breathing, even if they are shallow breaths. Keep trying even a little so that your dreams don't die. Never, never, never give up.-Richelle E. Goodrich.
-People die all the time. Life is much more fragile than we think. Therefore, you should treat others in a way that leaves you without regret. Fairly, if possible, honestly. It is very easy not to strain and then cry and wring your hands when someone has died.-Haruki Murakami.
-Nothing in the world is worth it if it does not involve effort, pain and difficulty. Never in my life have I envied the human being who leads an easy life. I have envied a large number of people who lead difficult lives and manage them well.-Theodore Roosevelt.
-Put yourself in a good mood. Do not think about the failures of today but about the success that could come tomorrow. You have set yourself a difficult task but you will achieve it if you persevere and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles. Remember that the effort we use to achieve something beautiful is never wasted.-Helen Keller.