- List of topics of interest to research
- 1- Cancer
- 2- Genetics
- 3- Assisted reproduction
- 4- Artificial intelligence
- 5- Brain
- 6- Alternative energies
- 7- Climate change
- 8- Economy
- 9- world poverty
- 10- War conflicts
- 11- Food and nutrition
- 12- Drug use and abuse
- 13- Education
- 14- Internet
- 15- Communication
- 16- Expedition to Mars
- 17- Sexuality in the XXI century
- 18- Social phenomena
- 19- Human bionics
- 20- Mental disorders
- 21- GMOs
- 22- Marketing
- 23- Entrepreneurship
- 24- Pollution
- 25- Nanotechnology
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- Other topics of interest
- References
Today there are many interesting topics to research extensively, in fact, today there is so much knowledge that it would be literally impossible to read all the books, research, videos and other content formats that exist. However, not everything is discovered, there is still much to know.
The first thing you should do when you are going to research or write about a topic is to think about a subject, a subject or even a current news that you are passionate about. The process of looking for information and writing is much easier when the content fascinates you.
The appearance of new diseases or conditions without a definitive cure, the search for inexhaustible resources or the desire of the human being throughout time to be immortal have marked the most interesting topics to investigate.
There are also issues related to national or world politics, or to economic organization, on which it is necessary to find new answers and solutions that contribute to harmony and social cohesion.
If you want to dedicate yourself to documentary research or you have to carry out a project or work and you do not know what topic to do it, I bring you some ideas about subjects that may be of interest to you and about which there is still much to know.
List of topics of interest to research
1- Cancer
Cancer is one of the most worrisome diseases today, due to the number of people it affects and its high mortality rates. According to GLOBOCAN 2008, this year 12.7 cases of cancer were estimated, of which 7.6 would be deaths as a result of this disease.
The main studies related to this ailment have to do with examinations and the way to detect it early in patients, as it is one of the guarantees so that they have a better chance of survival.
Of course, research continues on the causes, which in recent studies have been linked a lot to poor diet.
Knowing what causes cancer will make it much easier to find ways to prevent it. It will also allow to establish security measures to reduce its appearance.
Finally, it is essential to find effective treatments that are not so aggressive, to turn this condition into a disease at least chronic, where the patient's life is not in danger.
If you dare to explore the causes, methods and treatment of this disease, you should know that there are many economic interests against it, but that there are also grants and subsidies. For example, those granted by the National Cancer Institute.
2- Genetics
Genetics studies how certain biological factors are transmitted from generation to generation. The fundamental objective of this science is to completely decipher the sequence of information that DNA carries.
This acid is considered the individual's instruction book or manual. If you can understand 100%, you would be able to fully understand the functioning of the human being.
This is another interesting topic to investigate, because knowing what each of the DNA sequences means can serve to prevent hereditary diseases, correct the predisposition of some individuals to suffer from it.
The objective of genetic studies is to achieve personalized medicine adapted to the patient.
The use and utility of stem cells for the treatment of diseases also enters this area. This topic is still very controversial, so you can also explore new solutions to the ethical conflict that this science faces.
You may also be interested in genetics but oriented to other topics that do not have to do with medicine, for example criminal investigation. In this sense, this science can be used to identify a murderer or those who died in an accident or catastrophe. You can try to optimize the methods that are used today.
3- Assisted reproduction
This field of research is relatively recent, since it dates from the end of the 20th century, specifically it was born in 1978 with the birth of Louise Brown through the in vitro fertilization technique.
Life habits, which increasingly delay motherhood and the genetic problems that some couples have in having children, have contributed to an exponential increase in the number of pregnancies through assisted reproductive techniques.
It is estimated that almost 50 million couples have infertility problems worldwide. In addition, according to the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF), Spain leads the ranking in Europe in assisted reproduction treatments. Therefore, it follows that this field of research is in full development.
Research on this topic can help to discover new assisted reproductive techniques, improve their protocols and contribute to the happiness of many couples with difficulties who are looking forward to having a child of their own.
Another aspect related to fertility treatments is preimplantation genetic diagnosis, which consists of extracting cells from the embryo to find out if it has any type of genetic disease or chromosomal alteration.
As was the case with some experiments related to genetics, this analysis has also been the subject of ethical controversies, so much remains to be discovered about this diagnosis for it to be implanted and socially accepted. In many countries, this technique is still illegal.
4- Artificial intelligence
This field of study refers to the creation of systems and equipment by the human being and that have intelligence designed for certain tasks or objectives.
Currently, most artificial intelligence devices are related to everyday tasks such as searching for information, calling someone on the phone or reaching a site. For example, SIRI on Iphone or a GPS.
The interest in making the lives of human beings easier and buying time for other tasks has led to the rise of this area of research. There are still many daily tasks that could be made much easier with artificial intelligence, so go for it!
5- Brain
If before we talked about the possibilities of artificial intelligence, surely you are much more passionate about human intelligence, due to the infinite questions that still remain unanswered.
The brain is the most complex organ in the human body, so there is much to discover and explore about its mechanisms. These studies can help counteract the damage that some injuries do to your functioning or find out which activities stimulate or decrease your activity.
If you dare to delve into the study of the brain, you may find it useful to know these 50 interesting curiosities about the human brain.
6- Alternative energies
In recent decades, the search for alternative energies to the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil has become very important.
This recent interest is due to the great environmental deterioration that planet Earth has suffered with the emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and the consequent global warming, among other things caused by the use of these traditional energies. Also, to the finite resource that these fuels represent.
In this sense, studies on environmentally friendly energy sources and whether they can be inexhaustible such as solar or wind energy have taken on special relevance.
For some experts, it is also considered alternative energy to nuclear energy. In relation to this there is also much to explore, especially in terms of security measures to avoid catastrophes such as Chernobyl or Fukushima.
7- Climate change
In addition to the search for alternative energy sources, there are other measures that can be taken in the industrialization process or in everyday life, for example recycling, to avoid climate change.
It is in your power to discover what are the best methods to prevent climate change and especially to combat it, since it seems that many of the damages to the planet are already irreversible.
8- Economy
The Great Recession that began in 2008 and continues to affect the world has brought a lot of work to economists. The approaches and responses when facing this crisis continue to be disparate, so your point of view can also have a place and become the definitive solution.
Another interesting topic would be the search for improvements to implement the current economic system, capitalism, and make it fairer for everyone, combining its operation with a true Welfare State and a fair distribution of resources.
This last point makes a lot of sense today, when the economic inequality gap has widened even more with the crisis.
9- world poverty
As I have commented in the previous point, the gap between rich and poor has become even greater with the economic recession. Intermón Oxfam's report "Extreme inequality" from 2014 warned about how the income of the rich minority of the world's countries was increasing, while the poor were getting poorer.
Giving answers to world poverty is a problem that has been around for a long time and is very difficult to solve due to the great economic interests it has against it.
Raising public awareness of this problem through statistics, field studies, and seeking solutions to eradicate world poverty provides infinite research work.
10- War conflicts
This is another factor closely related to world poverty. If you are really interested in social issues, researching the causes of war conflicts, the interests at stake and the search for solutions is a good way to spend your time studying.
With the analysis of the wars that have occurred throughout history, you will be able to find out what are the objectives and strategies of the great world powers, as well as look for alternative security measures to the arms race of the States.
It is difficult to achieve changes in this area of study, but if challenges and social causes are for you, it is yours without a doubt.
11- Food and nutrition
The increase in obesity rates in countries like the United States (28.8 body mass index) and high malnutrition in many developing states, have contributed to the growth of this area of study.
Understanding the differences between food and nutrition is essential to make society aware of a good habit when sitting at the table.
The field of food and nutrition is very broad, so there is much to investigate, since the habits that are considered healthy today, tomorrow may be disproved by better ones.
In addition, new food trends such as vegetarianism or veganism require new studies to make those who follow them aware of the habits they should follow to stay healthy.
12- Drug use and abuse
This field of research is also relatively recent. It was in 1930 when scientists began to study addictions and their associated behaviors. Thanks to these studies, the damage that drugs did to the brain was discovered.
According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, scientific research is essential to achieve the well-being of different nations.
The study may be oriented to the effects in the brain produced by these substances, to the social factors that influence a future drug addiction, if there is a genetic predisposition to suffer an addiction and the new synthetic narcotics with dangerous effects such as "Superman ».
13- Education
School failure continues to be one of the great problems to be solved in countries like Spain, which continues to be the negative leader of the European Union, according to Eurostat 2015.
The search for new curricula, learning techniques and implementation of resources in schools can help reduce this problem. So if you are interested in education, this is your ideal research field.
Another aspect that is being analyzed lately and that is closely related to education is bullying or bullying. This problem has already led to several suicides in children and adolescents.
This problem is getting even bigger with new technologies and social media. Solutions to this conflict are yet to be discovered.
14- Internet
The Internet also offers extensive study offerings to researchers. These may be related to its effects on people, the addictive behaviors it generates or its use as a research or communication tool.
Furthermore, the Internet is a world about which many aspects are still unknown. In this sense, it can be interesting to see what content is visible and what is hidden, how it affects people's privacy, data policy, as well as its relationship with criminal practices, for example, through the deep web.
15- Communication
The latest research in this area is closely related to the emergence of the Internet. With this platform, communication has increased its possibilities exponentially, but the difficulties have also grown.
The information saturation has caused major problems for traditional media that still cannot find a profitable way to sell their services. It is also difficult to distinguish true information from hoaxes, especially on social media.
Finding new formulas that reach an audience with less time to sit down to read and with a wide range of media and web pages to choose from is another very interesting object of study.
16- Expedition to Mars
The planet Mars has been an object of desire by space missions since the last century, when in the mid-1960s they tried to send probes from the Soviet Union.
From 2001 onwards, the various explorations sent have been successful, with orbiters, rovers or landers being able to land on the planet.
The United States, Russia, China or India continue to investigate and operate as 'conquering' the red planet. However, it is SpaceX, Elon Musk's aerospace agency, the most ambitious in wanting to send a manned mission in 2024.
17- Sexuality in the XXI century
Sexuality has evolved dramatically in this century. The acceptance, inclusion, reduction of taboos, contraceptives and global expansion have generated many lines of research.
On the one hand, the influence of technology when it comes to pleasure or relationships. Erotic toys, audiovisual content for adults through the internet or even virtual reality are changing the conception of traditional sex.
On the other hand, globalization and the increase in sexual partners has led not only to a greater sexual culture, but also to the spread of venereal diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea or AIDS. Although this problem has been around since the last century, research continues on how to combat and prevent these highly contagious diseases.
18- Social phenomena
The 2010s are considered by many scholars as the decade of the "new social movements." According to sociologists and PhDs in political science, phenomena such as the "Arab Spring", the third feminist wave, climate activism or the struggle for social rights in Europe have marked a time at the global level, showing a very significant change.
All these social phenomena should be investigated by historians, sociologists, anthropologists and other experts in this type of subject in order to draw conclusions that serve to accept or refute hypotheses.
19- Human bionics
Hugh Herr, engineer and professor of biophysics, used to say that "bionics will make us question what it means to be human." It is clear that bionics is expanding the possibilities of the human body and that, if it continues to evolve, its potential will be at the level of any machine.
Although bionics was originally intended to provide prostheses to people who lacked limbs, little by little we are becoming cyber-organisms.
The lines of research to improve this technology is brutal, being a highly funded and attractive field for various companies. In addition, other lines of research are opened on how this technological miscegenation will be accepted by body and mind.
20- Mental disorders
The mind is one of the great thorns of modern medicine. To date, diseases such as Alzheimer's, dementia, psychosis or schizophrenia have no cure and have very ineffective treatments for the symptoms and consequences they produce.
This 'failure' in the field of cognitive neuroscience has led university institutions on mental health to suggest modifying the research framework, and other types of alternative research should be established.
21- GMOs
Genetic engineering is going to transform the food industry as we know it today. The 'transgenics' are a reality that, however, has its detractors.
Allergies, toxicity or habitat destruction are some of the reasons that ecologists argue in their discontent against this technique of food production. However, scientists assure that it is totally safe to consume GMOs.
As of today, most of the countries where this technique is applied are developing, due to the utility it provides in terms of production.
22- Marketing
Marketing is a key point for commerce, so it has to be constantly evolving. For this reason, maintaining lines of research on society, client psychology or different market studies have been necessary so that the techniques do not fall into an empty bag.
23- Entrepreneurship
The new times have given rise to more and more people who are launched to undertake. The options to create your own business or product have multiplied thanks to the digital age, but this does not guarantee success. Research, analyze and reflect on this phenomenon is very interesting for economies.
24- Pollution
One of the wildest destroyers of the environment. Scientific evidence says that its reduction is necessary if we want to keep the Earth in a healthy state. Therefore, studying its causes, consequences and possible solutions is an obligation for researchers.
25- Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology has been at an unstoppable pace since the last decade, a stage in which it is already being used notably. However, very little is still known about its full potential.
Spending time researching this science could lead to improvements in human well-being, but also risks such as possible environmental destruction or uses for terrorist or weapons purposes.
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- Collins, M. (2014). Research Paper Topics: 50 Ideas to Get Started. HBCU Lifestyle Black College Living. Recovered from: hbculifestyle.com.
- My Speech Class. 597 Good Research Paper Topics. Recovered from: myspeechclass.com.
- Online PhD Programs. 30 of the most bizarre research paper topics of all time. Recovered from: online-phd-programs.org.
- National Cancer Institute. Research. Recovered from: cancer.gov.
- Jemal, A., Bray, F. et al. (2011). Global cancer statistics. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians. 61 (2), pp. 69-90. Recovered from: onlinelibrary.wiley.com.
- Giralt, E. (2015). The advancement of the study of DNA opens a new world of knowledge. The vanguard. Recovered from:vanaguardia.com.
- Salgado, S. (2016). Assisted reproduction techniques: types, price and social security. ORG Assisted Reproduction. Recovered from: reproduccionasistida.org.
- Martos, C. (2016). Ten surprising facts about the human brain. New Tribune. Recovered from: nuevatribuna.es.
- García, J. (2015). The map of obesity in the world. The vanguard. Recovered from:vanaguardia.com.
- Pérez, M. (2017). 35 new synthetic drugs are raising the alarm for their unpredictable effects. Recovered from: elcorreo.com.
- Volkow, N. (2014). How science has revolutionized the concept of drug addiction. National Institute on Drug Abuse. Recovered from: drugabuse.gov.
- Internet as a research tool. Recovered from monografias.com.
- Tsisika, A., Tzavela, E., Mavromati, F. and the EU NET ADB Consortium. Research on Internet Addictive Behaviors Among European Adolescents. Recovered from: centrointernetsegura.es.
- The confidential (2016). Spain remains the EU leader in school failure. Recovered from: elconfidencial.com.
- López, A. (2016). Spain is the country in Europe where more IVFs are carried out. The world. Recovered from: elmundo.es.