- List of theogonic myths
- The creation of Ometotl
- Osiris and Isis
- The birth of Horus
- Brahma and the immortality of man
- Hercules and his incredible strength
- The 12 Labors of Hercules
- Fortuna, the goddess of luck
- The god Zeus
- The birth of Athena
- The birth of the Milky Way
- The weaver Arachne
- The 8 geniuses (also called "The 8 immortals")
- Izanami and Izanagi: Creation According to Japanese Mythology
- The goddess Hera
- The elixir of immortality
- References
Theogonic myths are the set of stories that cover the origin of the world, the rise of the gods and how these became involved in the lives of mortals. The vast majority of them come from the book of Hesiod, called Theogony, where the birth of the universe and the different lineages of the gods are narrated.
Although it is common to come across Greek mythology in this case, theogony also encompasses countless cultures and traditions. So it is possible to find various stories and characters.
Source: Pixabay.com
Theogonic myths served to understand the functioning of the world, as well as the role of man on earth.
List of theogonic myths
The creation of Ometotl
Within Aztec mythology, Ometotl was the god who was able to make himself. In fact, according to the stories, he was capable of thinking and inventing himself so that everything else that came into being could originate from him.
Ometotl is the conjugation of chaos and order, life and death, water and fire, black and white, and a series of antagonistic elements that also give it the ability to create and destroy. Thanks to all the above, this god is capable of harboring dualities of all kinds, even the masculine and feminine.
Because he is considered to be the origin of all that exists, Ometotl does not intervene in the life or affairs of humans. It stands out mainly for its supreme divinity.
Osiris and Isis
This myth is one of the most elaborate and important of Ancient Egypt, since its intricate history originates a series of precepts and principles that were maintained throughout civilization.
Osiris, of royal descent, ruled the world alongside his wife, Isis. Osiris was killed by his brother Seth. Despite the lack of a clear objective, it is believed that the main motive for the murder was revenge.
Seth ascended to the throne, while Isis and the goddess Nephthys were tasked with searching for Osiris's body to rebuild and bring it to life. They achieved their goal thanks to the intervention of the god Tot (possessor of magical powers) and Anubis (god of funeral rituals).
Upon returning to life, Isis and Osiris conceive their son, Horus, the god who would be in charge of ruling Egypt.
The birth of Horus
The history of Osiris and Isis extends to the conception of Horus, who for some authors is the heir in charge of continuing his father's work on earth.
According to the story, a pregnant Isis tried to hide from Seth so that he would not know of her existence. In the end, they managed to stay in a thicket, where Horus was born and fed by her mother.
During his childhood, the boy was surrounded by difficult circumstances and enchantments, although he was protected by other deities during his growth.
The end is marked by the confrontation of an adult Horus and Seth, in what would be an epic battle in the presence of Egyptian deities, in order to define the next ruler.
Brahma and the immortality of man
According to Hindu mythology, at the beginning of the world humans had the gift of immortality. However, seeing the man's behavior, Brahma decided that he would be stripped of his divinity to become mortal.
So, Brahma gathered all the gods in order to decide the best place to hide divinity and immortality. As they argued, the god realized that it would be difficult to achieve the task with the ability and insistence of human beings. But, in the midst of his despair, he found the decision: "Hide it inside him, he will not know it is there."
In this way, man never discovered that inside he was with a divine part.
Hercules and his incredible strength
He is one of the best known and most popular characters in Greek mythology. Son of Zeus and Alcmena (a mortal), Hercules is a demigod characterized by his strength, compassion and also by his gluttony. In Ancient Greece he was considered a protective deity.
According to the story, Alcmena had twins: Hercules and Iphicles. Host wanted to know which of the two was her real son, so she sent two snakes towards the babies. Iphicles grew fearful, but Hercules took the viper until he strangled it. There he learned that the child was a descendant of a god.
After killing a lion while taking care of his adoptive father's flock, Hercules was able to develop his abilities to the maximum thanks to the intervention of teachers such as Elio, Castor and Pollux, and Eumolpus.
The 12 Labors of Hercules
In view of the above, one of the best known passages in general mythology should be noted. It has to do with the 12 practically almost impossible jobs or tasks that the demigod was able to complete:
-The first was death to the Nemean lion.
-Lerna's hydra.
-The boar of Erimanto.
-The deer of Cerinia
-The birds of Lake Stinfalo.
-The stables of Augias.
-The bull of Crete.
-The mares of Diomedes.
-The belt of Hippolyta.
-Gerion's cattle.
-The golden apples of the Hesperides.
-The capture of Cerberus.
Fortuna, the goddess of luck
Fortuna (Italica, Seville)
In Roman mythology, Fortuna is the daughter of the god Zeus, in charge of looking for ambrosia to feed the gods. According to the myth, she was in charge of doing the task since it was the fastest of all the gods, which allowed her to collect the fruits before they were damaged by the sun's rays.
On the other hand, if the goddess is caught by a mortal, the gods will reward with the fulfillment of any wish whoever takes her back to Olympus.
The god Zeus
To speak of theogonic myths is to refer almost immediately to one of the best known gods in history: Zeus. Although he is not the creator of the main gods or of man, he does have an extremely important and almost leading rank in stories.
Zeus is the father god of the sky, rain, lightning, lightning and thunder. He is considered a protective, generous, enthusiastic, intelligent and just divinity.
Shortly after his rise as the main god, Zeus married Hera and together they made their home on Mount Olympus, a place that would later be recognized as the residence of the gods and demigods.
According to the story, at the time of their marriage all gods, mortals and animals were invited.
The birth of Athena
Athena, Minerva or Pallas Athena is one of the main goddesses of Olympus, patron of the city that bears her name and perhaps the most important in the ancient world. Her influence spread throughout the Mediterranean because she was considered a figure who made men become civilized and correct.
According to mythology, Zeus impregnated Metis, one of the daughters of the Ocean. However, upon learning of a prophecy that he would have sons more powerful than him, Zeus chose to kill Metis and devour her children.
The state of Metis was so advanced that she continued the process of gestation of the baby but in the body of the god. One day, suffering a severe headache, the head of Zeus was opened, from which the goddess Athena was born, now an adult and invested with war garments.
The birth of the Milky Way
In this regard, there are two main versions:
-It is said that Hercules was brought to Hera's lap with the help of Hermes, so that he could consume the milk of the goddess and become immortal. When she woke up, she realized the situation and abruptly removed the child. As the milk continued to emanate, it went into the universe to shape the Milky Way.
-The other version indicates that Athena and Hera were walking when they ran into the baby Hercules. Athena insisted on the goddess to breastfeed him, so when she did, the child sucked with such force that it hurt her. As she pulled him away from her, the milk flowed until it became a galaxy.
The weaver Arachne
Arachne was a woman with an impressive gift for weaving, so much so that the nymphs themselves gathered to admire her work. Some mortals even said that the goddess Athena had given him that talent.
However, Arachne grew more and more vain to the point where she even said that she was even much better than the goddess. Therefore, Athena organized a confrontation where both would weave for mortals and gods.
Arachne's motive was so offensive that the goddess destroyed her work, making her feel deeply miserable to the point of wanting to take her own life. Athena, however, saved her but turned her into a spider.
The 8 geniuses (also called "The 8 immortals")
According to Taoism, a very popular religion in China, the 8 geniuses are a set of deities who achieved immortality through alchemy, and who also possess extraordinary powers. Usually they always act together.
In view of this, these characters and their main qualities can be named:
- Lü Dongbin: he is considered the leader and always carries with him a sword that serves to ward off evil. He is protector of the sick and wise.
- Lan Caihe: he does not have a specific sex, so he is seen as a hermaphrodite. It can even be presented as a young man with effeminate gestures or as a girl in extravagant clothes. He carries bamboo canes and flowers, making him an advocate for florists and horticulturists.
- Zhang Guo Lao: he is seen as an old man, so he is seen as someone with wisdom. Represents longevity.
- He Xiangu: she is the woman of the group and is associated with the lotus flower, which is a representation of physical and mental health.
- Han Xiangzi: awarded extraordinary abilities in alchemy.
- Li Tieguai: he is the oldest of the group and has a dirty and untidy appearance. However, he is the defender of the unprotected and of those who need help.
- Zhongli Quan: has the power to revive the dead and to transform stones into precious metals. He is seen as a tall man with a pronounced belly and bare chest.
- Cao Guojiu: he is seen dressed in court clothes and jade tablets. His character is related to the theater.
Izanami and Izanagi: Creation According to Japanese Mythology
According to this myth, the first gods decided to summon two important creatures, Izanagui and Izanami, in order to entrust them with the creation of the first land. To help them in their mission, they were given a spear decorated with jewels and other precious stones called "Amenonuhoko" or spear of heaven.
With the spear, the two creatures moved the waters to form an island on which they would reside as a couple. From their union, two sons arose who were not recognized as gods. Despite their joy, the gods were not happy with the task.
After explaining that they had to make the union correctly, Izanami and Izanagui came together again to allow the birth of the eight islands that make up Japan, plus a large number of gods.
At this point, it should be mentioned that both characters and their descendants are considered as representatives of the values and important aspects of Japanese nature and culture.
The goddess Hera
Companion of Zeus, the goddess was one of the most beautiful in Olympus, representative of family and marriage. However, she is portrayed as an angry, jealous goddess with a tendency to conspire to dethrone her husband.
It is also said that she used to bathe in a fountain that made her a virgin and that she came to conceive in multiple ways, either by eating certain vegetables or even the simple touch of a flower. Furthermore, he also cared about her beauty.
His veneration spread throughout the Roman Empire and also throughout much of Asia, including Egypt.
The elixir of immortality
According to the Hindu myth, the Deva, considered as superior gods, met in order to obtain the Amrita, the nectar of immortality in order to defeat the Asura demons, who prevented them from total control of the universe.
It was then that these gods allied with others of lower rank to proceed with the search and obtaining of the precious food, however the Deva had to ask the Asura for help in exchange for the precious food.
From the foam and milk of the Amrita, emerged the sun and the moon, the goddess Lakshmi and the white elephant, and finally Dhanvantari, the doctor of the gods.
- 10 Very curious theogonic myths - The origins of the strangest gods. (sf). In Super Curious. Retrieved: October 10, 2018. In Super Curioso from supercurioso.com.
- 10 examples of theogonic myths. (sf). In Examples Yavendras. Retrieved: October 10, 2018. In Examples Yavendras from examples.yavendras.com.
- Amrita, the elixir of immortality. (sf). In About Legends. Retrieved: October 10, 2018. In Sobre Leyendas de sobreleyendas.com.
- Athena, goddess of wisdom. (sf). In Classic Portal. Retrieved: October 10, 2018. In Portal Clásico de portalmitologia.com.
- Brahma and the divinity of man. (sf). In About Legends. Retrieved: October 10, 2018. In Sobre Leyendas de sobreleyendas.com.
- The God Zeus. (sf). In A short myth. Retrieved: October 10, 2018. In A short myth of unmitocorto.com.
- The myth of Hercules (Heracles). (sf). In A short myth. Retrieved: October 10, 2018. In A short myth of unmitocorto.com.
- Fortuna, The Goddess of Luck. (sf).In A short myth. Retrieved: October 10, 2018. In A short myth of unmitocorto.com.
- The 8 immortals. (sf). In Super Curious. Retrieved: October 10, 2018. In Super Curioso from supercurioso.com.
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- Myth of Arachne. (sf). In A short myth. Retrieved: October 10, 2018. In A short myth of unmitocorto.com.
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