- 15 exotic and legal pets
- Fennec
- The sugar glider
- Skunks
- Hedgehogs
- Capybara
- Serval
- Call
- Ualarú
- Kinkajú
- Genet
- Raccoon
- Mara
- Gambian rat
- Gerbil of Egypt
- Tamandua
I bring you a list of exotic pets that are legal in certain parts of the world and that are very popular in homes. Some of these species are native to some area, while others had a very bad reputation, until now.
Did you know that there are people who have adopted a llama? Or that skunks or raccoons roam many homes? Next, I will specify some of these very peculiar species and their most interesting curiosities.
Skunk. Image by Vicki Roberts from Pixabay
We recommend that you inform yourself very well before acquiring one of the animals that we are going to discover below. Not only can it bring you legal problems if they were not legalized in your country, but they can be species that do not adapt well to the human lifestyle or the environment that you can provide.
15 exotic and legal pets
Also known as the "desert fox", the fennec is a carnivorous mammal of the canine family. It naturally inhabits the Sahara desert and the Sinai peninsula.
It is characterized by having huge ears that help it withstand the extreme desert climate. On the other hand, their diet consists of rodents, reptiles, insects, eggs, birds, as well as fruits such as dates, blackberries and berries.
What is its greatest attraction? It turns out that these beautiful creatures are very clean, friendly and affectionate, and are also easily tame. You must bear in mind that, due to its peculiarities, it is only legal in certain places.
The sugar glider
Also known as the "sugar glider", the glider is a mammal of the marsupial family. In its natural state, it inhabits the north and east of Australia, especially on the island of New Guinea.
Its diet is made up of flower sap and nectar, as well as spiders, moths, and insect larvae, and it can eat birds and small mammals.
They are currently popular as pets due to their striking color and abundance of fur. But, if you want to adopt it, you should know that these creatures need to live in a group of at least two individuals. For this reason, it is necessary to have special documentation to adopt it in Spain and America.
Also known as "mephitids" or "skunks", the skunk is a mammal that usually inhabits the American continent; however, there is a small population in Southeast Asia.
Its main feature is the strong and horrible smell that it expels as a method of defense. Regarding its colors, it generally has a white background with white stripes; however, these shades may vary.
It is omnivorous, so it can feed on insects, eggs, fruits, small mammals, birds, and honey.
If you want to adopt it, it is only legal to have it as a pet in various places in the United States, as well as in the Netherlands, Italy, the United Kingdom, Germany and Canada.
The hedgehog is a small mammal covered in rigid, hollow quills. They are not poisonous and are composed of keratin. Although they are not really very sharp, they can hurt. In fact, they use them as a method of survival.
The hedgehog is a solitary animal, but it usually has a good character. It can live with other pets such as dogs and cats. This creature has adopted a mainly nocturnal life and an insectivorous diet.
Currently there are 16 different species of hedgehogs, which are present in Europe, Asia and Africa. If you want to have a hedgehog as a pet, you should know that it was possible to buy them in pet stores in the United States, but some species have been banned in countries like Spain.
Also known as "capybara" or "chigüiro", the capybara is the largest and heaviest rodent in the world. It can be found in its natural habitat from eastern Venezuela and Guyana, to Uruguay and north central Argentina.
The capybara is characterized by having a barrel-shaped body and a small head, it does not have a tail and its fur is long and rough, but in some parts it is so fine that the skin can be seen.
If you want it as a pet, it is necessary that you choose a male, since they are the only ones that can live alone. It is also recommended for your well-being to install a swimming pool and live in an area with a tropical climate. They are legal in most of America.
The serval cat is a carnivorous mammal of the feline family. You can find it in its natural habitat throughout the African continent, except the deserts and much of South Africa.
The serval is characterized by being a slender creature and by its yellowish coat with black spots. Its tail is not very long and its head is small in relation to the rest of the body, however, its ears are very large.
If you want to have it as a pet you need to have a large and safe outdoor enclosure, as well as provide a warm environment throughout the year. Owning a serval cat is illegal in many places in America. They can be pets in this territory if they have licenses, permits and inspections in others.
The llama is a domestic mammal of the camelid family. It usually inhabits naturally in much of the South American Andes, especially between Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Argentina.
More than a wild animal, it has become a pet for most indigenous peoples. However, in various regions of the United States it can be found as a companion animal. After all, they have a very caring attitude towards people who treat them just as well.
This creature is extremely calm and very easy to keep, mainly because they eat grass and herbs. And, despite what many tend to think, they do not smell bad.
The ualarú is a herbivorous mammal of the marsupial family, which is related to the kangaroo and the wallaby. They live naturally in the arid and open spaces of Australia.
It is characterized by having huge legs, although it is much smaller than a kangaroo. He has solitary habits and often raises his children in bags. Their fur is blackish and they have webbed wrists.
Although it is unusual to have them as a pet in the United States, in some states it is legal to adopt them.
They usually eat grasses and shrubs in their natural environment. In captivity it is advisable to offer good quality fresh hay.
Also known as «martucha», the Kinkajú is a carnivorous mammal of the procyonid family. It is related to raccoons and coatis, but not to primates. You can find it in its natural habitat throughout the Mexican jungles and the rest of Central America, as well as in some regions of Brazil.
It is characterized by having a long prehensile tail and a flattened face with large eyes and small, rounded and hairy ears.
Although they are difficult to find, due to their being nocturnal, more and more kinkajou are being kept as pets. 80% of their diet is made up of fruits. In captivity she will play all over the house and follow you to the kitchen, because she knows that you have the food there.
Also known as the "musk cat", the genet is a carnivorous mammal of the Viverride family. In its natural habitat you can find it in the Iberian Peninsula, the Balearic Islands and France. Even in the Middle East, much of the African continent and the northeast of the European continent.
However, its arrival in Europe is recent, since it was possibly unintentionally introduced by man. It started out as a pet that hunted rats around farms and also a simple stowaway for Arab and Roman ships that crossed the Strait of Gibraltar.
Despite this, the times they live with humans, they simply do so to keep their farm free of rodents.
Also known as "washing bear", the raccoon is an omnivorous mammal of the procyonid family. You can find it throughout the American continent, in fact, many people have adopted it as a pet in America.
It is characterized by having medium-long, silver-gray hair. It is a little bigger and thicker than a cat. In addition, it has a patch of black hair that runs from the cheek to the eye, looking like it is wearing a kind of mask.
Although its character is typical of a wild animal, with certain aggressiveness, it is possible to train it with insistence. His favorite foods are white meat and fish, fruits, and vegetables. Never give him red meat or blue fish, because his stomach is not ready to digest them.
Also known as "Patagonian hare" or "Creole", the mara is a herbivorous rodent of the Caviidae family. Ironically, it is not the family of true hares. It is a typical animal of Argentina.
It is characterized by having long and strong legs, which it uses to run at high speed when it feels chased. In addition, it is considered one of the largest rodents in the world, only below the capybara.
Their diet consists mainly of grasses and other herbs. Interestingly, it is able to live without drinking a lot of water thanks to its metabolism. However, in captivity it should not be lacking, since living conditions are different. In addition, they need to eat a good rabbit or guinea pig feed, as well as endive, bok choy and carrots.
Gambian rat
The Gambian rat is an omnivorous rodent in the muroidea superfamily. It is native to Africa and is found on the edges of forests and on the plains.
They are characterized by being good climbers. In addition, they have bags in their cheeks similar to those that hamsters have.
Interestingly, they are relatively new in captivity. For this reason, they can be a bit more unpredictable than normal rats and temperaments can vary somewhat between individuals.
However, with good domestication, most of them become quite pleasant and easy to control. He is very intelligent, gentle and playful. As a curiosity, they often lick their owners, rub their bellies, and pick up shiny objects.
Gerbil of Egypt
Also known as the "pyramid mouse," the Egyptian gerbil is a rodent native to North Africa and the Middle East. It is characterized by measuring about 12 cm, or 20 if we take into account its tail. It has huge eyes that help it see at night and ears that serve as a thermal regulator.
They can jump with great ease on sandy ground thanks to their huge hind legs. Unlike other rodents, it does not require a large food intake. It generally consumes flowers, herbs, fruit, seeds, tubers, insects, and bird eggs. They are legal in much of Africa and Europe.
Also known as the honey bear, the tamandua is one of the two species of anteaters that inhabit South America. It is characterized by having an elongated and convex snout, which helps it feed on ants and termites. But why keep it as a pet?
It turns out that these creatures are just as affectionate and expressive as dogs. And, although they are insectivores, you will not find it difficult to feed them, since their diet is based mainly on termites.
In fact, some Amazonian Indians keep tamanduas in their homes to prevent termites from destroying the structures of the home.