- 15 health properties of carrots
- 1- Improves vision
- 2- Fight aging
- 4- Fight leukemia
- 5- Protects against prostate cancer
- 6- Clean teeth and maintain healthy gums
- 7- Reduces risk of contracting type 2 diabetes
- 8- Keeps the heart healthy
- 9- Protects the liver
- 10- Protect the brain
- 11- Strengthens bone health
- 12- Protects the skin and serves in wound healing
- 13- Protect from the sun
- 14- Combat hair loss
- 15-Provides instant energy
- How to make carrot juice
- Nutritional value of carrots
- References
The benefits of carrots are multiple: improves vision, fights aging, improves digestion, prevents diabetes, protects the liver, protects from the sun and others that I will explain below.
The carrot (daucos carota), is a vegetable belonging to the Umbelliferae type. They are also called apiaceae and are considered the most important and most consumed species within this family.
Its texture and distinctive orange color is because it contains carotenes, among which beta-carotene or pro-vitamin A stands out. The latter is an antioxidant compound that is useful for sight once it enters our body.
The nutritional properties of carrots do not end there, since it is also a source of vitamin E, vitamins of group B, B3 or nicacin. Regarding its mineral properties, highlight its contribution of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine and calcium.
In addition, take care of your digestion, among other advantages that we propose so that you can incorporate it into your diet in solid form or through its natural juice.
15 health properties of carrots
1- Improves vision
Surely your grandparents once mentioned to you that carrots are good for your eyes. That story is not entirely false.
This is because carrots are a rich source of beta-carotene, a chemical compound that is transformed into vitamin A in the liver.
According to a study, this vitamin is then converted in the retina into rhodopsin, a protein of a purple pigment necessary for night vision.
In addition, beta-carotene protects against macular degeneration and senile cataracts of our eyes. So people who consume large amounts of this vegetable have a 40% lower risk of suffering from macular degeneration.
2- Fight aging
Dietary fiber is an essential element in maintaining good digestive health. In this sense, like most vegetables, carrots also have this compound.
Fiber adds bulk to the stool and this contributes to a more expeditious digestive transit. In addition, it stimulates the peristaltic movement and the secretion of gastric juices.
Therefore, eating carrot reduces constipation conditions, protecting the colon and stomach from various diseases, such as coloretal cancer.
4- Fight leukemia
The so-called 'blood cancer' can be fought with the regular intake of carrot, either in juice or salad.
Carrot juice extract can kill leukemia-causing cells and inhibit its progression, according to a study published in 2011.
5- Protects against prostate cancer
A study carried out by the School of Nutrition of the Harvard Department of Public Health indicates that among younger men, diets based on beta-carotene can play a protective role against prostate cancer.
6- Clean teeth and maintain healthy gums
Eating carrots is a good way to clean teeth and gums. By chewing this vegetable in the mouth, the plaque is cleaned and food remains are removed, having a similar function to toothbrushes.
In addition, this stimulates the gums and produces a large amount of saliva, which is alkaline, eliminating bacteria that form in the cavities of the teeth. The minerals in carrots prevent tooth damage caused by cavities.
7- Reduces risk of contracting type 2 diabetes
Although they are not conclusive, there are studies that indicate that people who are genetically prone to suffer from type 2 diabetes can reduce the risk of developing this chronic disease with the consumption of beta-carotene.
This is indicated by a study from the Standfor University School of Medicine, mentioned in Time magazine.
"If you are predisposed to type 2 diabetes, all you have to do is increase the number of carrots you eat to increase your beta-carotene, and perhaps you can compensate for the genes that cause this disease," says the author of the study, Dr. Atul Butte, an associate professor of pediatric medicine at Stanford University.
In any case, more studies are needed to confirm that the increase of beta-carotene in the diet neutralizes the effect of the genetic variants that cause this disease.
8- Keeps the heart healthy
To maintain a healthy body and heart, specialists recommend the balanced consumption of fruits and vegetables.
However, carrots are even more essential when it comes to preventing Coronary Heart Disease (CHD).
According to a study by the University of Cambridge, applied to more than 20 thousand people over 10 years of age, it reached the following conclusion:
"Although there is no clear association, results were found for all four color groups with coronary heart disease, indicating that a higher intake of deep orange fruits and vegetables and especially carrots may protect against heart disease."
On the other hand, foods such as fish, alcohol or vegetables and fruits can play a protective role in the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
9- Protects the liver
The carrot, by containing fiber and antioxidants, takes care of the health of your liver. Fiber increases the secretion of bile in the liver, which serves to prevent diseases of that organ and the gallbladder. It also reduces inflammation and oxidative stress throughout the body and liver.
Jane Clarke, a nutritionist who writes for the English newspaper Daily Mail, recommends consuming a glass of carrot juice every other day as an effective tonic to protect the liver.
Scientists tested the effect of beta-carotene in rats, which were given alcohol, and shown to prevent liver damage. It was also concluded that carrots can protect this organ from environmental toxins and chemicals.
In this article you have other good foods for the liver.
10- Protect the brain
The carrot also protects our brain. Consuming this vegetable cooked or in juice is useful for treating cognitive dysfunctions, enhancing memory and reducing bad cholesterol.
11- Strengthens bone health
In Reader`s Digest magazine they published an article about the benefits of this vegetable.
On the note, they state that carrots contain small amounts of vital nutrients, such as vitamin C (5 milligrams per 1-cup serving) and calcium (96 milligrams per 1-cup serving).
Post-menopausal women are said to not get enough calcium for the body. Well, carrot consumption can replace a little milk, since "everything helps," says Hans Fisher, PhD, emeritus professor of nutritional biochemistry at Rutgers University, quoted by the outlet.
12- Protects the skin and serves in wound healing
Beta-carotene is used for the healing of any type of wound. The specialist explains that the carrot has been used for centuries as a poultice to help heal wounds.
On the other hand, if you have any type of infection on the skin, cuts, wounds or others, you will realize that carrots and their juice benefit the health of your skin. In this way, it increases its ability to heal faster and fight infections, as well as inflammation in the skin.
In this article you can learn about other good foods for the skin.
13- Protect from the sun
Beta-carotene is a skin nutrient that is converted into vitamin A within the body. This contributes to the repair of skin tissues and provides protection against the sun's rays.
Antioxidants and carotenoids protect the skin to increase its immunity against the sun and heal sunburn. Drinking carrot juice in summer serves as a natural sunscreen.
14- Combat hair loss
Experts say that carrot is an excellent vegetable to fight hair loss.
This is because carrots provide the hair with vital vitamins, making hair stronger, thicker and shinier. Therefore, consuming carrot juice makes your hair look healthy and shiny.
15-Provides instant energy
If after working out at the gym, jogging or coming home from work exhausted you feel tired and listless, it is recommended to drink a glass of carrot juice to reactivate the lost energy.
The strong presence of iron in carrot juice provides the body with instant energy. As if that weren't enough, this iron also ensures an adequate supply of oxygen to the brain, which leads to mental alertness and less fatigue.
How to make carrot juice
The Style Craze portal mentions a different way to prepare carrot juice:
- Carrots = 4
- Sugar to taste
- Water = 3-4 tablespoons
- Ginger = 1 tablespoon cut into pieces
- Lemon juice = 1 teaspoon
- Wash the carrots well under running water.
- Dry them and cut them into small pieces.
- Put the pieces in the juicer together with the ginger, water and sugar. Mix until you feel its smooth flavor.
- Strain this juice into a glass and squeeze the lemon over it. So your carrot juice is ready.
Nutritional value of carrots
One large carrot (that is, one serving) contains:
30 calories |
2 g of fiber - 8% of the RDA |
Vitamin A - 241% of the RDA |
Vitamin K - 12% of the RDA |
Vitamin C - 7% of the RDA |
Potassium - 7% of the RDA |
Fat-free |
Cholesterol free |
* CDR: Recommended Daily Amount.
- "Effects of bioactive compounds from carrots (Daucus carota L.), polyacetylenes, beta-carotene and lutein on human lymphoid leukemic cells" (2012). Zaini RG 1, Brandt K, Clench MR, Le Maitre CL. Med Chem anticancer agents. 2012 Jul; 12 (6): 640-52. Abstract published at: US National Library of Medicine site National Institutes of Health.
- "Carrots, green vegetables, and lung cancer: a case-control study" (1986). Pisani P., Berrino F., Macaluso M., Pastorino T., Crosignani P. and Baldasseroni A. Abstract published at: US National Library of Medicine site National Institutes of Health.
- "Bioactive chemicals from extracts of carrot (Daucus carota) juices for the treatment of leukemia" (2011). Zaini R, Clench MR, Le Maitre CL. J Med Food. doi: 10.1089 / jmf.2010.0284. Nov; 14 (11): 1303-1312.
- "Dietary plasma and carotenoids and prostate cancer risk: nested case-control study" (2004). Wu K, Erdman JW Jr, Schwartz SJ, EA Platz, Leitzmann M, Clinton SK, DeGroff V, Willett WC, Giovannucci. Department of Nutrition, School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA Harvard.