- Examples of the fundamental classes of regulations
- 1- State regulations
- 2- Regional regulations
- 3- Local regulations
- 4- Regulation of educational institutions
- 5- Rules of land traffic
- 6- Safety regulation
- 7- Library regulations
- 8- Regulation for public spaces
- Cleaning
- Facilities
- Green areas
- Coexistence
- 9- Regulation for relatives and patients of a hospital
- 10- Regulations of a cyber
- 11- Regulations of a casino
- 12- Hygiene regulations in food premises
- References
The most prominent examples of regulations are state, local, regional, educational or security institutions, among others. The regulations verbally express the rules or regulations that people in a given area must comply with. For example, the rules for playing soccer.
These regulations guide the behavior of people in different places where they operate, whether they are companies, residential complexes, educational institutions, among others.
In such a way that coexistence with other subjects is pleasant. You may also be interested in knowing what a regulation is for.
Examples of the fundamental classes of regulations
1- State regulations
They are those issued directly by government entities. For example, the regulations of the Food Law for Workers, of Venezuela.
- Article 14. "Workers who earn a normal monthly salary that does not exceed three (3) minimum wages, are beneficiaries of the Law on Food for Workers and Workers".
- Article 24. “When the benefit is granted through coupons or tickets, these must be delivered within five (5) days following the expiration of the respective month. In the event that the granting method is through electronic power cards, the charge must be carried out within the period indicated here ".
2- Regional regulations
They come from autonomous bodies, generally in the form of decrees. An example of a regional regulation is that of the circulation of motorcycles.
- Article 5. "Motorcycles to be able to circulate must meet the following requirements:
a) Be registered in the National Vehicle Registry.
b) Possess the identification plates in a state of conservation and visibility.
c) Maintain and carry the current Civil Liability Insurance ”.
- Article 10. "The maximum occupant capacity for motorcycles is two (2) people, including the driver."
3- Local regulations
They are those regulations established by the authority of a specific locality, with the character of ordinances and that are dictated in matters of its competence. For example, Ordinance on informal commerce of the San Diego municipality of Carabobo State.
- Article 3. "Informal trade activity will be carried out only in the areas and times of the year established by the Mayor."
- Article 5. "The requested informal business activity must be carried out directly by the interested party."
- Article 8. "Once the request is accepted, the Municipal Tax Administration will issue the receipt and open the corresponding file."
4- Regulation of educational institutions
Its purpose is to define, systematize and inform the members who are active in educational institutions about the rules that determine the activities and coexistence agreements to be fulfilled.
For example, the internal regulations of the Miraflores concerted national school.
- Article 10: «Duties of the students:
a) Comply with the school disciplinary regulations of the Campus and other regulations of the educational legal system that are applicable.
b) Arrive on time to class.
c) Respect and render permanent civic worship to the national symbols, the Liberator and other values of the nation.
d) Respect their professors and other personnel, directors, teachers, administrators, workers and substitutes of the institution, fellow students and all the people who are on the campus.
e) Maintain order and avoid interruptions in the environments and activities of the entire institution. "
5- Rules of land traffic
Its purpose is to regulate transit and land transportation. Likewise, it guarantees the right of people to move freely through the national territory.
Example: General regulation for the application of the Organic Law of land transport, traffic and road safety.
- Article 3. "The State will guarantee that the provision of the public transport service conforms to the principles of safety, efficiency, responsibility, universality, accessibility, continuity and quality, with socially fair rates."
- Article 9. "Pedestrians, drivers, passengers, automobiles and vehicles of human, animal or mechanical traction may circulate on the roads and public roads of the country, subject to the provisions of this Law, its regulations, resolutions and current technical regulations."
6- Safety regulation
Its main purpose is prevention in safety, health and working conditions, in order to protect the life and integrity of workers.
Example: Health and Safety regulations at work.
- Article 8. "The Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion, as well as the Ministry of Health, are supra-sectoral bodies in the prevention of risks in terms of safety and health at work, having to coordinate with the respective Ministry the actions to be adopted for this purpose".
- Article 18. "Companies with 25 or more workers must set up a Committee on Safety and Health at Work, which will be constituted on an equal basis, that is, with an equal number of representatives of the employer and the working party."
7- Library regulations
This type of regulation has the general regulations that guide the organization and work of library facilities. For example:
a) Keep silence and strict order within the environment in order to provide concentration to users
b) Maintain a climate of respect with the individuals who use the facilities.
c) Keep the furniture and equipment provided in good condition, in the same way leave them in the same place where they are.
d) It is forbidden to consume food inside the enclosure.
e) Turn off the cell phone or put it in vibrate mode, to avoid distractions.
f) Do not enter the room with animals or means of transport such as bicycles or skateboards.
8- Regulation for public spaces
These regulations are intended to regulate how the use of public spaces and buildings will be determined.
a) It is appreciated to collect and place the garbage in the containers intended for it.
b) Use the recycling process to make the most of resources.
c) If you have pets, be aware of collecting the excrement they produce.
a) Keep furniture and walls in good condition.
b) Request the corresponding permission if you plan to carry out any particular programming in these spaces.
c) Cooperate in the conservation of the water resource.
d) The games are intended exclusively for the recreation and leisure of children.
e) The entry of minors under 12 years of age is not allowed without the presence of a representative.
Green areas
a) It is appreciated to take care of the plants, trees and gardens of the park.
b) Do not move any type of plant, for this there is already the corresponding distribution.
c) Do not throw objects at the animals housed in the park, they deserve respect.
a) Maintain a pleasant relationship with other people who visit the park.
b) Do not exceed the permitted limits regarding the volume of sound equipment.
9- Regulation for relatives and patients of a hospital
It contains the guidelines that patients must comply with from their admission to the Hospital until they are discharged from the respective service. For example:
- Apply to the Social Work office for the special pass that is granted to visitors.
- If the patient is confined in the Pediatric area, only the child's parents and grandparents will be granted a special pass.
- In the case of the adult area, the exclusive pass will be issued to a direct relative of the patient.
- To enter the pediatric area during visiting hours, the family member must put on the hat and cover mouths, as well as register in the corresponding book.
- Family visitors to the pediatric area should come with clean clothing, short or tied hair, and wash their hands before coming into contact with the Baby.
- Information on the patient's clinical condition will be issued by the doctor on duty only during visiting hours.
10- Regulations of a cyber
They establish the regulations that must be followed when making use of these facilities, guaranteeing an effective consultation. Example:
- Entry to minors wearing school uniforms is prohibited.
- Access to pornographic pages within the enclosure is restricted.
- One person is allowed to use each machine.
- People who enter the premises with children in their arms are not allowed to access the Internet service, they may use any other service provided.
- Due to the limited space, people must wait outside until a machine is vacated.
11- Regulations of a casino
Both in betting houses and casinos are regulated by a series of regulations to guarantee fair play and general conditions. For example:
Regarding section 2 of the casino staff.
Article 27.
1. The Casino staff is prohibited from:
a) Remain in the gaming halls outside their hours of service
b) Participate directly or through a third party in the games of chance that are practiced in the Casinos and other existing gambling establishments in the national territory.
c) Receive percentage shares of the gross income of the Casino or of the profits of the games, without prejudice to the provisions of the following article.
d) Grant loans to players.
e) Wear suits with pockets.
f) Transporting chips, plates or money during their service inside the Casino in a way different from that provided for in the rules of operation of the games, or keeping them so that their origin or use could not be justified.
g) Consume alcoholic beverages during service hours.
12- Hygiene regulations in food premises
General hygiene requirements are established for establishments that work with food products.
1. Premises must be kept clean and in good repair.
2. The layout of the premises must allow adequate cleaning and disinfection.
3. They must be prepared to avoid contact with toxic materials, contaminating particles or undesirable mold on the surfaces.
4. They must have adequate thermal and environmental conditions for the handling and storage of the products.
5. It must have a sufficient number of sinks, duly located for the cleaning of contracted personnel. These sinks must have hot and cold running water.
6. You must always have cleaning products and materials available for when their use is necessary.
7. You must have adequate ventilation, whether mechanical or natural.
- Public Libraries (2016) Regulation. Recovered from: bibliotecaspublicas.es.
- Constitutional Law (2012) Classes of regulations. Recovered from: Derechoconstitucional.es.
- Examples.org (2015) Examples of regulations. Recovered from: examples.org.
- Groppe (2012) The regulations in a company. Recovered from: groppeimprenta.com.
- Examplede.com magazine. (2008) Example of Regulation. Recovered from: examplede.com.
- ARQHYS.com Magazine (2016) Examples of Regulations. Recovered from: 10examples.com.
- Pasques Alegres (2015) Regulations for public spaces. Recovered from: parquesalegres.org.
- Public Safety (2010) The regulation: concept and classes. The regulatory power, special reference to the regulatory power of local entities. Recovered from: Seguridadpublica.es.
- Xochitla.org (2017) Regulation. Recovered from: xochitla.org.