The best beautiful and cute phrases of life, from great historical figures such as Marcus Aurelius, Aristotle, Walt Disney, Dalai Lama, Buddha, Rousseau, Anne Frank, Abraham Lincoln and many more.
They are thoughts and reflections that you can use to dedicate, congratulate and share with your loved ones. You may also be interested in these phrases for photos or these of positive energy.
-The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart.-Helen Keller.
-One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is understanding and being understood.-Seneca.
-Only when the caterpillar believed that the world was ending did it transform into a butterfly.-Proverb.
-There will be nothing that can scare you if you refuse to be afraid.- Mahatma Gandhi.
-It is never too late to start again, never too late to be happy.-Jane Fonda.
-The worst times can be the best if you think with positive energy.-Domenico Dolce.
-Good things happen every day. We just have to realize them.-Anne Wilson Schaef.
-Everything you have always wanted is on the other side of fear.-George Addair.
-New day, new thoughts, new hopes and new opportunities.-Lailah Gifty Akita.
-I do not think of all the misfortunes, but of all the beauty that still remains.-Anne Frank.
-Commitment leads to action. Action brings you closer to your dreams.-Marcia Wieder.
10-Great works are not carried out by force, but by perseverance.-Samuel Johnson.
-When you choose hope, anything is possible.-Christopher Reeve.
-If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.-Dalai Lama.
-The most beautiful things are not associated with money; they are memories and moments. If you do not celebrate them, they can be overlooked.-Alek Wek.
-Much of what is most beautiful in the world arises from the fight.-Malcolm Gladwell.
-The most beautiful thing you can put on is confidence.-Blake Lively.
-The only way to multiply happiness is to share it.-Paul Scherrer.
-Let's be grateful to the people who make us happy; They are the charming gardeners who make our souls flourish.-Marcel Proust.
-Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to experience.-Soren Kierkegaard.
35-Dreamers are the saviors of the world.-James Allen.
-The greatest adventure you can ever have is to live the life of your dreams.-Oprah Winfrey.
-Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.-Voltaire.
-You can only change yourself, but sometimes that changes everything.-Gary W Goldstein.
-When you get up in the morning, think about the precious privilege of being alive, breathing, thinking, enjoying, loving.-Marco Aurelio.
-The secret of physical and mental health is not crying about the past, worrying about the future or anticipating problems, but living the present moment with wisdom.-Buddha.
-It is not true that people stop chasing dreams because they get old, they get old because they stop chasing their dreams-Gabriel García Márquez.
-A positive attitude can really make dreams come true-It did it for me.-David Bailey.
-The person who can bring the spirit of laughter to a room is blessed.-Bennet Cerf.
-Every thought is a seed. If you plant rotten seeds, do not count on picking delicious apples.-Bill Meyer.
-Think big but enjoy the little pleasures.-H. Jackson Brown.
-Today is the first day of the rest of your life.-Abbie Hoffman.
-Your life is not so determined by what it brings you, as by your attitude towards it; not so much because of what happens to you, as because of how you interpret what happens.-Khalil Gibran.
-Every minute that you are pissed you lose sixty seconds of happiness.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.
-We can complain because rose bushes have thorns or rejoice because thorns have roses.-Abraham Lincoln.
-We are asleep. Our life is a dream. But sometimes we wake up, just enough to know that we are dreaming-Ludwig Wittgestein.
-The secret of human freedom is to act well, without attachment to results.-Bhagavad Gita.
-Develop an attitude of gratitude and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that each step forward is a step towards achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.-Brian Tracey.
-We are what we do repeatedly. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit-Aristotle.
-Meditate on the beauty of life. Look at the stars and see yourself running with them.-Marco Aurelio.
-All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.-Walt Disney.
-Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet-Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
-The greater the difficulty, the more glory there is in overcoming it-Epicurus.
-If you do not like something, change it; If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.-Mary Engelbreit.
-In twenty years you will probably be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the moorings. Sail away from the port. Catch the favorable winds in your sails. Explore. It sounds. Discover.-Mark Twain.
-The maximum freedom is the right and power to decide how any person or anything external affects us.-Stephen Covey.
-If you keep saying that things are going to be bad, you have a good chance of becoming a prophet.-Isaac Bashevis Singer.
-There are three types of people in this world. First, there are the ones that make things happen. Then there are those who see how things happen. Finally, there are those who ask, what has happened? What do you want to be? -Steve Backley.
-Taking personal responsibility is something beautiful because it gives us complete control over our destiny.-Heather Schuck.
-If you go in search of love you will never find it, because love was never lost; only we get lost.-Shannon L. Alder.
-Life is short. Live passionately.-Marc A. Pitman.
-The first step is the most important. It is the most crucial and most effective, since it will initiate the direction you have chosen.-Steve Backley.
-There are two ways to live your life. One is thinking that nothing is a miracle. The other is thinking that everything is a miracle.-Albert Einstein.
-You are looking for the silence of the mountain, but you are looking for it outside. Silence is accessible to you right now, within your own being.-Ramana Maharshi.
-Happiness depends on what you can give, not what you can get.-Swami Chinmayananda.
-A person does not have to be behind bars to be a prisoner. People can be prisoners of their own concepts and ideas. They can be slaves of themselves.-Maharaji.
-We must learn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as fools.-Martin Luther King, Jr.
-Almost always the dedicated creative minority has made a better world.-Martin Luther King.
-The purpose of human life is to serve, show compassion and be willing to help others.-Albert Schweitzer.
-There is no greater favor than serving your brother. And no greater satisfaction than doing it well.-Walter Reuther.
-Believe in yourself and who you are. Be aware that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.-Christian D. Larson.
-The limitations only inhabit our mind. But if we use our imagination, our possibilities are limitless.-Jamie Paolinetti.
-Love is the goal, life is the journey.-Osho.
-Learn to smile in all situations. Look at them as an opportunity to test your strength and ability.-Joe Brown.
-Find a place inside where there is joy, and joy will burn pain.-Joseph Campbell.
-Dream as if you were to live forever; Live as if you were to die today.-James Dean.
-We plant seeds that flourish as a result in our lives, therefore, it is better to eliminate the seeds of hatred, greed, envy and any doubt, so that peace and abundance can manifest.-Dorothy Day.
-Sometimes your joy can be the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.-Thich Nhat Hanh.
-Miracles happen every day, they change your perception of what a miracle is and you will see what happens around you.-Jon Bon Jovi.
-You live longer once you realize that any time spent unhappily is wasted.-Ruth E. Renkl.
28-The dripping of water makes a hole in the water, not by force, but by persistence.-Ovid.
-Nothing else matters except sitting down and trying every day.-Steven Pressfield.
-It is not what we do from time to time that shapes our life. It's what we do consistently.-Anthony Robbins.
-Always remember that you are greater than your circumstances, you are more than anything that can happen to you.-Anthony Robbins.
-Never give up. You've only got one life. Go for her.-Richard E. Grant.
-The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it.-CC Scott.
-The world changes in direct proportion to the number of people willing to be honest with their lives.-Armistead Maupin.
-Happiness consists of living each day as if it were the first day of your honeymoon and the last day of your vacation.-Leo Tolstoy.
-Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.-Albert Einstein.
-If you think that feeling bad or worried will change a past or present event, you are living on another planet with another reality system.-William James.
-We must free ourselves from the hope that the sea will rest. We must learn to navigate with strong winds.-Aristotle Onassis.
-Hope is the beacon that points to prosperity.-Edward Counsel.
-We must not hold our ship with a single anchor or our life with a single hope.-Epithet.
-An optimist is the human personification of spring.-Susan J. Bissonette.
-Blessed is he who does not expect anything, because he should never be disappointed.-Alexander Pope.
-Don't waste your time, because life is made of that matter.-Benjamin Franklin.
-Don't worry about one thing, focus on making small things go well.-Bob Marley.
-Large minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; Great minds argue with people.-Eleanor Roosevelt.
-The occasion must be created, not wait for it to arrive.-Francis Bacon.
-Friendship doubles the joys and divides the anguish in half.-Francis Bacon.
-Being realistic is the most commonly traveled journey towards mediocrity.-Will Smith.
-Life must be understood backwards. But it must be lived forward-Kierkegaard.
-Reality can be overcome with enough imagination.-Unknown.
-The truth is not found on the outside. No teacher, no writing can give it to you. It is within you and if you want to get it, look for it in your own company.-Osho.
-Only those who are prepared to be nobody are capable of loving.-Osho.
-Don't let what you can not do, interfere with what you can do.-John Wooden.
-We only have to change one thing to have happiness in our lives: where we focus our attention.-Greg Anderson.
-Be grateful for what you have and you will end up having more. If you focus on what you do not have, you will never ever have enough.-Oprah Winfrey.
-Don't let circumstances control you. You can change your own circumstances.-Jackie Chan.
-In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there is an invincible summer in me.-Albert Camus.
-If you do not enjoy the trip, you probably will not enjoy the destination.-Unknown author.
21-Optimism is the most important human trait, because it allows our ideas to evolve, improve our situation and hope for a better tomorrow.-Seth Godin.
-Always keep in mind that your own will to succeed is much more important than anything else.-Abraham Lincoln.
-If you want to make a permanent change, stop focusing on the size of your problems and focus on your size.-T. Harv Eker.
-No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.-Eleanor Roosevelt.
-Your life does not improve by chance, it improves by change.-Jim Rohn.
-Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or to the present will surely lose the future.-John F. Kennedy.
-If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you want to stay with. If you do not fear death, there is nothing you will not be able to achieve.-Lao Tzu.
-I learned that courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not the one who does not feel fear, but the one who conquers that fear.-Nelson Mandela.
-Courage is the most important of the virtues, because without courage you cannot practice any other virtue consistently.-Maya Angelou.
-Never give up, because you are in the place and time when the tide will turn.-Harriet Beecher Stowe.
-I do not think of all the misfortunes, but of all the beauty that still remains.-Anne Frank.