- Types
- Passive solar energy
- Active solar energy
- Solar wind energy
- Thermal solar energy
- Thermoelectric energy
- Photovoltaic energy
- 5 advantages of solar energy
- Is inexhaustible
- It is not polluting
- Low cost
- Multiple uses
- Promotion of energy independence
- 5 disadvantages of solar energy
- High installation costs
- Environmental impact
- Uneven performance
- Large tracts of land required
- Little clarity on panel recycling
- References
The advantages and disadvantages of solar energy include its inexhaustible nature and high implementation costs, respectively. Solar energy is that produced by solar radiation and constitutes the main source of energy on our planet.
Directly or indirectly, from this energy are derived others such as wind, hydroelectric and wave motion. It is currently the most widely used energy source after hydraulics.
Solar energy is one of the most used today. Source: pixabay.com
This is due in the first place to the fact that it is a renewable and clean energy. Secondly, because it is a free energy, since the star king is present in all places on Earth.
The use of solar energy is so versatile that it is being used to solve both problems of daily domestic life in many localities (even remote), as well as in other industrial, urban and satellite environments.
Among these applications we can mention the use of solar panels as a source of public lighting in cities and even in space satellites, both to resupply them and to be transmitted and used on planet Earth.
Solar energy is used throughout the world, and in countries like Greece, China, Cyprus, Israel, India and the United States it is used in multiple ways. However, this type of energy still does not represent even 2% of all that is consumed on the planet.
There are different types of solar energy, which are distinguished from each other according to their transformation, storage and application processes. Among the most relevant types, the following stand out:
Passive solar energy
It is the energy that is obtained directly from the sun through structures that can accumulate it to be used later. It does not produce any damage to the environment, since it does not emit gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect.
One of the structures that produce passive solar energy is usually the south-facing windows, which provide natural light and heating in the home.
Active solar energy
It is solar energy converted into heat through a system of fans or pumps that store energy and circulate the water inside, to be used as heating or water heater.
Solar wind energy
It is the one obtained by means of structures in the form of chimneys painted black, where the air is stored while it is heated by the sun.
It is important to note that for their operation to be really effective, these structures must be placed at a great height.
Thermal solar energy
It is the energy from the sun's rays used to produce heat on a small scale, such as heating and heating water in homes.
Thermoelectric energy
This energy is used in heating liquids by the sun, in a thermodynamic cycle that produces electrical energy on a large scale.
Photovoltaic energy
It is produced by photovoltaic cells, capable of generating renewable energy and heat. It consists of a system that transforms photons or light energy into electricity.
5 advantages of solar energy
Solar energy offers innumerable advantages in the life of man on Earth. Its maximum use depends on the human being and his growing energy needs.
Here are the five most important advantages of solar energy:
Is inexhaustible
Figure 1. Solar irradiation in the world (Chen, 2011).
When talking about solar energy we can attest that it is an inexhaustible and renewable source since it comes from the sun, which eliminates the worry that it may run out.
This makes it always available, and even when its intensity varies in different parts of the planet, it can always be used from remote places.
It is not polluting
One of the most important advantages of solar energy is that it is much cleaner than others, since its use does not produce polluting gases. This, in addition to contributing to the environment because it protects ecosystems, helps in the fight against climate change and the greenhouse effect.
The use of solar systems produces energy with very low environmental impact; This is because it does not need fossil raw materials to carry out its combustion processes, preserving the atmosphere free of harmful substances.
Low cost
Solar energy represents a considerable reduction of money in many ways, comparatively speaking in relation to the costs of using fossil fuels.
As technologies advance in terms of storage, distribution and transformation of solar energy, the monetary savings are increasing.
The reduction of electricity bills is making this energy one of the most sustainable now and in the future, since the costs of its production are decreasing as well as the maintenance of solar panels, tubes and other structures.
There are also countries that encourage the implementation of this type of energy through subsidies, betting on all the advantages it offers in the various uses within each region.
Multiple uses
Solar energy can be used in many ways and in an unlimited way, through structures or systems that produce and transform that energy into others that facilitate daily life.
They can even promote large industrial projects, such as in the automotive and satellite sectors, to name a few.
An example of this are the solar thermal system, which allows the sun's heat to be used to heat fluids that are used to heat houses.
A second example is the photovoltaic system, which transforms the light emanating from the sun through panels into electricity, taking advantage of this energy in geographical areas that are difficult to access for the installation of power lines.
Promotion of energy independence
Solar energy is an inexhaustible and alterative source that is increasingly being considered as a way to achieve independence in many countries, especially due to the reduction of the costs of using this energy, which is cleaner and more unlimited than those from of fuels.
It is a type of energy that is committed to at the local, governmental and business level, since these sectors promote the generation of direct and indirect jobs both for the manufacture of solar cells and panels, maintenance and installation, as well as for the production of new technologies and systems of transformation and use of this energy.
Not only can it efficiently supply local consumption, but the surplus energy that is produced can be sold.
5 disadvantages of solar energy
Like all recently created technology, there are procedures that must continue to be refined to achieve more efficiency and effectiveness in the application and in the necessary resources.
Further experimentation is also necessary to be able to counteract the negative effects it can have on man and the environment.
Some of the most relevant disadvantages of solar energy are the following:
High installation costs
Initially, the installation of the systems requires a high investment of money, especially if batteries are added to the panels, which are normally recommended in home installations.
The lower the density of the solar power, the more space is required, which necessarily increases the initial investment costs. It is advisable to request government financial support for each project.
Environmental impact
Currently solar plants are installed in deserts or semi-desert climates, which are fragile ecosystems that are altered by the intervention of man and the material elements found there.
The same occurs with concentration systems, which use significant amounts of water and affect wells or aquifers in installed areas.
On the other hand, the use of chemicals that are dumped on the ground to eliminate plant growth on the grounds where the plants are installed alter the natural balance of the environment in general. Also harmful are the toxic waste materials left over from panel manufacturing.
Uneven performance
Solar energy depends on the sun and several factors so that this energy is constant. These include the climate, the incidence according to latitude and environmental conditions.
If the weather is cloudy, the intensity of the sun's rays will be less and its energy will be in the same proportion. Something similar will happen with respect to latitude: it will produce a variation of the solar rays on the surface.
Likewise, the thickness of the Earth's atmospheric layers -which is different at the equator in relation to what happens at the poles-, influences both the incidence and intensity of the solar rays, affecting the use and use available. of that energy throughout the year in the locations of the planet.
Large tracts of land required
Another of the main disadvantages of solar energy is the need to use large areas of land for the installation of the systems.
This can lead to the occupation of land suitable for other activities, which is why it has been chosen to locate the generating plants of this energy in desert areas, some of which are distant from inhabited areas but with a high density of sunlight.
Little clarity on panel recycling
Finally, it is important to highlight the study that companies are currently carrying out on the recycling or reuse of the materials used to make solar panels once their useful life is over.
It is estimated that within 20 years these systems will have to be disposed of and could have an impact on the environment.
- "Advantages and disadvantages of solar energy" in Aprende con Energía. Retrieved on February 27, 2019 from Aprende con Energía: aprendeconenergia.cl
- "Solar Energy 10 advantages and 6 disadvantages" in Tubo Solar. Retrieved on February 27, 2019 from Tubo Solar: tubosolar.net
- "Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy" in Renewable Energy Sources. Retrieved on February 27, 2019 from Renewable Energy Sources: com
- "Solar Energy Advantages and Disadvantages" in Eenovable. Retrieved on February 27, 2019 from Erenovable: erenovable.com
- "Advantages and Disadvantages of Photovoltaic Solar Energy" in Anbelo. Retrieved on February 27, 2019 from Anbelo: anbelosolar.com