- 1- They are good for pregnant women
- 2- They help lower cholesterol
- 3- They prevent and relieve constipation
- 4- Reduce triglyceride levels
- 5- They improve bone health
- 6- They prevent anemia
- 7- They are good for the heart
- 8- They prevent diseases of the skin, the digestive system and the nervous system
- 9- They increase male fertility
- 10- They relieve hangovers
- Nutritional information
- 6 Fun Facts About Dates
- Recipes
- 1- Date butter
- 2- Green smoothie sweetened with dates
- 3- Iranian cake with dates
The health properties of dates are numerous: they help pregnant women, lower cholesterol, relieve constipation, improve bone and cardiovascular health, increase male fertility, improve skin diseases and others that I will explain below.
Dates are a fruit full of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and fiber, which is why there has been a great interest in studying the benefits they have on the health of the body.
And it is that as the prophet Muhammad said: "He who begins the day with seven dates, neither magic nor poison can harm him that day."
1- They are good for pregnant women
The Qur'an, the holy book of Islam, says that the Virgin Mary consumed dates before giving birth to Jesus, and apparently more than two thousand years later the scientific reason has been discovered.
Research published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2011, set out to investigate the effect of consuming dates during labor. Over the course of 11 months at the Jordan University of Science and Technology, two groups of women were enrolled in a prospective study in which half were required to consume six dates per day for 4 weeks before the expected date of delivery, and the 45 other women did not consume any.
The results showed that on admission there was a significantly greater improvement in the dilation of the cervix in those who consumed dates compared to those who did not.
In addition to this, they concluded that the group of pregnant women who consumed dates had 83% less damage to their membranes in relation to the 60% of those who did not consume; her labor was more spontaneous, the duration was shorter, and fewer drugs were required during the process.
However, you should ask your doctor before deciding to consume a different quantity and frequency of dates than you are used to.
2- They help lower cholesterol
According to an article published by the Harvard School of Public Health, cholesterol levels in the blood are strongly associated with an increased risk of heart disease.
The Research and Development Center, MP Hevel Eliot, Israel, conducted a study in which they found that dates stimulate the elimination of cholesterol, so these are considered a good option to maintain healthy levels.
In this article you can learn about other foods to lower cholesterol.
3- They prevent and relieve constipation
According to a publication from the Harvard School of Public Health, fiber is a type of carbohydrate that helps keep hunger and blood sugar under control, but can also reduce the risk of developing diseases such as constipation, one of the most common problems in countries like the United States.
An adult generally needs 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day to prevent constipation, and dates contain 6.7 grams of fiber, which is equivalent to 27 percent of the recommended daily value.
In this article you can learn about other foods for constipation.
4- Reduce triglyceride levels
According to the Mayo Clinic, triglycerides are a type of fat (lipid) found in the blood, and when you eat your body immediately converts the calories it does not need into triglycerides, so they are stored in fat cells. If you regularly eat more calories than you burn, you can have high triglycerides, and this is not good for your health.
A study from the School of Medicine and the Rappaport Family Institute in Israel found that ten healthy subjects consumed 100 grams of dates per day for four weeks and after this period their blood triglyceride levels decreased by eight percent, despite the sugar they contain.
5- They improve bone health
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. The body needs other nutrients so that it can be absorbed, including phosphorus.
Dates are rich in calcium and phosphorus, and according to a publication from the University of Maryland this mineral is key to the health and maintenance of teeth and bones, but also to prevent osteoporosis, premenstrual syndrome, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, among other diseases.
6- They prevent anemia
Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough red blood cells, and it is often the result of a poor diet.
Dates help prevent and fight the condition as they contain vitamin B9 (folic acid folate), iron, and vitamin C.
Folic acid is necessary for red blood cells to form and grow. Our body does not store folate in large amounts. So it is necessary to eat a large amount of foods rich in folate to maintain normal levels of this vitamin in our body.
Dates are an excellent source of iron, and iron is a component of hemoglobin within red cells that determines the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, thereby increasing energy and strength, reducing the feeling of fatigue. causing anemia.
Finally, the vitamin C present in dates helps the body absorb iron and at the same time plays an important role as an antioxidant, thus protecting the body's tissues from oxidative damage.
7- They are good for the heart
Dates are helpful in maintaining a healthy heart, because they contain fiber, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B6.
A diet rich in fiber reduces cholesterol levels in the body; potassium counteracts the effect of sodium by lowering blood pressure; magnesium makes the muscles and blood vessels of the heart relax; and vitamin B6 removes the amino acid homocysteine from the blood, which is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
8- They prevent diseases of the skin, the digestive system and the nervous system
Dates contain niacin, a type of vitamin B and this helps the proper functioning of the digestive system, nerves and skin. In addition to this, it helps in the conversion of food into energy.
The last stage of severe niacin deficiency is pellagra, which according to a publication from the University of Oregon is a disease known as the 3 "D": dermatitis, diarrhea and dementia. Often this deficiency is related to people with malnutrition problems.
Therefore, the niacin present in dates helps prevent this disease.
9- They increase male fertility
The Department of Anatomical Sciences of the University of Medical Sciences of Iran, carried out a study on pollen from the date palm, in which they concluded that it seems to cure male infertility, since they improve the quality of sperm parameters. Although they indicated that more studies are necessary.
10- They relieve hangovers
Apparently dates have traditionally been used for the relief of alcohol poisoning and a hangover the next day. It is recommended to leave them soaking overnight and eat them the next day to reduce symptoms.
Nutritional information
One serving (100 grams) of Medjool dates contains (9, 10):
6.7 grams of fiber (26.8 percent DV)
696 milligrams of potassium (19.9 percent DV)
54 milligrams of magnesium (13.5 percent DV)
0.25 milligrams of vitamin B6 (12.5 percent DV)
1.61 milligrams niacin (8 percent DV)
64 milligrams calcium (6.4 percent DV)
62 milligrams phosphorus (6.2 percent DV)
0.06 milligrams riboflavin (3.5 percent DV)
2.7 mg vitamin K (3.4 percent DV)
0.05 milligrams thiamine (3.3 percent DV)
149 IU vitamin A (3 percent DV)
0.44 milligrams zinc (2.9 percent DV) cent DV)
6 Fun Facts About Dates
- Dates are believed to have existed for 4,000 years BC, and that they originated in what is now Iraq.
- The date palms, which produce these little beauties, were brought to the western coast of America by Spanish missionaries in the late 1700s.
- The date palm begins to bear fruit in three to five years, and is fully mature at 12 years.
- Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran and Iraq are currently the largest producers and exporters of dates in the world.
- Dates are mentioned several times in the Bible and the Koran.
- According to a tradition in the Middle East, if you eat a date on the last day of the year and keep its seed for twelve months in your wallet, it will give you a lot of money.
1- Date butter
Creamy date butter can be made in any quantity. It is one of those recipes that constantly changes because the ingredients are not exact and you can adapt them according to your taste.
Also, if you wish, you can add other dried fruits such as raisins and / or prunes, and the list of ingredients that you can modify to suit your taste buds is innumerable.
- 2 cups of dates
- 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
- Water
- ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
- ¼ of ground nutmeg
- ¼ clove ground
- ¼ ground ginger
Place the dates in a saucepan and add water to cover two-thirds of the fruit. Add the lemon juice. Bring to a boil but do not completely cover the lid to allow steam to escape.
Reduce heat to low. Depending on the ingredients, cooking time, and humidity, it can take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes to reach the proper consistency.
Wait for the mixture to cool slightly, and then place it in a food processor until smooth. It may have some lumps, but that's okay.
Store in the refrigerator for up to a couple of weeks and if it is in the freezer indefinitely.
This butter is wonderful on toast or even added to baked goods, cakes, etc.
2- Green smoothie sweetened with dates
- Dates
- Bananas
- Almond milk (or the one of your preference)
- Spinach (or whatever you prefer)
Cut and prepare the ingredients to later pour them into a blender. Once blended you can add ice and blend again to make it a smoothie or you can place the ice in a glass before serving.
3- Iranian cake with dates
180 grams of chopped dates
200 grams of soft dark brown sugar
55 grams of butter or margarine
250 ml of boiling water
220 grams of self-rising flour
1 teaspoon of baking soda
2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees centigrade. In a large bowl, combine the dates, brown sugar, margarine, and boiling water. Let the mixture sit for 15 minutes. Then add the flour, baking soda, and vanilla.
Pour the mixture into a baking dish and let it bake for 45 minutes. Once it's ready, let it cool.