- Main diseases caused by viruses
- 1 - Ebola
- 2 - Gastroenteritis
- 3 - Dengue
- 4 - Yellow fever
- 5 - Flu
- 6 - Chickenpox
- 7 - HIV / AIDS
- 8 - Viral hepatitis
- 9 - Human Papilloma (HPV)
- 10 - Infectious mononucleosis
- References
The most common diseases caused by viruses include Ebola, influenza, yellow fever, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV / AIDS), human papillomavirus (HPV), viral gastroenteritis, chickenpox, disease by the new coronavirus and viral hepatitis, among others.
Diseases caused by viruses are known as viral diseases or infections. These are caused by infectious agents that live and spread within living cell units.
Flu virus
These infectious agents are known as viruses. A virus can be defined as a microscopic pathogen, much smaller than most bacteria. They are made up of a coating of protein and genetic material inside.
Viruses are the most numerous biological structures on the planet, being very dangerous for humans because they can cause infections and diseases of all kinds.
The illnesses they cause range from colds to serious illnesses such as HIV / AIDS.
A disease does not always appear when a virus is acquired, because the immune system may be able to fight it. However, some viruses can attack certain cells, multiply within them, and spread.
Cells of the immune system attacking viruses.
For most viral diseases, treatments only improve symptoms while the immune system attacks the virus.
Antibiotics do not work for viral type infections. There are antiviral drugs to deal with some, and vaccines can make infection more difficult.
Viruses can remain in the cell without damaging it, making it a carrier. The patient appears healthy, but infection can arise after a latency period.
In the body, a form of immunity can occur that lasts for a while, because the virus enters, the body faces it and remembers it by producing specific antibodies against it, avoiding acquiring it again.
Main diseases caused by viruses
1 - Ebola
It is a disease caused by the virus with the same name (Ebola). It is considered one of the most contagious viral and infectious diseases in the world. Its spread occurs both in animal species and in humans.
Its most important symptom is the hemorrhagic fever that it generates. This condition leads to muscle aches, physical exhaustion, severe headache, abdominal pain, high fevers, and the appearance of skin rashes.
Its transmission occurs by having direct contact with any type of fluid derived from an individual carrying the virus. These fluids include discharge, sweat, vomit, or urine.
Unlike other diseases, its spread cannot be prevented by vaccination and the preventive alternatives currently available are purely experimental.
2 - Gastroenteritis
Gastroenteritis is known as the "stomach flu." It consists of severe inflammation of the digestive system, including the stomach and intestines. It may be alternatively named rotavirus or Norwalk virus.
Its contagion occurs when an individual or group of individuals consume the same food or drink contaminated by the microorganisms that cause the virus.
The first symptoms of the presence of this disease appear almost immediately and are nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Gastroenteritis caused by the transmission of a virus is common in people of all ages. Also, it can be divided into several types including rotavirus, norovirus, enteric adenovirus, and astrovirus.
This disease can be treated by preventing dehydration, by increasing the consumption of drinks rich in salts and minerals.
3 - Dengue
Dengue disease gets its name from the virus that causes it (dengue). It is one of the most common viral diseases that exist in the world, infecting more than 100 million people annually.
Like yellow fever, it is transmitted through the bite of the Aedes Aegypti fly. It feeds on the blood of an infected person and later passes the virus to a healthy person through its bite.
The Aedes Aegypti fly reproduces in places where there are stagnant waters, depositing its eggs on the walls or banks of these water holes. The virus can also be transmitted by drinking water contaminated with fly eggs.
Among the most common symptoms of dengue are enlarged lymph nodes, severe muscle pain, fever, joint pain, and the occasional appearance of skin rashes.
Like other viral diseases, dengue can be prevented by applying a single-dose vaccine to patients between 0 and 12 months of age.
4 - Yellow fever
This disease gets its name from the virus that causes it (the yellow fever virus). It is more common to find patients infected with this virus in continents such as Africa, South America and Central America (including the Caribbean islands).
Its contagion occurs through the bite of a mosquito known as Aedes Aegypti, Aedes Sabethes or Aedes Haemagogus, which feeds on the blood of the person infected with the virus and then transmits it to other healthy people through its bite.
Symptoms such as nose and mouth bleeding, yellow skin pigmentation, dark-colored vomiting, heart arrhythmia, dehydration, and high fever may appear in people with this type of virus.
It is a disease that can be prevented through vaccination. Said vaccination must take place between the ages of 9 and 60 and must be applied again every 10 years.
5 - Flu
The flu is one of the most common viral illnesses in humans. This occurs when the RNA virus lodges and reproduces in the cells of the body.
It usually affects the airways, and is often mistaken for a cold during its early development phase.
The most common symptoms that are evident in the presence of this disease are headache, fever, general malaise, body weakness, dry cough, vomiting, diarrhea and sore throat.
It is important to note that the RNA virus is transmitted by air, through small particles of fluid that are shed when coughing, talking or sneezing.
This disease can be prevented by applying flu vaccines. These vaccines usually protect patients from different types of flu, including swine (H1N1).
A one-time vaccination is recommended for adults over 65 years of age during the fall season.
6 - Chickenpox
Chickenpox is an infectious disease that occurs when cells in the body acquire a virus known as varicella zoster.
It is a disease commonly acquired by individuals under 15 years of age. However, it can also be transmitted to children over 15 years of age and to adults. This is because it is a virus that is easily transmitted from one person to another.
Patients who carry the chickenpox virus are easily detected due to their skin rashes.
These rashes generate a sensation of itchiness, and gradually transform into reddish blisters filled with fluid. Each blister eventually becomes a scab that falls off can leave definite marks on the skin.
The most common places where rashes appear are the back, face, and chest. However, the virus tends to spread throughout the body, and blisters can be found on the rest of the body.
Some symptoms of chickenpox include headache, physical exhaustion, loss of appetite, and fever.
This type of illness is almost never serious and tends to last less than 10 days. It is common to treat it with ointments, lotions and skin creams. Some doctors recommend taking oatmeal baths and using products that reduce hives.
The most serious cases of chickenpox can occur in pregnant women, infants, adolescents, adults, and individuals with immune systems weakened by other diseases. In these cases it is recommended to take antiviral medication.
Once the chickenpox virus is acquired, it remains in the body, even after it has healed. Some of its sequelae include the possible appearance of another condition known as shingles.
7 - HIV / AIDS
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV, attacks the immune system, making people susceptible to life-threatening infections.
AIDS, or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, is the period of HIV infection, where there are low levels of defenses and the appearance of rare infections called opportunists, which arise when the immune defenses of the person infected with HIV are scarce.
Normally, a healthy organism could fight against them, but an infected organism is unable to defend itself.
This virus is transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse, by sharing syringes or any object that can hurt and that has been in contact with infected blood.
It can also be passed from a mother to her baby, either during breastfeeding or at the time of delivery.
It is prevented by having sex with protection, always using sterile material for piercings or tattoos and avoiding sharing syringes, if injection drugs are used.
Today, thanks to antiretroviral treatment, an infected mother can have a pregnancy and delivery without the risk of the baby being infected.
8 - Viral hepatitis
Viral hepatitis is inflammation of the liver caused by any of the five hepatitis viruses (A, B, C, D, and E) that can be transmitted in different ways.
Those of hepatitis A and E are transmitted by contaminated water and food, that of hepatitis B by blood and other unsafe body fluids and that of hepatitis C, only by infected blood.
Hepatitis D virus infections only occur in people with hepatitis B. All of these viruses cause acute hepatitis, which causes fatigue, fever, jaundice, and decreased appetite. With proper treatment, a large percentage of people make a full recovery.
Also, hepatitis B and C virus infections can become chronic, leading to liver cancer or cirrhosis.
Hepatitis prevention measures are not enough, A and E can be avoided by consuming safe food and water. The A, B and E with vaccines. C is blood-borne so care must be taken to ensure that the material for injections and transfusions is sterile and safe.
9 - Human Papilloma (HPV)
The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a group of more than 200 types of viruses related to each other. These viruses cause warts in different parts of the body and about 40 of them affect the genital area.
They are spread through sexual contact with an infected person. Some of these viruses can lead to cancer.
There are two types of sexually transmitted HPV. Low-risk HPV that causes genital warts and high-risk HPV can cause several types of cancer, such as cervical, anal, vaginal, or penile cancers.
These infections are very common and anyone who is sexually active can get it, especially if you have many sexual partners.
Many people outgrow HPV infections in two to three years without developing cancer, other infections can persist for many years, and others can cause cell changes that, if left untreated, can turn cancerous.
Thanks to cytology, women can detect early changes in the cervix that could turn cancerous. The use of condoms and vaccines can prevent the risk of contracting and transmitting HPV.
10 - Infectious mononucleosis
It is a viral disease known as kissing disease. It is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), however it can also be caused by the cytomegalovirus that is transmitted orally and causes swollen lymph nodes with fever, general weakness, pharyngitis and headaches.
It mainly attacks adolescents and young people. It is almost always a benign process in which the response of the body's defenses is basic.
It is spread by coming into contact with kitchen utensils, coughing, sneezing, or kissing from an infected person, or by a blood transfusion.
There is no concrete and effective treatment against this disease, therefore only medicines are used to alleviate the discomfort it causes.
- Infosida. (July 7, 2017). Obtained from What is HIV ?: infosida.es
- Liboreiro, D. (June 1, 2015). SOS Nurse. Obtained from Viral Diseases (Definition, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment): sosenfermero.com
- Mandal, A. (June 18, 2013). News Medical Life Science. Obtained from Human Diseases Caused by Viruses: news-medical.net
- Medline Plus. (May 31, 2017). Retrieved from Viral Infections: medlineplus.gov
- Meganotas. (2017). Obtained from 23 of the most common diseases in humans caused by viruses: meganotas.com.